Lucian Nagy & Balkumba Tribe Token (WhitePaper) - created inside the awesome platform of Steemit

in africa •  5 years ago  (edited)

White Paper

by Lucian Nagy
Version 0.1
January 2020

The Abstract Vision of My Project:

LucianNagyBalkumbaTribe Token (LNBT) was created on the New Blockchain and especially inside the awesome platform of Steemit as a result of a personal idea through which i’ve thought that my Art/Music, expressed through our Tribe music could play an important role inside the platform, expecially, to sustain not only our own productions of music but also the creative process of other artists/steemians through blogging inside Steemit community.

We’ve seen that the whole musical industry has arrived in a non-returning point where the artists, and especially the individual artists are struggling to survive from art/music, this causing a sort of frustration and loads of question marks regarding the continuation of this process of creation under these terms or not.

As a result of all this issues, that we’ve observed that are happening in this World and even arround some spectrum where we are activating, we’ve decided to create our own LNBT token, hoping that we can solve the cause of this crisis on which we’ve arrived.

I’ve thought that the ultimate solution might be the new cryptonian era, through which people MUST re-discover their altruism/support/humanitarian state of Soul to sustain the Music/Art.

Through this process of creating my LNBT token, i’ve tried different other ways to shout out through our Art/Music, even by creating videos on which i’ve offered our Tribe’s single, entitled “The African M’Ganga” as a link, so, people who wanted to purchase the single, could receive our album “State of Soul” as a Gift … i’ll let you guess how many persons did this … just a few … and when i mean "few" it represents less than 30 persons :-)

LucianNagyBalkumbaTribe Token (LNBT) will abolish the pernicious problems from today’s music industry as outlined above, expecially, for the fact, that when it’s involved the protocol through which a form of art/music is sustaining a platform like Steemit and its community and not only, at its very end, also, charity causes, it is required a cryptonian-format of a decentralized distribution of the token supply, making this smart contract fair, and paving the way for a self-sustaining art business model.

The distribution of the initiated amount of LNBT tokens will take place as follows:

  • 33 % from the LNBT tokens created will remain as a locked budget, saved for Future investments that will grow my cryptonian ideas, related also to art/music and charity causes.

  • there will be 10 % from the existing amount of 33 333 300 300 of our LNBTokens created inside Steemit to serve as dividents for those participants who will be very active inside Steemit platform and will upvote every time when i'm posting a blog regarding our Tribe music or regarding to my own, personal, artistic productions, they will receive as dividents our LNBT tokens.

  • there will be also dividents for all the active steemians inside the platform, such as those who will not only upvote my blogs but also will listen to my links with music and will purchase my albums, or they will repost my blogs and will confirm their reposted links in the comment section, to confirm their support.

  • the remaining % of LNBT tokens will remain in circulation and from the amounts traded inside the market on steem-engine platform there will be also donations inside Steemit community to some of the most representative accounts/groups that are sustaining charity causes for Africa/Venezuela/India and other places arround this Matrix entitled, World.

LNBToken will be opened for partnerships with artists/charity companies or other crypto related music platforms that are active inside Steemit platform, to co-work and sustain the same goals and missions to help the steemian community and this World to grow.

This is only a conceptual whitepaper describing the future goals for the LNBToken to be developed.

This Whitepaper may be replaced and updated from time to time.

Posted from my blog with SteemPress :

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You could start to create a cross-chain contest for Musicoin artists running on your token as well. As Jaaaaz Ambassador joining our

M.A.P. 2.0


Great project round here

Thank for sharing