Something To Think About If You're Being Lazy

in advice •  4 years ago  (edited)

As times are uncertain these days, you may wish you had more crypto or cash, and the future is a big question mark, remember this if you need to press the reset button:


I don't want to take easy street, so I focus on the first part:

"If you do what is easy, your life will be hard."

In fact, I prominently keep this sentence in my financial tracker near all of my total balances.

When I think about the freedom I want to maintain and enhance, these words never fails to make an impact.

If I go to sleep, I'll pay the price later.

If I waste time doing this or that, I'll pay the price later.

If I don't exercise and eat well, I will not stay young and fit.

We only live once and we only have so many seconds to work with.

Nothing is a guarantee.

Make every second count.

Do the hard work now.

Achieve your goals.

And then you can relax all you want, after you've earned it.


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I needed this man, thank you! <3

Wise advice! Honestly, I could use a few adjustments :) Thanks for the motivation!!

Happy Drum-Mother's Day.

Thank you!!!

Great words of wisdom @steemmatt,
You're an inspiration man.