How can we end poverty in Uganda and Africa

in africa •  6 years ago  (edited)

Goodmorning steemians, today i have actually just decided to write about my childhood story that i still see young children going through in my country and all of them are still facing the same problems like i did go through when young.

I grew up in asmall slum in kampala called katanga, with a single mother and two little brothers. We actually lived in a small house that mumy rented at 10000shillings @month that she also couldnt raise some times and so the landlord had to wait like after 3 months for mum to pay for the one month. This is akind of life that actually many people are living in uganda, we actually lived on one meal which was lunch and supper most times and this was usually acup of water, posho and dodo that we actually bought cheaper. This was a daily story because happiness was only realised while playing with other children but nothing like leisure did we enjoy.
Tea and sugar .,meat was astory heard of only when so good samaritans extended some help to mum and maybe christmas where some rich people extended help yo us.
School was just astory heard of though we always went to school, fees was hard for mum to pay for us and so i only attended till primaty seven and secondary i did not attend. Here after p7 i actually started working on car that was selling charcoal at the age of 13 years. I worked for 2years and actylly after, i joined secondary at tje age of 15yrs. Here i used to go to school but as well as work on the charcoal ttuck every weekend where we did not have school. I actually had to take care of my young brothers and also mummy because some times she couldnt afford ceryaim things.
I actually managed to successfully finish my o level education and moved to acertain man s workshop called john who was actually afamily friend. Here i learnt how to be amechanic of cars that has earned me alittle income till now. I managed to work take care of my seeblings and they are all in secondaty school now. This has been a great change in my life because i actually also mananged to set up my own workshop.

When i go through these places now katanga, kamokya i see kids suffering like i did, families suffering ,with the government not offering any help, not caring, corrupting funds extended for the poot, poor education. This hurts me deep inside my heart and the question to myself has always been how do we overcome this life()children-663392_960_720.jpgwhen Gift introduced me to steemit i actually so a great opportunity that i cant let go. This actually drives me to make more posts so that i can save the future generation.
Goodmorning steemians

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