New Global Rain Cycles Emerge: Africa vs USA Flood Damage

in africanfoodprices •  5 years ago 

This video was originally published 29/6/2019

Climate Revolution: The Grand Solar Minimum, Understand is a full 220 pages defining the Grand Solar Minimum with a preparedness guide on how to get your families ready for these changes is available now.

Our opening section explains the science behind the Earth’s climate, which is being driven by the Sun and not CO2.

Part 2 provides solutions, like beam soil discoveries, which has not yet heard of by a lot of people. Underlined texts throughout the document in blue are hyperlinked, so you can click and you will be redirected to PDFs and research websites. This way, we hope you can implement your own solutions, as well as do more research on your own to find solutions that are perfect for your situation.

Some novel ideas, such as using mushroom production at the back of a greenhouse to supply CO2 into the greenhouse in order to boost vegetable production is discussed here as well. Again, all hyperlinks will take you out to more information portals and resources that will help you implement your own strategies and solutions.

This is another way to support the ADAPT 2030 channel because of the increasing amount of censorship across the social media landscape.

Additionally, we also believe that understanding the events around you is the first step in getting prepared. Thus, Climate Revolution e-book is a ‘must read’ for the understanding of our Sun driven climate, as we progress deeper into the new Eddy Grand Solar Minimum. Weather extremes leading to global food scarcity and high food prices are here now, and this book describes the expected changes, how to survive and thrive during the challenging times in the future, with practical preparations.

Now, as a refresher, solar forecasts from Dr. Wahid Uddin, along with John Casey, Valentina Zharkova, and a handful of others are calling for an average of under 50 sunspots for Solar Cycle 25 (SC 25).

As we step down into the next phase of solar activity, NASA comes out with a public news release and drip feeds the globe a sliver of information, that the next decade’s Sun cycle is going to be the weakest in the last 200 years.

This is a public news release so it must have been vetted within NASA. If you are aware that solar activity drives climate, weather, jet streams flow, and cloud cells on our planet, you would read between the lines as a warning from them.

Heinrich Svensmark also correlates the galactic cosmic ray increases with extreme precipitation and cloud building on the planet, and as shown, the temperature drops are coupled with floods.

So, let us compare the African floods with the American floods. Darfur, outlined in blue, with Chad and Libya as its neighbors, is an incredibly dry and desert area.

Darfur’s capital is El Fasher.

This place normally looks hot, dusty, and dry, just like this. Cities and towns are usually arid.

Now, floods have just rolled through, producing an enormous amount of water for these desert areas. This event is estimated to be over a year’s worth of rain in a single storm.

I found this image on floodlist, June 13th, “Sudan — Homes swept away by Darfur flash floods.” This was in North Darfur area. I looked through resources to check if this is the trend there; and as it turned out, the same flood happened in 2016 and in 2017, massive floods occurred again on several occasions.

Then in 2018, the floods increased in intensity, and then finally, they had the 2019 flood that was mentioned earlier. It sure seems like this is the trend since 2016, and the amplification of the floods is getting more and more intense every year.

Maybe, this is just an outlier and it is only in one location. When I dug around however, I saw more floods in Libya.

Massive flooding took place in Ghat District, southwest area on June 5th. I thought that this was the same flood that occurred in Darfur, and perhaps it is located right along the border area, but it is not. Ghat is located far west in Libya. This image shows how much water has come down there. Again, it looks very similar to what happened during the Oklahoma, USA floods.

I encircled Ghat’s location in the map below. If the floods were from Darfur, the water has to pass through the far part of the map, where it says Sudan, and then go further south, 24 degrees’ north latitude, and then finally will reach that last set of floods. These two inundating rain events were separated by a vast distance, so they are not from the same storm.

I mentioned before that I am a fan of history, and I understand that water flowing through the rivers gave birth to civilizations and settlements such as forts, monasteries, trade routes, etc. The image projected below is western Libya. If they had water there before, especially when they had this size of forts on top of hills?

The surrounding areas have some trees too, as shown in this image. Tree roots grabbing underwater aquifer that maybe from the primary water source in Libya, can also be seen.

The floods are here again in Ghat District. This image shows what it looked like after flood waters started to recede. With this much water, plus the fact that this is more than a year’s worth of rain in a single storm, you can imagine how high they were during the full inundation.

As for Africa, it is very interesting that when you match the old Roman grain growing areas, then look at northern Africa 2000 years ago, it seems there is a 2000 or 6000 year repeating rain pattern occurring there. The investments done by China in those parts made perfect sense. Perhaps they are setting up a new grow zone because they know it is going to get wetter there.

CBS Evening News leading story interpreted this as, “Climate change/CO2” is responsible for all the floods in the Midwest USA, and they are still reluctant to talk about the Sun and its repeating patterns on Earth’s climate.

As a reminder, this is a glimpse of how much damage was in the US, in case you have not been following the stories; levees failed across Mississippi, flooding Arkansas. Shown in this picture are floodwaters flowing down from Oklahoma area, inundating everything in its path.

This was how the fields looked like back on June 12th to June 17th. These will be very difficult to plant, if at all.

Farmers had to use boats to get around their properties to find sunken farm machineries buried in mud, and some were never recovered. There is now a lot of insurance payouts, with over 90% of farmers in so many states claiming crop insurance or machinery damage insurance, and insurers are no longer able to insure them.

And the rains just keep coming. Derecho occurred last week that I have not even covered yet, but that further damaged and soaked the fields.

#noplant2019,, climate crisis heats up causing floods?

Whatever the cause is, your food production is at stake because this is the latest corn and soybean planting on record.

These images from Indiana is a great indication of how late this planting season is. The right image is now, while the left image is in June 2018. Look at the difference in the height of corn.

The ones shown below was put together by Zero Hedge and Christian, the Ice Age Farmer. This collage of images shows the before-and-after images of last year’s planting and growth as compared to this year. USDA’s crop report, however, is only using the emerged acres that look good. They discounted all other thousands of unplanted acres, but they get a full field assessment of immerged acres that look good. This is why the markets are pushing downward, but perhaps when the harvest time comes, reality check sets in.

These Midwestern floods are also devastating seafood production in the Gulf of Mexico. Floods thin the water too much into brackish versus salt, and in addition, there is too much debris that silted up the entire Gulf to the point where fish are suffocating. Now, fish stocks, as well as crops, are declining.

Beans are also having a difficult time emerging. How long, do you think, can these beans survive total saturation? And do not forget, insurance companies cannot pay any further.

Thanks for reading, I hope you got something out of the article. If you like more content like this, I produce the tri-weekly Mini Ice Age Conversations podcast, 30 minutes of in-depth analysis on the GSM you can take on the go through out your day.

It’s Not CO2. It’s Not You, It’s the Sun — ADAPT 2030 Limited Edition Design, available in November ONLY! Wearing this shirt may trigger Al Gore.

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*** Today’s Story Links ***

Floodlist Sudan

Lybia floods

Levees failing along the Mississippi and Arkansas rivers, U.S.

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