What does enlightenment mean to you? Share your thoughts in the comments

in advice •  7 years ago 

In the near future, it is my intention, as I have stated here, to write a series of articles about the essence of enlightenment and its practical implications in our lives. Right now, I am in the middle of structuring the themes and I realize it can go in several directions. In order to set the one that is most appropriate, I ask for your inputs –

credit: pexels

What does enlightenment mean to you?

  • Please note that I am not looking for Wikipedia's quotes or philosophical arguments. I am mostly interested to know what you think or feel enlightenment is. If needed, do take the time to reflect on the issue. In the coming week, I will collect all your valuable comments to fine tune the articles.
  • Since there is no right or wrong answer, and for the sake of impartiality, I will refrain from commenting on any of your contributions but do know that I will read each of them and may use your wisdom throughout the coming year for the posts themselves.
  • Thank you for being pioneers of consciousness; Indeed not followers, but masters in your own right.

What does enlightenment mean to you?

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Loved this idea:)
Enlightenment for me is this moment when something clicks- when you finally manage to step over an absticl that you've been battling against for a while. It could be related to a moment of understanding something mental and emotional, and it could be something that relates to a change you've been trying to make and finally manage to take the first steps.

To me enlightenment is a moment, but also an ongoing state of being "enlightened" - past that moment. Enlightenment to me is the moment knowledge turns into a realization. When information in our brain receives extensive context that changes not only our view of a specific situation, but the way we perceive ourselves and our existence from a broader perspective.

I think the word "enlightenment" describes the sensation of realization and full acceptance of something quite well. It's like a light turns on in one's mind, showing things that were previously hidden in the dark.

I'm simply saying that there is a way to be sane. I'm saying that you can get rid of all this insanity created by the past in you. Just by being a simple witness of your thought processes.

It is simply sitting silently, witnessing the thoughts, passing before you. Just witnessing, not interfering not even judging, because the moment you judge you have lost the pure witness. The moment you say “this is good, this is bad,” you have already jumped onto the thought process.

It takes a little time to create a gap between the witness and the mind. Once the gap is there, you are in for a great surprise, that you are not the mind, that you are the witness, a watcher.

And this process of watching is the very alchemy of real religion. Because as you become more and more deeply rooted in witnessing, thoughts start disappearing. You are, but the mind is utterly empty.

That’s the moment of enlightenment. That is the moment that you become for the first time an unconditioned, sane, really free human being.

Enlightment means flourishing of your soul when it sees no good or bad, when it rises above all hate and interbeliefs...it's means belongingness of ones among the humans

From my own point of view,The state of attaining spiritual knowledge is been enlightened..

I think that enlightenment with the emergence of awareness of the plan of life in the world today, new thinking, new point of view all of which include self-improvement ..

Enlightenment to me means the inner epiphany that in this Universe of duality the Light and Dark are inevitably glued together like two sides of a coin, yet even while experiencing the temporary dream of illusory Separation we have always been safe and sound, for we never left Oneness to begin with. Within the perpetual dream of Oneness we were longing for the temporary dream of illusory Separation, knowing that it won't have any consequences once we wake up.

is very important because the enlightenment of the form of responses from the stimulus generated cast in communication in accordance with the results of learning.

Enlightenment is about knowledge and awareness @nomad-magus

Semoga benar terwujud apa yang belum didapati dan dicari di wikepedia

Because there is no right or wrong answer This sentence @nomad-magus motivates me to dare to express an opinion.

Brightness is something that can change the way other people view so that the changes in attitude and behavior. Enlightenment is a relevant science of wisdom for all ages. writing about enlightenment as well as perpetuating a thought that is still relevant reads for decades later.

People can change because of two things, first, because of the impact of life, such as; natural disasters, get temptations and life problems to make him re-aware of who he is, where he came from, and for what life (life purpose). While the latter, one can change by being inspired and / or enlightened, meaning without any pressure, he consciously changes his life both in terms of thinking, principles, attitudes and behavior. Enlightenment can be found from the people around him, relatives, teachers, friends, relatives and the environment, and also the results of contemplation. So the enlightenment is the supreme science of a wisdom, therefore the enlightenment always goes along with change.

My personal experience as a facilitator of community empowerment; The process of awareness that we convey through enlightenment, is the main key to mobilize the community to want to grow. Building any physical facilities without any awareness, the facility will be destroyed. Enlightenment is a process that should not be missed, this is an absolute must be taken by someone who claims to want to bring change.

The content written @nomad-magus always gives birth to enlightening thoughts. Frankly, I myself sometimes take special time to repeat read every post @noman-magus to explore the meaning that passes from every stanza of sentences that are in it.

I am commenting here also highly expect furtherq enlightenment from our teacher @nomad-magus.

Thank you for the wisdom of @noman-magus for us. The science that we get from @noman-magus hopefully can be our reference material in enlightening the community.

And this is one of my last post trying to learn enlightening. https://steemit.com/steemitschool/@munawar87/life-is-a-matter-of-sincere-acceptance-5c0d1d98c2b4f Please guidance our teachers @noman-mogus for our future literacy development to be more enlightening. Thanks for all the time @nomad-magus

To me it's a rational thought. It's capability to differentiate between what actually is true and what others believe to be true. It is light in darkness according to me. It a vision . It's a gift. It's a power of reasoning n rationality. It is something which makes me humane from human. It's a beginning of beautiful life. It's positivity

Nothing is true. Yes that’s from Assassins creed, but let me explain. All my life I’ve looked for a philosophy that is the ultimate truth. The thing I realised is that there is no single answer to anything, nothing is consistent because everything is always changing. There is no singular essence. I know I sound crazy saying all this but seriously, think about it ! Once I realised this fact I started seeing this in history too. There is a duality present all throughout nature. Yin and yang. Etc etc etc

@nomad-magus ....to me it is all about knowledge....! Taking it to the broad section,.....------Enlightenment is being advanced and having gained necessary information or knowledge, .it also.includes awareness ...! Yes sometimes it is used for awareness also..
...i hope you are reading this comment...and i would love to get some philosphical points and some good thoughts regarding Enlightenment from you@nomad-magus .. so what according to you Enlightenment is???

As per me enlightenment is to provide someone with the information and understanding, or to explain the true facts about something or someone. By information i mean the knowledge related to any of the topics that is in discussion and by understanding i refer to making someone understand a particular thing maybe simpler way which otherwise could be difficult to understand. The understanding or information could be related to any of the topic like studies religion books medicines etc. Moreover later i believe enlightenment could be making one know the true facts about anything which are either mingled or incomplete. A person with incomplete knowledge could requires a complete true knowledge related to the subject this is what i meant by last definition of enlightenment.
Further i would say enlightening someone is a power which every one does not posses. If someone is enlightened in a proper way he end up doing miracles.

enlightenment to me means when you get little of something and you use it well and gain more from it, despite the fact how much you get....

@nomad-magus .
And the term enlightenment is also associated with spritual knowledge....what are your overall views regarding it?? I am keen to know it.. kindly comment if you want to..

For me the enlightenment is something that was once considered taboo, then interpreted and gave birth to new thinking. Thinking like this usually has a different view from most people. Although the collective minds of society have been rooted for centuries, and even believed, but can be awakened by people who have brilliant minds. Especially when it concerns human consciousness; every age will have its own social problems, therefore it is necessary people who are able to spawn thoughts for the people of his day, even the enlightenment values ​​can be inherited to posterity. I'm sure the brilliant mind @ noman-magus will be recorded in gold ink because it has given birth to much enlightenment. I will tell you my inspirational figure @noman-magus to my community here. In order for people to read it. Thanks many times to @nomad-magus for a science that is very useful for the development of human thought.

I first heard about your genius from an intelligent friend @munawar87. He advised me to always read the content @nomad-magus to add insight.

The funny thing with "enlightenment" is that at the state of enlightenment, you realize that everyone is enlightened.
With that said enlightenment is the knowing of one's true Self of believing Everyone knows their true Self even if they seem to have forgotten and claim they do not know. So, again enlightenment is not something we become, but that which we are. Then in real terms, you wish for others what you wish for yourself. In other words, you see no difference in your soul and others' soul. If you can achieve that, it would be as good as enlightenment. And finally “Enlightenment” means to me faith:

You start seeing God in self and start seeing self in everything else, animated or in-animated.

Enlightenment to me is being aware in consciousness of the true nature of reality and our place within it. It is the deepest self-knowing. It is not loving anyone, not hating anyone, but being indifferent to everyone without prejudices. A state of mind with no negative thoughts for anybody. A state of no envy and ego. Cutting life's drama to the minimum.

In my opinion enlightenment is the moment when you put your ego aside and open to listening and contain the other without thinking about personal interest

Unfortunately, many people refer to enlightenment as been a sucker

good post, i need your help @nomad-magus

Enlightenment means to statuette a perception out of vision or spectre that go along with the realms of the nature in bringing about the illumination into the probationer..

I think enlightenment means moving more day by day towards God, as He is our sustainer, He is our Creator, we should do things that please him, its the key to enlighten our souls, beside this, one can enlighten him self by doing things that will help other humans e.g Charity is one of the thing, feeding poor, helping them out for their better living, also I will talk about Nature one can Enlight him self by caring about Nature. This is all I have got, hope you enjoyed it.

For me the enlightenment is very important, life is only once shared is the best way out ever, sharing does not have to with money is not it !!! Sharing knowledge and experience is much more valuable? in this life that we need is a way out to survive, hopefully there will always be people who give enlightenment so life can be much more stable.

Hey @nomad-magus I would like to know if an individual can reach enlightenment without the ability to sit in the full lotus position? Can people not seeking enlightment become enlightened??? IF yes, then how is it possible?

To me enlightenment is redbull and vodka. LoL.

To be serious, I believe "When you change the way you look at things the things you look at change". Yes Indeed but every though that we generate are the result of information accumulated over the years so even if you look at things with broad perceptive you are just looking at things based the different set of information and beliefs that are processed and presented to you by your mind. That isn't enlightenment.

Enlightenment means you have burn all your your accumulated things like body, food, thoughts, feelings, emotions, addictions, desires, belief, judgement, ego,you don't live in these things and you just become blissful life without memory. You are not attached to them anymore, just use them as default setting without any desire of having it extra. (For example, you need food to survive as a default but if you eat it less or more it creates a problem for you) you are not able to attain that state because all this fucking things are strong enough on you as pure life from the past millions of years and your soul has not attain mosksha a perfect blissful. When enlightened thoughts are in your control and they pop up when you want them to.

Enlightenment is man’s ability to make use of his understanding without direction from another.
means one is competent to do things based on one's own independent thinking and has a high level of knowledge and awareness

Enlightenment to me is a vision, a vision to see things in a way which others fail to see. It rationality to see positivity in neagative things. Its what differentiates an educates person from literate one. Enlightenment means having intellectual and philosophical capacity. Its a gift to differentiate between just and unjust; equity and equality, right and wrong.

Enlightenment is a destructive process. It has nothing to do with becoming better or being happier. … It’s seeing through the facade of pretense. It’s the complete eradication of everything we imagine to be true.

To me enlightenment is something spiritual.
When everything false and negative disappears and all that remains is true.
Are humans capable of achieving enlightenment, I don't know but I don't think so.
That can only be achieved when you are a true believer. I've seen people who seemed perfect lose their shit when life throws something difficult at them.

As per my opinion it is ANYTHING which can be understood!!! When someone tries to learn something new I'd say that he was in the state of enlightenment and also the same term can have different meanings depending upon the situation!!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)


it is the word that is pure for itself n to everyone .To me enlightenment is something that your inner soul wants or the path nature wants you to select for the best of everyone without being obsessed by greed.

As is said often

Enlightenment is man's release from his self-incurred tutelage. Tutelage is man's inability to make use of his understanding without direction from another.

This is the way every being should opt to live with , this way every individual can bring their inner true-self to life .The way PROPHETS showed us the true way of living .

Heyy David @nomad-magus where have you been today. I have checked your profile several times today and seeing no blog from you today. I hope for your well being. I hope you are fit and fine and rolling. Is it me only who is so curious to indulge in an interaction with you thats why i am pretending you haven't posted for a while or is it really that you haven't posted as frequent as you do.
Moreover since i am a rookie i didn't know any other way of getting in touch that why i preferred a comment. Anyways is there actually a way to personally get in touch when needed on steemit. I wish there is.

Different people can thinking it in different idea....
The enlightenmen is a philosophical movement of the 18th century that characterized by belief in the power of human reason and by innovations in political, religious, and educational doctrine.

There is nothing else but expecting the future everyone wants the best, I wish the journey well in every step that is lived day by day, so the higher the level of education can give positive things for ourselves or for others who will answer all just yourself we want to be taken where our life is, what would this want us to determine whether bad, evil, ugly, we who determine the destiny of god dies and destiny that we are very fox, the first I want to achieve which where happy both my parents and people around me including my brothers who always encourage me from now to always give me the sport to always be more useful for the people and the nation.

Enlightenment is epiphany when u realise that everything is reduced to mathametical function and dark shades are overlaped by light ones.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Eh, is there a prize for this? :D

I feel like you should hold a contest.

In my contests everybody wins 🙄

Hahahaha love the smiley. 😂

i cant agree more....

Enlightenment to me is something that one does to clear his/her mind on things that the world has impragnated into its system. It’s like resetting areas of our life. It comes with a process, one will never be enlightened unless he/she sees the need for it, meaning he/she must be able to acknowledge that it is needed. If and when a person does, then several ways can done,depending on a persons character, example: extroverts often seek and heed the counsel of friends while introverts prefer to have alone time with a book or going somewhere neglecting the presence of human beings (but of course, this does not apply to all). Once this is done and one has been able to reflect on it then small changes come to pass and that’s the fullness of enlightenment, to me.

this is good advice for everyone. i think this advice not only for steemian, this one for life. everyone needs to follow it. thank you.

very good advice for us. @nomad-magus i need your support & suggession. i know you are the champ. how can i build up my career at this medium, if possible you give me some suggession & advice.

  • Content.
    Something you are passionate about.
    Make several dozens of articles then upload them, one every day, and keep doing so.
  • Get help from someone who knows the tech sides of the platform.
  • put some money in so you have steem power
  • enjoy the interaction with your followers

First of all thank you very much for the reply. Of course I will follow your words. Apart from just one word, it is not possible to keep the money, because I am a student, if I have a little money, then I have to pay for the education. That may be because I will be backward but I will try following your remaining words. Keep praying.

Oh hey, I only saw this now.

For me enlightenment means you are free from wordly bothers. I mean, you will also understand why people do such and such and really will be able to understand them and why they do things they do.

Also that you can accept yourself fully.

Well those are the first things that came to mind...

... Being out of mass consciousness and beyond the duality.

Better late than never. Now your comment is be part of the history ;-)
