Taliban takes control of Kabul's presidential palace

in afghanistan •  4 years ago 

After 20 years of American Occupation, The Taliban has taken over Afganistan.

The Taliban have taken control of the presidential palace in Kabul after President Ashraf Ghani fled the country.

Earlier talks to form a transitional government appear to have been scuppered by Ghani's departure.

The US has completed the evacuation of it embassy in Afghanistan and taken down the American flag at the diplomatic compound.


We are now out of Afganistan, bumpy and messy, but out.

I'd rather spend more time worrying about how to never end up in that situation again, than debating whether or not the exit was done well.

Also, to those of you who are political... lol, yet another amazing switch in positions. What happened to America First? I guess that goes out the window with a chance to make Biden look bad. Well, it doesn't take an International Emergency to make Biden look ridiculous.

Global organizations like the UN can figure out how to deal with the aftermath.

The people of Afganistan, The women of Afganistan need to determine who can help and how.

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First the Russians tried to control Afghanistan for 11(?) years and failed. Then the US tried to control Afghanistan for 20 years and failed.

A lot of these places so-called "superpowers" try to get involved with have strife and internal squabbles that are hundreds and even thousands of years old... the notion that someone can just walk in and say "Y'all play nice, now!" and it solves the underlying rifts is pretty much absurd...

So sayeth the cat...


Apparently this is the end of the longest war the United States has waged. and as a result it left thousands and thousands of dead, and the American people will have the burden of paying off the debt generated by the financing of this war. The war ended but the human and economic cost that it generated has not ended.

It is Taliban who have defeated USA in a war of two decades. We should count Taliban as strong...

Taliban is not finished or vanished, they are still alive.

It is a big issue in this present world now. And the change of power of Afghanistan will affect the whole world.

For many, the new regime is not going to be very different from the regime of 20 years ago. Does that mean that the same story can be repeated?