Word of the Month (1)

in africa •  6 years ago  (edited)

Word of the Month (1)

The Lord

Nkosi - So NiNi

Nkosana - Manwele

For future posts in this series, Word of the Month ! Guess what ? Were gonna keep looking up words in African versions (mostly Izibhalo Ezingcwele 1975) of the Bible. Now, before you ask questions like, whats is the matter with me or why are Bantu languages that important? Let me tell you a thing or two.... They are important because these ancient languages are way more interesting (efficient and fluent), and carry in them all kinds of traces (linguistically, geographically and other), that people in time seems to have been wanting to forget (Psalm 83,4). For instance the source of Biblical stories from ancient times, the people and where it all went down, have been largely forgotten and placed someplace else entirely. Not that people seem to care about this anyways. Its not important or hip any longer to find truth or even try to define what is truth. After a certain amount of lies have been told, people will start to develop an aversion to truth and will avoid it at all costs. At this stage in the game - People prefer, no Ill go further, they much more enjoy the lie, rather than the straight up truth. Sad, but true.
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This time around we will take a closer look at the top most frequent nouns, words that keeps popping up, in different verses throughout the Bible. And to make things more interesting, we are putting all efforts into all things related to Xhosa (but also other South African Bantu languages and African cultures), because that was the lingo of old Israel (possibly along with Greek and Latin, but thats another story). If you know were to look, theres plenty of gold to be found. I might be able to produce articles like these on a monthly basis, God willing, now Grab your shovel (Bible) and lets digg !
The most frequently used word, in the all forms of Scripture, is off course what we have gotten used too and know as Lord or The Lord (also know as Ba`al or Balim in Hebrew, but thats another can of worms). The directly translated word for Lord in Xhosa is Nkosi, which kinda means King, as is closely related to Nkosana, meaning Little King (or Sir). You remember the whole donkey scene, where The Messiah rode into Jerusalem, when they shouted:

...."Hosanna to the Son of David!" "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!" "Hosanna in the highest heaven!

-Matthew 21,9 (again in 21,15)

They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, "Hosanna!" "Blessed is he who comes in the name of So NiNi!" "Blessed is the King (Nkosi) of Israel!

  • John 12,13 (and other verses in the Gospels)

This word, Hosanna - have been translated and interpreted into oblivion by Hebrew and Greek scholars a like. And they have, as is custom when one has no IDEA of what a word actually mean, made up a whole bunch of stuff. The definition goes something like :
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(especially in biblical, Judaic, and Christian use) used to express adoration, praise, or joy.

an expression of adoration, praise, or joy.
synonyms:shout of praise, alleluia, hurrah, hurray, hooray, cheer, paean
"the people's hosannas greeted him as he rode into the city"

Hoooray !? I mean come on...this is what theyre really saying:we dont know some of these words to be honest, its a mystery really, funny thing is, these aint really our scrolls at all or our history for that matter, but this is what we think they mean....bla-di-bla.

Nah, the word hosanna - means Little King and is pronounced:
The other places in Scripture where this word (hosanna) supposedly appears, like Zechariah 9,9, Isaiah 56,7, and a slew of others, seem to have been added AFTER they put their meaning to the word. I have not found it, in the form of Hosanna, any other places than the New Testament. If you have your wits, you will see a big problem with that, as many words and phrases then will change because of a mistranslation of a word. Then the whole thing becomes a work of fiction and has its basis in assumption, a very dangerous game. This has happened with other words also, which we will try to recover. Point being, Hosanna appears in the New Testament books and this description of The Saviour being a Little King fits perfectly with them shouting this for joy, He was/is the Little King....

Traces like these is what connects Southern Africa with Israel, however we are missing a great deal of history from Africa in general, before Europeans, the years of persecution, early christians hiding from the various foes, Romans and Muhammedans killing said early Christians by the numbers. That time must have been just as dreadful as it was described, perhaps even worse..
Though the Gospel did spread like wildfire, to all nations, as Paul said in Galatians 3,28, it knows no borders, colours or gender :

There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Manwele.

Moving on, in the KJV the title (Lord or King) appears over 7000 times, a place where some argue the true Name So NiNi should appear. I for one will argue, that it probably did in the old scrolls. Only we dont have them, not yet anyways. In spite of this or in fact of - this frequent use - you will find that people will argue, quite vigorously, over what The Lords Name actually is.
Now, that is fascinating, isn't it?
I mean, weve got a fewauthorised` (more than a few if you look into it) suggestions now being used as The Name of God and The Name of the Son. But are they really? Is the most Highs Name, as we are told, the very same as a desert god from the middle east (Jahve, Jehovah, Aiyah, Yahaiya, etc) or even the moon god of the Egyptians known as Yah, embraced among Rastas. Do you find it likely? Does The Most High share His name with another deity? Lets not forget the secret cults behind the so-called tetragrammaton, YHWH (all over the Hebrew scrolls). Letters, which when read with a latin alfabet, actually gives NiNi. Its like someone planted it there and new the latin alfabet would become dominant... It reads NiNi - יהוה . You gotta admit that is.....convenient. Only God can hide a name like that, I mean mentioned over 7000 (thats SEVEN Thousand) times, in scrolls spread around the world in the form of the ancient Hebrew, though read as His true Name in the most widely used alphabet of today (Latin).
So, can all of the above be The Name of God? Off course not... its just like in the image above, all smoke and mirrors - symbols and snakes - and the tetragrammaton (YHWH) is just one more way of worshipping Babylon.

Earlier I wrote a detailed post, well borrowed actually, citing the most frequently used names of god in Africa. Interestingly several of them are very familiar to the western world, as they are some very old and rather weird deities. And, not surprisingly - very few comes close to the Name of All names used in the Bantu languages, especially Xhosa. The Great I am that I am, So NiNi na NiNi (Only the Cameroonians came close with Ninjyi)). When one looks into the grammar of the name, it has many different meanings at once.
So NiNi na NiNi - I am that I am
Anyways, the above is how you say His name in Xhosa, wether you like it or not. Its actually hard to argue with this when you get to know Xhosa and start to get a grip of ancient history, how big of a picture it really is and how much of it we can't and won't be able to see clearly. However, if all this is new to you, off course, it will sound strange and perhaps mysterious. And I won't judge you for it. But now you know, so call out for So NiNi na NiNi. Not Jehovah or Javhe, desert deities. They won't help you..
When it comes to the name of the Son, known all over the world as Jesus, I find this name eerily similar to Zeus. Truth be told its even closer (phonetically) to an old African (Yorusha) trickster god, named Esu (pronounced Esu, but in newer times also Eshu), known for his mischievousness and sort of a messenger. Just sayin, I`m not prayin to that name... (J-esu).

This blog puts forth that The Name of the Son was more than likely Manwele, which means to feel Spirit (Amanwele) in Xhosa. He was a perhaps a Nazarene, which could have meant He came from Nazareth, or that He actually made Nazarene vows, which included things like, not cutting hair, drinking wine or vinegar (like Samson) or making other vows and promises to The Almighty. Just read Leviticus, there are many ways of being special (set-aside) and a servant of The Great King of Kings - kumkani omkhulu wookumkani. Samuel and David was also special in the eyes of The Almighty (Unamandla Onke), because they obeyed, and did not go from the path set before them.
The next word is not surprisingly the word God, which in Xhosa is uThixo (pronounced with a horse click on the x), it appears some 4000 times in KJV Bibles. I will not elaborate how many forms of the word we have today, as it also is a title (in a way), like Lord, only I can make mention of a few of the titles for The Almighty (Unamandla once) all in Xhosa off course :)

Lord of Lords
Nkosi Yamakhosi (NeNkosi yeNkosi) .

Teacher or That Prophet
Titshala or laa Mshumayeli.

Lord of Hosts - iNkosi wemhikosi

The Good Shepherd -
Omhle Malusi (Umalusi Olungileyo)

The Saviour

So what does this all mean? Well, nothing really, but also kinda everything, now that you do know... I mean, if you didn't know all this, then you didn't because this information has not precisely been readily available, until now that is. Why? I dont know, but I can think off a couple of reasons. You see, the internett is a powerful tool, giving people on opposite sides of the world the opportunity too talk and relate stories and cultures, they compare Bibles and reason with one another. Why is this coming out now? I do not know, but I for one am very glad it finally is. As people should again talk about the God of Israel as I believe things are bound to start happening, as there is little doubt in my mind we are living in the last days. But hey, so thought Paul, only we have moved on a few years since from back then. It could be getting very late in the game though, and one could easily imagine at least one of the trumpets in Revelation as having been sounded... Dont know what I am talking about? Read the book, last one, make some notes, compare those metaphors and images it conveys, then crosscheck them with the problems of today, you tell me. Are we getting close?

Its not all doom and gloom though... how can you flee from the coming wrath?

Until next time

Uxolo lube nani

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