B.A.L.S. - Should You Tell A Woman She's Fat?

in advice •  7 years ago 

Hey Dtube, today we are going to talk about a sensitive issue: weight

So, when is it ok to tell a woman she's fat.

A.) When she's in a good mood

B.) When you're taking her out to a nice dinner

C.) After sex

D.) After complimenting something else about her

(If you chose any of these answers, you failed.)
Is a large percentage of America obese?


Is it a health concern?


Even if it's your family, is it your business to make rude comments about someone's weight?

No, not really.

Newsflash: They probably know they're fat. Like, I have never met anyone in denial about their weight. They already have to live with their issue, they don't need you to rub it in their face.

I explain above that I also disagree with fat-acceptance and the encouragement that it's ok to remain obese as it really could be a serious health threat to someone, but on the other hand, that person can't lose that weight overnight and is likely trying to do something about it, or at the very least extremely aware of their predicament.

Let me know what you guys think, and if you have any questions for Lady Steem leave them below or contact me in the discord!

Thanks for watching!

xx - Lady Steem

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Only when it is my girlfriend and she gets fat, then I would tell her without mercy because I don't want a fat girlfriend.

If she is then pissed off and leaves me then so be it, good riddance.

If it is not my girlfriend then I simply don't care : )

Fair enough. Honesty is a good policy.

@bethwheatcraft Should you tell a woman she's fat? NO. There is no reason to be rude. You shouldn't insult anyone honestly BUT all bets are off if they insult you 1st. LOL!

Pussyfoot around... another expression added to the list xD

Well, if people I care about are gaining weight i tell them because i've been on the other end and even though it hurts a little it makes one know that they are gaining weight, sometimes we don't even realize it ourselves...

I also ask them if everything is ok... cortisol the stress hormone tends to make some people increase weight, also lack of sleep does it too, etc...etc... so, if they are gaining weight maybe they are going through a stressful time in their life and i can give some support... I always gain weight when college exams come around, i hate it, i get stressed as fuck and gain 10kg in 1 month sometimes! To you americans that is 22lbs in 1 month... and this is when i try to control myself from stress eating, you don't want to see me stress eating without self control, i start getting my own gravitational pull!

That sounds logical, but unfortunately, women aren't terribly logical and likely won't respond to criticism about their weight in a positive way. Men may not know when they have put on a few pounds, but I can assure you that most women do. I take meds for my MS that cause me to retain water weight and I stress every day about how I look. I am doing everything within my power to maintain a normal weight, but sometimes it doesn't even matter.

The last thing I need is someone telling me I look like I have gained weight.

Haha I think that's why women react the way they do, because it's something they already know and as I said before, are likely working to fix.

Just thought I would throw out a different perspective!

This is yet another reason why I would only say it to a girlfriend, you never know why people gain more weight.

I would take a different view - wouldn't it be irresponsible not to tell your spouse that they should watch their weight?

Being overweight is unhealthy and we all need to take care of our bodies, sometimes a push from our loved ones can jump start that.

I guess my point is that most people know they are overweight and it can be a sensitive subject to talk about. There are also some people who have issues that go beyond diet and exercise, and have little control over their current weight, likely already living in frustration.

Just can't ever think of saying this. Once I said to my wife that you are looking healthy in this dress and from next day onwards we both were in diet...haha.. so never ever

I know we don't really blog about the same kinda stuff.. but you are so my vid-inspiration, you are lovely and hilarious, keep up the good work!

That's so sweet, and a much needed sentiment today. Thanks for the support! :)