This proposal is for funding the new Sucre Affiliate Program (will launch anyway Monday April 9, 2018)
The total amount requested by this proposal is 4000 Sucres and this will be combine with 4000 Sucres from pre-mined. for a total of 8000 SUCR.
NOTE: This is for paying affiliates in the program sending traffic to the multiple Sucre platforms and partners. The PHP script running the affiliate platform and the 3 months of server rental are already paid for by the pre-mined coins (total 400 USD).
This affiliate script is the state of the art of affiliate program combining marketing tools like Videos, Banners, Page Peels, Lightboxes, Price widgets, Text Ads etc...
The address receiving the 4000 coins will be SRDDfxTzmn82vfS2mZvyvTetaJArpT6iUq, so you can monitor the activity at anytime.
You can vote manually from Tools > Debug console, just Copy Paste one of the line below.
Vote YES
gobject vote-many 2155671dd318e7f63367caef316e3472a7db01151681c440fdef01d93b4dcc19 funding yes
Vote NO
gobject vote-many 2155671dd318e7f63367caef316e3472a7db01151681c440fdef01d93b4dcc19 funding no
gobject vote-many 2155671dd318e7f63367caef316e3472a7db01151681c440fdef01d93b4dcc19 funding abstain
Thank you all for you votes!
I'm DEV UNO (founder of Sucre) and I will be in charge of running the Sucre Affiliate Program.