A film director I am not.... but even my total lack of experience with video and complete ignorance to the best attention grabbing video hacks available, I would know to...
never upload a crappy video!!!
WTF did I just watch?
My idea of a crappy video has nothing to do with the content because if one person is interested in the content, guaranteed someone else is too; but a crappy video is one that when the viewer is sitting there watching, and half the video is blurry. I mean, really?
That's what happened this morning as I searched YouTube for a question I had about my computer. The first video I chose to view, the screen went out of focus within the first few seconds of a short approximately two minute video. Did I stay and watch it, no...(but I did go back to it only for the purpose of research for the purpose of this post).... and yes, it stayed blurry for the entire video.