Democrats are true racists.

in affirmative •  2 years ago 


True institutional racism like segregation, housing discrimination, club membership exclusion, and so forth, is based upon the belief by those doing the discriminating that they are in some way superior human beings to those they are discriminating against. That stuff has been legislated away.

What is ironic is that democrats now used legislation to openly declare to the world that blacks are inferior human beings by lowering admission standards in universities and employment standards in government and then saying blacks haven't adapted to civilization well enough to obtain voter ID. What an insult.

If you truly believe someone has the same ultimate potential as you, you don't teach them to play chess by letting them win. You only do that if you think they can never be as good as you.

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I've seen more discrimination against gays (I'm one) from "the left" than from conservatives. I'm usually accused of wrong-think