AERGO – The blockchain fuel for enterprises

in aergo •  6 years ago 


Blockchain technology is gaining momentum with each passing day, and in a world where the need for a perfect business is desired, the viable blockchain technology must be harnessed efficiently to enjoy the full benefits of this technology.

This need drives enterprises to focus more on their development by trying to integrate the blockchain technology into their business models. This is why AERGO is here to help them by providing immeasurable blockchain products and services that will help grow their businesses.

What Is AERGO?

AERGO is a new blockchain protocol that will power both public and private developments and deployments. It is based on Coinstack from BlockoInc who already has a working product and their experience in providing large scale blockchain products and services to top enterprise customers is recognized.

AERGO is uniquely built for developers, businesses, and IT suppliers so as to allow them to build, manage, and deploy their own personal blockchainsoftwares independently within the cloud.

Aergo will give enterprises flexibility and choice by allowing them to choose how to run their blockchain applications based on their specific needs. Businesses will decide whether they want to run their applications on a private network or public network.

Basically, AERGO’s aim is to develop enterprise blockchain by creating a new era of mass market by leveraging on blockchain technology in an easy, user-friendly manner.
Aergo will provide a secure and scalable blockchain cloud for businesses and an open ecosystem where third-parties will be able to interact with one another along with other businesses.

AERGO Structural Components

The AERGO ecosystem will be made up of 3 main structural components: AERGO Chain, AERGO Hub, AERGO Marketplace. With each of these components bringing a major differentiating functions to the ecosystem and together, they will combine to produce a comprehensive and all-round adaptable ecosystem.

AERGO Chain:

This is a public blockchain protocol created to resolve a number of existing issue faced by the current blockchain market which directly blocks enterprise usage of permissionless network. It includes a SQL-based smart contact with the motive of improving usability. This allows enterprises and developers to have access to computing power and comfortable development features like the Smart Oracle, serverless DB, and a content delivery system.


The Aergo Hub will be the public interface into the underlying Aergo chain

The technique used here is similar to those used in existing public cloud web services. Secure dApps will be connected on the Aergo chain through the hub.

AERGO Marketplace:

The AERGO marketplace is a place that allow a p2p transaction of computing assets. It will be a one-stop store for applications, computing resources, and various other products and services effective for the AERGO Chain.

The AERGO Token Value

The AERGO token will be used to transact within the ecosystem and will be used for any of the following services:
● For Running The Smart Contracts.
● For Supporting The DPoS Consensus Algorithm.
● Used As A Mode Of Payment For AERGO Hub Services.
● Used As A Payment Method For The Products And Services On AERGO Marketplace.
● Used As A Payment Method For The AERGO Domain.

In general, holding the AERGO tokens will ensure the holder has rights to various services that will be available on the AERGO ecosystem.


The AERGO team comprises of more than 40 experts with a majority of them having a high level of blockchain experience and other relevant sectors of which most of them hold positions at Blocko. In summary, the team is well sophisticated both technical and business wise. A great team will play a vital role in the success of this valuable project.

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When I see posts about AERGO, I can't stop myself from reading, even after knowing so much about it. I hope people will see AERGO as an open source platform that aims to build and support a comprehensive ecosystem of stakeholders like I do too.

Good post.👍

One blockchain ecosystem for businesses sounds great. I will have to do my research on this

Aergo seems to be making some waves around here. I see they will allow dApps and businesses flexibility to choose their network protocol. Looks really good. Thanks for sharing this.

AERGO is indeed the blockchain fuel

Aergo looks like it's going to be a turn around in the blockchain world... The word fuel you used in the title is a lot to process because i know what adding fuel to a fire would do and if aergo is the blockchain fuel, we need more of it and also from your article I understand that aergo is an open-source, blockchain ecosystem for mostly business ventures. Well, businesses could use a better approach to providing services

Good writing here.