Being polite takes us a long way.

in advice •  8 years ago 

We've all faced a moment of frustration if not many in our lives. But sometimes we don't think twice before acting and this attitude does usually not bring us good experiences.

but the bad will always go around and so will the good sooner or later.

lets put it this way , if i where to ask you 10 bad experiences you have had over the last few years with a sales person or any type of customer service person.

and then list 10 great experiences, which list would you fill the fastest.

or of i ask list 5 bad things people have said to you and 5 bad things people have done to you.

Usually the bad things fill up very fast and the good things we tend to forget.

it goes around and around and doesn't stop.

Working on customer support i've seen this break a lot of customer support workers. they come with a very bright and positive attitude and they meet a customer who has had it rough for a while and as much as they try and help the customer is so over the top at that point that he does no longer care if they are trying to help and just insults and mistreats the person i have seen reps cry, others just leave and don't return others snap back at the customer.

we immediately adopt a negative vibe and we get so deep into it that we drag it along with us and we spread it around like a flu.

Its like the effect of a person on the street, walks by and sees a homeless person laying on the floor begging for money, many pass him by and think this man is completely capable of working and ignore and keep walking, and others who have gone through rough times think i remember being that hungry once and give him a coin and this starts a reaction of other passer byes and suddenly for a small moment there are more people helping out someone in need. either because they saw someone do something positive or because they don't want to be or feel less of a person for not doing it either way no one sees it as something negative at that moment, and once you have put that coin in the mans cup you feel relieved and feel a positive attitude for helping out regardless of your original reason for putting that coin in the cup to begin with. ( not sure if i'm all to clear).

There are always many sides to a story and it can be a very happy one from beginning to end, or it could turn into a horror novel before it ends but on each story that we create we decide what we want to write next.

We never know whats behind every persons story as we are to busy writing ours. but there is always something there in the middle that may cause a bit of a stumble for each one, but if we take the time to help rewrite a little bit it can change and improve some one else's story.

Basically if you're angry or frustrated take your time, calm down and spread something positive around, break the chain and make it all better not just for everyone else but for your self as well as all that goes around comes around.

Been working on tech support for years and up to this day i try and be as positive and polite as i can on my calls no matter how hard it may be, to this day i still enjoy my job and every day is a good day to work.

Just wanted to share a few positive thought to you all, have a nice day and remember to try and give out as much positive vibes as you want to receive back. cheers.

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