Is Your Spouse Having An Affair? : 6 Signs That He Or She Is Cheating

in affairs •  7 years ago 


This is probably one of the most difficult topics to ever talk about. Infidelity is one of the biggest marriage destroyers. A lot of times, even the strongest of marriages can’t even survive an affair.

Before we start, we need to take some important facts into consideration. The first fact is that even if your spouse's behavior shows all of these signs, he or she might still not be cheating on you. However, it is important to keep in mind that the signs I am going to discuss might be indicators that something is wrong in your marriage. Ironically, there might be none of these signs displayed by your spouse and he or she might still be having an affair.

Research has shown that a vast number of affairs go undetected. I know, if you’re in a happy marriage, this may be a hard fact to swallow… but facts are facts. Unfortunately, some people can be such amazing liars that their partners never find out about their affairs.

Keep in mind that infidelity can also happen in a strong and healthy marriage. Also just take into consideration that because the one of the two parties who committed the act, does not make that person a bad person. Even if something as traumatic as having an affair happened in your marriage, it is still possible to save the marriage.

Something very important to remember when you really want to save your marriage is that you must stay confident and positive and believe that you can salvage and restore what was broken one hundred percent. So without further ado, here is the list of the top 6 signs your spouse may be having an affair or cheating on you.

1.) Your spouse gets aggravated easily.

Your spouse constantly fighting and arguing with you might be an indication that something is brewing inside of them. Also a sign of a wandering mind might be when your spouse constantly try to find fault with everything you do or say. Now, very important in this case, will be not to react with the same attitude and snap back at your spouse, rather keep your cool and talk to your spouse when things have calmed down asking them why they are acting that way.

2.) When your spouse suddenly becomes emotionally distant.

If your spouse is acting a little quieter, more withdrawn, or even depressed and sad, it could be a sign that there’s something going on that he or she isn’t telling you. These might be signs or indications that has nothing to do with your spouse being unfaithful but be alert if they act in such a strange manner something might be wrong.

You should handle an emotional spouse very carefully as asking to much questions might just make them suspicious. Rather approach them in a supportive manner and let them know you want to support them by telling them you understand if they don't want to talk about it now. This will be a good point to start and observe the situation further.

3.) Your spouse is working longer hours.

A clear sign of your spouse being unfaithful to you might be when he or she is starting to work longer hours than usual. Coming home later than usual and having to take sudden work trips away from home all of a sudden without any clear explanation or that was never the case before can be a very clear indicator of infidelity.

4.) Your spouse wants more “space”.

Something that is also a clear sign that something is wrong, is when your spouse ask you for more space and you know it is out of character for them. In this case give space to him or her and continue monitoring how they’re acting. You will then be able to discuss this matter with them at some stage and get to the bottom of their strange behavior.

5.) If your spouse is suddenly paying close attention to their appearance

This could be a sign that he or she is trying to impress someone else. For example, if they’re buying new clothes, going to the gym, making sure their hair is spot on before he or she goes out, it could be a sign that they’re seeing someone they want to impress. This is especially suspicious if the desire to look good comes along suddenly. So be on the lookout!

6.) Your spouse is suddenly a stickler for privacy.

This should be a pretty obvious one, but it’s worth noting. If your spouse is suddenly scared about you prying into their life, then this is a huge red flag. It’s important that both partners maintain some level of privacy in a marriage, however, if you feel like your partner is taking it too far, then you can be sure that they’re hiding something.

Here’s my favourite test… the next time you and your partner are together, pick up their phone and say you need to Google something. If they start freaking out, then you know something is up. Same goes for their computer… any sort of suspicious behaviour involving their electronic devices might be a big clue.

In conclusion, the above signs are not always conclusive or set in stone but are really good indicators to watch out for if you think your spouse is cheating on you.

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