B.A.L.S. - The Resurgence of the "Man-Baby"

in advice •  7 years ago 

I guess I shouldn't really say "resurgence" as it is not an issue that has necessarily gone away and then come back as much as just stuck around.

Grown ass men still living at home who are able-bodied and capable yet still asking for money and not taking any responsibility for their lives.

(I understand there are women who fit this role too, but for the sake of the topic at hand today, I am specifically targeting the male population.)

So for so many of these men, when are children, wives and the future ever going to become more important than the next music festival, Europe trip or expensive electronic release?

For that matter, why must those things be exclusive, when you can work hard enough to have it all?

In the question today, a woman asks whether she should step in and say something to her soon-to-be-husband about how he supports his mid-20-something manchild.

See what Lady Steem has to say today and as always, stay steemy my friends!

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There are so many man babies in Arizona it is unreal.

This is so true, hahaha.

I hear ya. I seem to be a rarity these days: white single middle aged male who lives alone, pays his own bills, and doesn't ask anyone for anything!

Seriously! Why can't there be more you's in the world!?! :)

Thanks. I appreciate that. That's the way things should be :-)

Been loving your videos! Giving me lots of inspiration as I navigate the new world of Dtube and Steemit. xoxo

Thanks! It is an interesting world on here to navigate that's for sure!

I'm excited to get started with my Dtube channel, planning to put up sketch stuff and use it as a playground to try out new work. What made you wanna do BALS? or an advice kind of show?

That sounds like a great idea! There isn't much funny stuff coming from women on here.

People tell me I am good at advice, and I wanted something I could keep up with daily.

My husband actually came up with the name BALS, and a show was born!

(Not necessarily a great show, but a show :D )

haha Love it! And the show will grow- it has already! I think the most important thing is just to start, I've been putting it off personally because youtube and instagram are so over saturated and I do a lot of live performances but this feels like a fun, fresh start to build work online. And YES! More funny female voices PREACH! xo

Helpful advice , thanks for your advice @bethwheatcraft

Good Advice... You have a good video presence and its impressive work! I will follow and I look forward to more of your work! :)

Thanks for stopping by and watching! :)

I blame all of this on Xbox and Tinder. Apparently it's a huge problem in Japan, where the government is trying to bribe people to get married... but why hang out with girls when you can play games and go to bubble houses?

Dude. I have read that about Japan. Men can so easily access sex too that there isn't the allure to be in a committed relationship anymore, and women kind of feel the same. Things are getting pretty cray-cray! :)

I think another issue is people are scared of the monetary and legal issues with being married and then it not working out after a year or so.

That very well could be. Though I would argue that that would likely be more of a fear of a woman to commit than a man...at least in 2018!

Yeah it interesting because we are seeing it from both sides. I have hear of more and more women just feeling like all the guys are all scrubs so they just decide to go to a sperm bank by themselves to start their own family without a guy involved.

I blame it on Atari and Playboy. lol.
that is crazy the Japanese government is trying to bribe people. In Iceland hardly anyone gets married anymore.

Heres my thing. If a man just wants to live on his own, play video games, and travel and doesn't take from anyone that's fine. If he lives this way and has a girlfriend, parents, or friends he moochs off that's a totally different thing.

Agreed. There wouldn't be a problem here at all if the son wasn't asking his dad for financial help! :)