Affiliate Marketing: BEST Ways To Start For Beginners In 2019 [5 STEPS]

in affiliate •  6 years ago 

hey guys my name is Stacia Kennedy welcome to this live stream if you're new to my channel or this you know face book face that you're watching this video I'm an online marketing coach of in doing affiliate marketing for now over 10 years I've been doing lead generation and an online marketing for 10 years for the real estate industry so I've worked with some of the top realtors in the country and very lucky that I've had that experience and now I'm a fully at marketing coach what is that what isn't what is affiliate marketing I actually teach people how to make money online referring other people's products so you don't actually have to create your own products this is the the most amazing thing about affiliate marketing is that you don't have to create your own products but you can actually go ahead and promote other people's products and you don't have to worry about anything you don't have to worry about the you know the actual customer service and all that stuff in this video I want to keep it short but it's I usually actually this presentation it's usually probably about 30 minutes so I'm going to try to I'm actually gonna go super fast and if there's anything that you have questions about comment below and if you're watching me live of course hashtag live if you're watching the replay hashtag replay I want to make sure that I know who's watching these videos and connect with you after because you're definitely going to want to learn everything that I have to share with you about affiliate marketing and how you can make money online even passive on passive income and actually create a stable online business with what I'm about to share with you so if you're excited about this topic as I am please make sure to hit that share button right below this video share it out with your friends because there's nothing like being able to share the success and wealth with other people because you can have all the money in the world but if you don't have anybody to enjoy it with you know what is what is that about right I was able to go on a boat with some friends I was actually about to share it about that story real quick here before I got caught up so hopefully this video come through I know I actually have the recording anyway but I was so exciting to be able to think about like wow I could just take off in the middle day I can bring my laptop I can you know collaborate and that this is why I like to surround myself with people who are at that same level to be able to pick up in the middle day and be like hey let's go on the boat and there was nobody out there and it was so calming and inspiring and this is where you get your inspiration from or the store I get inspiration from I need to be by the water I'm a Hawaii girl and for those of you who don't know who I am yet you're like what the heck who's this girl with the flower my name is tisha and I am very excited to share with you this message on how you can create a stable online business through affiliate marketing and my goal or my mission here is to share with you my my system and and help you make your first thousand dollars on the internet online yes so who wants to make their first 1,000 dollars online hashtag 1k or just 1k in the comments I'd like to know who would like that what would you do with a thousand dollars extra a month even if you were just able to just attract a thousand dollars and me and maybe even a thousand dollars residually online let me share my screen real quick here make sure if you can see my screen so I'd love to see that you comment below - I'd love to make sure that you can see and hear me and make sure everything is all ready to go they had some little technical issues earlier so looks like we're good we're golden alright alright all right hashtag one cave you wanna learn how to make $1,000 in your business with affiliate marketing I'm not saying that you have to quit your job right now at all but I'd like to be able to help you add additional revenue to your business with affiliate marketing some people it's the statistic is not a lot of people do make any money at affiliate marketing but I'm I'm very excited to share with you the shortcuts that I've achieved so let's get going so like I said my name is tisha Kennedy I'm a marketing consultant I've been doing lead generation and sales online for some of the top real estate agents in the country on other entrepreneurs as well and I specialize in promoting digital product software and marketing trainings been doing this now for over 10 years I'm a single mom I have a 18 year old and a two and a half year old I am actually people freak out they're like what you have an 18 year old yes I do and I love it I love being able to teach people how to leverage the internet and create systems in their business and I basically just fell into this business if you didn't see my video one you can go back and learn a little bit more about how that all came about in my first video but let's get going so you actually are already doing it affiliate marketing is something that you probably are already doing it but you just don't know that you're doing it how many times have you referred some a product or service to someone and you got a commission you're actually probably don't you probably refer people to products and businesses and you don't get anything out of it right so why don't why don't you do it and actually get a commission big companies such as Home Depot Wayfarer Sephora makeup you know all the makeup brands that are you see on YouTube Chase Bank Nike Amazon Best Buy Apple Walmart like every company huge companies out there are doing this and they want to pay you and you may not think you're an influencer but you are a micro influencer and you can position yourself as an influencer and actually generate commissions through promoting products that you already love you know pretty much almost anything you buy and/or refer to your friends and family right now how many times have you guys purchased something on Amazon we just had Amazon Prime the other day I'm sure that you guys have bought something that you've been wanting for a while on Amazon Prime and you've probably told someone about it and you could have actually made a commission if you did affiliate marketing and gave them your link and sometimes you probably have given them a link but not just not your affiliate link so how does it work let me see if I can move my camera I don't know if that makes a difference here so how does it work so like I was saying you actually get a link right so you are referring a product or a service to someone and you actually get paid when someone clicks on your link so an affiliate link is something that the company so these big companies like Walmart you know Best Buy and all those companies will give you an actual link that's credited to you and when someone clicks on that link and buys it within 24 hours within 30 days within 60 days within 90 days or more depending on the program the program that I'm about to share with you in in the next few slides here there is a program I'll share with you how to find certain affiliate marketing programs but the program that I liked to be affiliated with is the program that actually has a lifetime cookie so any time someone clicks on that link if they decide to buy later within 30 days 60 days whenever you're still credited with the sale certain programs like Amazon which is a low ticket a lot of them are low ticket affiliate programs where the Commission is the low end product so usually most affiliate programs are like four to ten percent of the products cost and like the example here I put here and was on Associates Program if I mean a MacBook if you decide to promote you can pretty much much promote anything Emmas on cells but for this example let's say we you try to promote MacBook Pro which is over two thousand dollars you're actually the percentages of even lower for that product specifically it's two and a half percent and you're only gonna make fifty dollars one time on a one-time sale so the programs that I will show you that I love to promote will be a lifetime cookie as long as that person and it clicks on your link and you know stays an active user they you get credited for the sale some programs like I said only have a twenty four to thirty days or 60 days and then you know it's me you know that's it right so that's that this is the magic is that you can share someone a link that's credited to you and you get a commission so what are the best niches there is something called an evergreen niche and we all have these three things right we all want health wealth and relationships if we don't have health we don't have to you know if we don't feel good if we're not healthy then you know what do we have we don't have nothing so everyone that you know health is always and I mean by evergreen and evergreen niche meaning you know a product that surrounds health and wellness there's always going to be something around health and wellness everyone wants to feel good look good be good you know and relationships if in order to have good relationships who what need to be healthy you need to have a great mindset you need to be attractive right you need to want to look good and feel good in order to attract relationships and in order that track the kind of wealth that you'd like so we're always going to be as a human nature wanting to find products and services that are around in in that correlate to the health wealth and relationship niche I have been in the real-estate niche for a long time so that would be under relate you know under wealth creating walls for your business make money online niche that's under wealth there's always going to be it's going to be evergreen it's totally going to be something that always there's always going to be a market for that and if you're able to find something that within those three type of niches then you'll be gold and these are the best niches to go after and maybe even find a certain angle for yourself to be really profitable in that niche I mean there's probably you know there's a lot of people who are in the real estate niche as well as myself but I've also am finding my way in my journey around more specifically not just Realtors but investors people who fix and flip houses and entrepreneurs in the real estate space that want to create passive income in their business so that's my niche and you want to pick a program that also has monthly recurring revenue that's that this is key if you can find a program that gives you it's this is why I I like to act I tend to to market products that are not just physical products but products that have a subscription so that's what I mean by reoccurring so reoccurring subscription model which usually has to do with software's marketing training program membership sites things that actually don't cost the the person who's create the creator of it the the product it doesn't cost them money to actually create physically right so that's why I like digital product software is because it's something that they don't have much overhead for instance so they are allowed to give you a higher percentage and in the next slide I want to talk about high ticket commissions and low ticket and the difference but basically that's why I love I want to put this in your ear products and software's that have a monthly reoccurring revenue they can give you a higher Commission's as well as you're getting paid over and over as long as they are subscribed to the product and your job is just strictly as an affiliate marketer to grab the traffic of who the product would be perfect for and and basically just you know drive the traffic to the offer match up your matchmaker guys your heart you are someone who matches up people with the offers this is why I'm so good at it or I feel that I'm good at it because I love being able to be the connector and connect people with a solution you know as an entrepreneur you should always be connecting people with a solution and last but not least how to find an affiliate program I'm gonna share with you my favorite Philly program like I said but to find an affiliate program literally all you need to do is go to the bottom of the website of any product or program that you've purchased in the past and scroll down to the bottom of their website and you'll find a affiliate program you'll find a link this is sign up for your affiliate or referral program or you can just google the name of the product and affiliate program Google the name of the product and the affiliate program and you'll find their sign up page to sign up and all you need to do is enter your information it'll ask you maybe like how do you intend to to promote the product do you have a website and and things like that and most programs you don't have to have a website I highly recommend you get a website when you start promoting a program but if you are already a member of the program which is very important as well to you always need to be the product of the product it's very hard and I don't say I don't think it's necessarily key but I just say think it's it's dit more difficult to promote a product that you don't own like I don't know why people even think that they can promote a product and try to sell something they have no clue they've never used it they have notes Ariane's with it and they're trying to sell it how do you sell it we've never used it so I just think as an ethical person as well that you'd probably want to learn you know you actually probably want to actually own the product right be the product of the product so you know if you are looking into affiliate marketing you know like what what niche should I be get going in so you should go into a niche that you understand that you know you know very well like on the back of your hand and if you're not if you're so confused you're not sure what affiliate program - maybe you're very interested say if you're interested in real estate maybe you know a little bit about a real estate and you want to you know get into funnels and things like that maybe you interview people you can always come to an angle if you don't feel like you're very confident in specific niche or you're breaking into a new niche you can leverage other people's credibility and position yourself as the interviewer and that's what I am that's what I've done in the past as well - I I love interviewing people because you can be inquisitive and ask questions and learn more about the other person and then you're leveraging there their credibility and their expertise so you don't always have to be the expert right so let's talk about clickfunnels and high ticket commissions so clickfunnels is my favorite affiliate program because you can create marketing software to help you create landing pages opt-in pages sales pages sales funnels email opt-ins this is key for any business this is the thing that is so important why I love it because no matter what niche you're in that you decide to go into you need to have a landing page I mean you can even create landing pages opt-in pages membership sites with click funnels and you can do this with other programs as well I've done this many times with other programs but literally I'd have to take different pieces of programs and put them together and for someone who's new and not very techy this could be very overwhelming and you know just it could be very overwhelming and you'll more likely want to quit very quickly and because of having to put everything together and that's why I love clickfunnels because it's so easy to do and you can and there is definitely a learning curve I don't want to say it's like exactly super easy because it's it's really not there is a learning curve you do need to be patient with yourself and learn through it before I had clickfunnels I did have a competitor and um you know I just I didn't feel like I wanted to like learn another program but as the years have come by clicked when I came back into my life and I realized wow this is so much easier I don't have to create I don't have to buy a different sales page a different shopping cart I didn't have to create a different membership site plug-in I didn't have to like integrate all of these different software's into my WordPress website I can have now only have just one right just click funnels is the all-in-one solution and the reason why if I've picked click funnels as my favorite affiliate program because it has a high ticket Commission I get 40% if you decide to do what I do and follow up my footsteps you get a 40% Commission reoccur monthly reoccurring Commission it's great for as an evergreen niche basically any business that you want to target it's great for you know pretty much any business who wants to grow online needs to have click funnels right they have a great support staff they have great trainings to help people understand what is a sales I know how do you make money with the sales when you're going through sales funnels all the time you just don't know it you're going through a sales process as you walk into a grocery store as you walk into a mall you're you're focused on what you're going to get in that mall and you're going through their funnel you maybe saw an advertisement online you saw a video maybe you saw a Instagram post of someone who with an outfit that you really want and you go walk into the store you're already in their funnel now that you've seen their advertisement you're walking into the store you're walking into you know you're asking someone in the store what specifically what you're looking for they're directing you to the product this is what a sales funnel does for you - but is this all online they direct you to the product the they get your name and email address in exchange for something of value that you're looking for then they point you to one offer I said if you want to if you buy this product you might be interested in the next product and so on and so on and you go into to a funnel just like as you do that in real life you are actually doing that online and if you are able to leverage a software like this in your business you can automate your your your business and generate more leads and sales not only for your business but you can also create a long term value of a customer offering them other products and services right and if you do affiliate marketing you can offer them different products and services that are not yours and make a commission picking picking a product like click funnels to me is a no-brainer because it's an all-in-one solution that everyone needs so let me talk about high ticket versus low ticket a little bit more to give you a bigger picture when I saw this example I was like whoa hello because one like I said you want to pick a product this is why it click funnels is my favorite affiliate program you only need to have nine high ticket sales of their two hundred $97 a month product so there's two different click funnels packages there's a $97 a month product which gives you you know basically your basic sales page if you're a small business that's really all you need but if you want the all-in-one solution you want email marketing you want it's all unlimited pages unlimited traffic you're gonna want to you know upgrade to the 297 a month if you're able to stay nine people on the clickfunnels software for 297 a month at 40% Commission you are you're achieving about 118 dollars and 80 cents per month per customer and that that will equal to a thousand sixty nine dollars and 20 cents and monthly reoccurring commission that's how you can make your first thousand dollars is you don't even need ten people it's nine sales for $1,000 Commission with a revenue of two thousand six hundred seventy three dollars for that company compared to selling a high ticket you know selling something like say on Amazon which is a low ticket Commission affiliate program you'd have to sell if you were selling a blender for example a $50 blender at four and a half percent commission you have to sell 445 blenders each to make a thousand dollars only one-time this is a one-time selling you know people don't buy blenders every single day on a monthly basis so you're only making two dollars and 25 cents per blender and the revenue for Amazon is over 22,000 they just simply can't write you simply can't give you more commission than the product is is and it's only a one-time sale and it's a product that you know you they have to build the product have to make the product so you can't really give you that much commission on a actual physical product and that's why I love being able to sell higher ticket products that don't have high overhead and the company can give you a higher Commission because they're they don't have to spend much on advertising right they have their own advertising cost but when they get a sale from your referral you don't have to actually you know they don't have to actually spend much on advertising they're paying you and that is freaking amazing right I mean can I get a hashtag value bomb at this moment high ticket versus low ticket wine not sell high ticket rather than low tickets just like real estate you know I have friends that are say you know in the industry where you are selling say luxury homes versus you know the the my friends over in Mississippi everything every all the houses are like 30,000 50,000 under a hundred thousand dollars right I mean probably get like a mansion for hundred thousand dollars in Mississippi but basically what's the difference between selling a $300,000 home an average home versus a luxury home where you're gonna make more Commission on a multi-million dollar home you may not sell as many right like you don't have to sell as many right like you don't have to sell as many to make the kind of money that you want so for clickfunnels you only have to sell nine people nine businesses that this could be best for which clickfunnels is really a no-brainer for coaches entrepreneurs business owners digital products even ecommerce literally like any business you know Realtors anybody who wants to grow their company online you're going to want to have clickfunnels you need to capture your leads if you're creating content online I always tell people you need to see the people you tell your story you know you're giving people a call-to-action where are you sending them and if you're not sending them to a place where you can capture the lead the fortune is in the follow up if you're not sending them to a place where you're capturing your leads and sales you're losing a ton of ton of money in revenue just in your your business now if you want to do affiliate marketing this is so key as well to to have a software like this that is generating leads and sales while you sleep and we talk about that all the time or I talk about it all the times and if you want to generate if you really want true income passive income then you want to have systems in place for your business that are generating you know money while you sleeping while you're not not having to do anything while I'm on the boat well I am um you know out traveling and speaking and and on the airplane in airplane mode I love airplane mode by the way who loves airplane mode I literally love airplane mode because I can think and I can sit there and and brainstorm and mastermind you know and just like framed up with like no distractions it's amazing so how did I make my first Commission the first time I made a commission through the clickfunnels program I actually promoted a book he the founder of clickfunnels wrote a book he actually wrote two amazing books one called dot-com secrets and one called expert secrets and I literally just went live just like this and I shared with people if you want to grow your business and what I learned in this book I just shared this oh it's blossom this is key you guys need to grab the book and if you want dot-com secrets or expert secrets comment below and I'll send you a link basically I share it with people the value that I received from this book and if you are like me and you want to grow your company online then you should get this book so someone bought the book and it's a basically I'm able to give this away my mentor Russell gate let me have access to give it to you for free all you need to do is actually do need to pay for the shipping but come on pony up for some Commission for for some basically for the shipping and then from there they do the selling right like as an affiliate marketer all I need to do is promote how awesome this product and service is and I'm not gonna give you bullshit like I'm gonna promote products that I love that actually helped me with have an epiphany right or have some kind of result and so this person bought bought the book they bought other things in the upsell in a funnel for those of you don't know what a funnel is you're going through a sales process that's what basically did it it well that's what it is it's a piece ailes process you are always going in through through a sales process no matter or what you're buying you're always going through a process so that's what a sales funnel it so this person went through the sales funnel all I did like I said was drive the traffic do the promotion click funnels the product itself does the selling for me they went through the funnel they ended up buying other products and you know different trainings and books and things like that and I ended up making my first mission of two hundred dollars it's a little over two hundred dollars and I was like but this is awesome and I'm enjoying affiliate marketing for a while but I'm sharing this program with you especially because of how powerful it is and how easy it is to make your first thousand dollars so this is an example this is the funnel so someone bought the book and at the time or that I did this I didn't even get bidding even give you a dollar bonus for just selling the free book but now you get a dollar for selling the book and in the first order bump is a the black box so they give you both of the books plus some other goodies and you make $14.80 if someone goes through all of their entire sequence of the funnel and bites everything you have a potentially two potential to make over nine hundred twenty seven dollars it's about a thousand dollars that they like I said they do the selling you don't have to create all this stuff you didn't have to write the book you didn't have to create the programs all you're doing is sharing with people what how this could change their life if they want to if this is something that they want because sorry the little munchkin decides to come up here and make the point annoying and so you do just do you do the selling you make a 927 this is just one of their products right they have several different products that you can offer to people not just a stock for it right this is just telling people like what they actually just sharing with people like I like I share with you storytelling secrets oh my gosh like business business you know advice this is nothing to do with the actual soft or mean it has everything to do with software but they're creating products and services around their actual product this is another product that they sell called funnel scripts which is key for anybody who's you know doing businesses creating business online script sales letter webinar slides emails so you can promote funnel scripts you can also buy it yourself which is now seven hundred ninety seven dollars and you could get forty percent commission this is not reoccurring revenue I mean actually I think it's her I think it's at one time now yeah before it was a yearly software that you had to buy but forty percent commission equals three hundred and eighteen dollars and eighty cents the other program that I promote is also called the one funnel way challenge like I said you have to know you have to literally understand what is a sales funnel is I mean I this is what this was my problem with sales funnels is to teach people okay we're having a meltdown over here what do you want mom life God you guys don't have the skin to the screen right now so click funnels has a program called the one funnel away challenge that they started about a year ago and if you guys seen my little meme the other day I have a child who is always screaming at me because she's hungry so for the 1.00 i challenge it basically walks people through and she does all the teaching so i had to in the beginning and I still feel like I do like I really need to you need to actually sell people on how a funnel will help them in their business well now like I said you don't have to do any of the selling the one funnel away challenge is simply a training program where people actually go through and are taught by the top funnel builders in the country Russell Brunson a Steven Larson which was his top right hand guy that basically built like thousands of funnels like every business you could ever think of I needed the funnel and Stephan and Brussels Brunson had to put it together they literally have built thousands and of funnels and the one phone away challenge you walks people through for 30 days on what you need to know and the first week is all about mindset secondly they talked about the actual offer a sequence of the offer how to build a funnel the feet the the psychology of it and then actual the third week in the fourth week are the most important weeks which a lot of people fall off because it's very hard to go through a 30 day challenge but just speak to be completely on it it's a hundred dollars and you're getting thousands really thousands of dollars of knowledge if you take it seriously and and decide that month on the loyd challenge might be for you and I think it's very important for a lot of businesses you understand I've actually gone through it several times and it's also an accountability too because you have people in this group that you can go and report to and there's only a hundred dollars like how much how much have you spent on trainings and not gotten anything out of it so this is I'm gonna show you my screen again to eat one family challenge right here and the next one is August 4th coming up so if you're interested in something like that this is very key and instrumental to your business you also as an affiliate make $100 basically you make your money back you tell one person about the product you make your money back I literally made over a thousand dollars promoting the product I'm actually actually a little bit over this is actually an old screenshot of the two and I don't look at this this is kind of embarrassing but at the same time I think to myself that that it really it doesn't take a lot so for those of you think that you need a lot of following a huge you know if you're in the NFL Club no funds left no friends left I joke around with that saying but you don't really need a lot of clicks like look I only had 50 visitors and 650 of the seven or seven of the 50 you know bots on this other screenshot I have 20 visitors and two of the visitors bought that's like less than a less than 10 percent you know or one percent I'm bad about 10 percent of people were buying conversion rate and I made $100 you know per person so you make your hundred dollars back if you just invite one person to do the the one funnel away challenge for you so this is another option if you got 10 people to buy the one funnel away challenge you make $1,000 that's how you can make your first thousand dollars this is it there's no other there's actually some products some affiliate programs where I've been involved in on a smaller scale that will actually give you more than the actual product just because they're paying you basically for the traffic and then now they actually have a customer right so they're paying you for customers basically if you get if they give you more than a hundred percent I've actually have had a program give me like two hundred percent oh the actual you know program so this one you make your your week one hundred percent commission they buy the one phone away challenge and they can you either buy the the challenge all digitally or they can buy the physical challenge which includes like the book and all the 30-day challenge stuff as well to here is a screenshot of my Commission's I just need a hundred dollars today I have almost a thousand dollars in pending commissions and this is really nothing I have like friends who are making a lot more and I definitely appreciate that I get to be friends with them but I'm definitely striving for more but this is what is possible for you frequently asked questions let's go into three questions can this work outside of the US you can definitely work for outside of us there's some affiliate programs that are not for you know us-based people so you have to look make basically just look at the rules but there's ways around it as well you have to be a certain age no you don't need to be oh they can see we can be young you don't have to be eighteen there's I know actually yes my friend of mine was coaching a 16 year old how to do this yeah you don't have to be a certain age you just have to have the hunger and desire to learn how to do this you don't have to be tech savvy like I always tell people you have Lert learn to teach right learn how to do something do it yourself and then go teach other people do have to be patient with yourself because I know a lot of people that come to me like I'm not just not tech savvy like yes you are you have a phone you can do a video you can post on Facebook you're tech-savvy and this is where the mindset comes in cuz you're going to be totally you know in your shit and you're gonna be like oh I'm not as good as all these other people but you you're on your own journey and your you have your own story and people need to hear that you don't have to have a big following like I was sharing with you or I don't I don't have that many clicks but I do have a good conversion rate because I build relationships online and I want to teach you how to do that too oh you don't need a ton of money you don't need a ton of money this is the thing you don't have to have a ton of money to do this because you don't you're promoting someone else's product the money that you do want to create is enough money to end eventually if you do have money to start doing more advertising because you want to be able to if you put in a dollar you want to be able to come you know get a dollar back or more than a dollar back right in dollar and ten cents a dollar and you know even if we made a dollar 50 back like that's 50% even more that you're in good shape right so if you're able to be able to fix the algorithm with the amount of money that you spend in advertising and be able to come out would you spend a dollar to make a dollar two dollars every single time hell yeah if you wanted to invest a dollar and get two dollars back that's that's key right so don't be afraid to invest in money in money into your advertising but you don't need a ton of money you do have to have enough money to pay for your expenses this is where people get offered well I don't have a ton of money you don't have a lot I don't know what you're thinking because affiliate marketing is a business do I want to attract people who are business owners who are business minded because affiliate marketing you do need to invest in your time money and knowledge maybe you don't have money or if you don't have knowledge and time and you and if you have enough money you can invest in programs and coaching and invest in other people leveraging other people's time and money this is what rich people do they leverage leverage leverage you know if you want to be a multi-millionaire you need to learn how to leverage you know how to let go need to like be able to understand that there are other people who do it faster and better than you um I went to school for graphic design I could do my own thumbnails I could do all these other things but that is not where my bed highest and best use is should we be doing we should not be doing my thumbnails right I want to be creative I want I am the brand I want to create these videos I want to come up with amazing content and deliver my message to you that's my best and highest best use so you are going to need to think like a business owner you need to invest in yourself invest in your people invest in education invest in the knowledge but I don't know what people are thinking and think they can do this or without investing money because you as a doctor you invest in your education right you invest in school and four-year you would not have someone who just oh I I wrote a read a book about that I should you know I can definitely do that surgery you know like I read the book so I should be able to do the surgery know like you want to be able to work with people who have invested in their education have gotten coaching have actually done a surgery before you know and or even a franchise if you're going to buy a French if you're gonna buy a business you're gonna spend thousands of dollars you know or hundreds of thousands I'm sorry if you buy a McDonald's franchise you're going to have to pay over a million dollars you're gonna have to have you know assets you're gonna have to go to the McDonald's University in order to get educated so this is why I'm just sharing with you this is not a get-rich-quick business model this is a business model that can be leveraged and if you focus on products and services and create systems and in this type of business which I'll share with you if you keep watching my videos have a five-step series of to complete the entire system for you that I use on daily basis this is them where the magic happens you know you do need to marshmallows good job so that's where the magic comes from if you want to learn more I know I went way over.

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