Afghan Veteran Jim Banks a Navy Logistics Officer Turned over American Equipment to fight against the Taliban. Why did Biden remove the military Before evacuating citizens then arm the enemy? Has Biden never played Risk?

in afghanistan •  4 years ago  (edited)

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Thank you Afghan Veteran Jim Banks

  • Navy Logistics Officer
  • Turned over American Equipment to fight against the Taliban.

He states. . .
I was on the front lines of the process
of turning over American equipment
to our to the afghan army and the afghan
police to fight against the Taliban
never would I never would I believe then
or up until this point
where we are today.
That not just a little bit
not just some
but all of the $85 billion dollars worth
of American equipment that we turned
over to the Afghan police

and the Afghan Army would fall in the
of our enemy!

That's where we are at this point
because of the negligence the hasty and
withdrawal led by this

"All of the $85 billion dollars worth of
has been left behind and fallen into the
hands of the Taliban without any plan!

There was never a plan
by this administration or the Pentagon
to destroy or evacuate any of that

what we now know is that

  • they knew
  • this administration knew
    that the situation on the ground would
    deteriorate and. . .
    the Taliban would take
    over the country.

They knew it and they
lied to us!

This president and his his
lied to the American people because they
knew it!

They knew the Taliban would take
over if they made the move the hasty
withdraw on the move that they made
leaving $85 billion dollars of equipment. . .
vehicles, weapons and ammunition,
night vision goggles, medical supplies
biometric devices and data of our
allies. ..
All of it
falling into the hands of the Taliban!"

But it gets worse than the Taliban.
this administration has known from
day one when they took over and the
Pentagon leadership has known for years
that the Taliban is one thing, but the
far greater threat is ISIS K they've
been warning us about it
they've warned us about it before the
House Armed Services Committee!

Many of
us have taken CODELs [congressional delegation] to Afghanistan over the
the last couple of years with General
Scottie Miller,
who was the most recent commander on
the ground who led this withdrawal.
Representative Bucshon and I were with
2 1/2 ago.

General Miller told us then what we
now have seen occur
that if we if we pull out just like we
ISIS K would be the the greater threat
the most the more significant threat to
the lives of the American people and an
imminent threat to the homeland.

And that's the situation this
administration has allowed to happen
it's unforgivable!

And we're going to
continue to fight like hell to get one
to get every American out of the country
but also to hold those accountable for
for what they've created the message
they've created.

A Must Watch. ..short.
See equipment info in comments of this post on my page.

Biden LIED to us on Afghanistan withdrawal

See a Facebook Post on this here,

Why did he leave all of this equipment behind for a hasty exist when there was plenty of time to get that equipment out? Did B*den strike a deal with the globalists or did he "Just Forget?"

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Black Hawks alone are worth around $6Million each.

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With another 1,000 troops for another 2 weeks Biden could have kept Bagram open.

Any responsible country evacuates civilians before the military. Biden chose to do it the wrong way around for a number of reasons. And then he was slow to react when things began going wrong.

Had the United States evacuated all American civilians, the airport would no doubt have been crowded with Afghans, but it would have been possible to get Americans out. The fall of Kabul (and the surrender of Bagram Air Base) left few options. Mostly bad ones. And Biden decided to adopt the worst of them by outsourcing airport access to the Taliban.

The Afghanistan Evacuation Didn’t Have To Be Hard. Biden Made It So.

A month after Biden said there was no chance 'you see people being lifted off the roof' of a US embassy in Afghanistan, helicopters rushed to evacuate diplomats

Biden's words haunt him: President said a month ago there's 'no circumstance where Americans will be lifted out of the U.S. embassy in Kabul by helicopter'

Biden is the ‘stupidest strategic analyst in the world’ if he thought Kabul wouldn’t fall

Retired military officials demand resignations from Austin, Milley

Marine helps translator escape Afghanistan with family after weeklong push | Nightline

Evidence Gen. Milley and Biden Administraion working with the Taliban

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