Char around the middle two bays and the fresh orange appearance of replacement boarding wood are remnant signs of yesterdays fire
The Neighbor who lives at the top of the first circle came down to thank @kelsnm and I today. He was very appreciate of our action to root out the smell of the smoke and call it in so fast. And I agree with and Kels, If we hadn't been there, and reacted the way we did, that whole house could be gone.
We were the only chance of saving that house, I believe, because the wind was blowing from the Northwest - which took the smoke from the burning garage right over my property, which I believe would have left us as the only ones capable of smelling the smoke. I would like to attribute partial credit to all my years of burning refuse out back in my pit, that @kels and I could both distinguish that that smell of smoke was not a typical smelling fire.
The Neighbor who's house was burnt has not stopped over yet. I do not expect any thanks, only because If the situation was reversed I would expect every one else to do the same and call it in ASAP. For having lived in this neighborhood my entire life, besides for the 6 years period I lived at college, I treat every one here with respect, and as a "distant" family so I feel honored to protect and serve this little community.
Information I was told was that all the oxygen inside the house was used in the garage fire and was simply smoldering by the time the fire assistance got there. One reason why I had Kels and I move ourselves away from the garage doors, in-case anything some how blew up. Guy lost all of his nice cars: a Dodge Viper, and some other vintage vehicles I cannot remember what was inside.. but apparently they were all toast. Bummer. But hey, atleast he still has a lot of his house...
Beautiful Cumulus Clouds blot the sky today, without them the Sun is excruciatingly bright and burns the retina without shade. All the reflection from the remaining snow.
Monday is more and more looking like another miss of a snowstorm for this area.