The Umbrella Foundation needs your help!

in africanorphan •  3 years ago 

Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction and to keep themselves unspotted from the world. James 1:27

The Umbrella Foundation is an orphanage that is located in the town of Bugiri in Uganda.

The Umbrella Foundation is managed by Brother Mack Ronnie, who cares for about 85 orphaned children, among them children from various parts of Uganda, who have lost their parents to illness or other difficulties arising from the region (hunger, war and the like).

Some of the numerous difficulties that the Umbrella Foundation has are:

Lack of schools for children to study;
Lack of resources to pay rent for the orphanage;
Food and drinking water for orphans;
Land to build your own orphanage;
Clothing and shoes for children;
Place where they can grow their own food;
Donate the amount you want. Making your donation is very simple:

Name: Musasizi Joseph Contact

Phone Number: +256789511840

Address: Bugiri is a city in Uganda.


[email protected]

God bless you for your good deed!
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