What Happens When You Die?

in afterlife •  8 years ago 

What do you think happens when you die?

Do you goto heaven?

Does nothing happen?

Do we cease to exist?


Do we visit a strange, far off dimension?

Do the Archons have a go at us?

Or something that's far beyond our human understanding?

You Steemit Users Are Very Clever, So I'd Love To Have Your Unbridled Opinion?

PS: This is precisely why I think Steemit would benefit TREMENDOUSLY by having polls, as I alluded to in this post:



I look forward to your two cents...



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Dunno, not dead yet. But if I was to guess I would have to say you change form from one type of experience to another. All things are impermanent and change from one form to another. Everything we see and experience is a form of energy according to what current understandings in Physics tell us. I believe we have an eternal nature and that which shines from behind my eyes is the same as that which shines from behind yours.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

But maybe when we change, we change into nothing? :o

How can there be nothing? Even so called empty space must be filled with something, if this were not so wouldn't everything just collapse into a singularity? Nothing or so called “emptiness” is filled with all that is. (Kind of the basics of the Heart Sutra from my understanding, if anyone's interested)

I'm an agonostic at the end of the day. "Unknowable". I don't know anything, which is kind of spooky.


So, I don't have a particular belief one way or the other. One thing's for sure... I believe time and space are both infinite, so everything else must be infinite right?

The only problem is... I cannot remember who or what came before, this precious moment.


Thanks for the provoking discussion, and stay cool.


Neither belief nor disbelief are necessary if quantum mechanics are used.
You exist not just here but bits of you are somewhere else at any given moment.
Your consciousness is focused here, now,
but it also leaks into existence somewhere else.
You do not die, you simply realize this life was just a good/weird/bad dream
when you wake up somewhere else on the other side of the universe.
(you think there exists some limit to the Universe ? just wait a couple of years.
Every few years they recalculate the size (and age) of the universe.
The change is -never- a decrease. It never will be, it never can be.)
What you find when you awaken there depends on how closely you were paying attention to what you were doing, instead of daydreaming.

I am a medium and actually have talked to many dead people. I communicate with my ancestors daily. So I know we continue to exist, though I know our human friends take on new spiritual forms that I "see" as really vibrant white-pink-blue light, and they merge into a field of love. Many of them watch over us. I have seen ghosts (usually right at sunset and especially in natural areas, though also in ordinary spots like the pool or BBQ restaurant). I help lost souls transition when they did not cross over at death. There are nasty spirits that mess with humans, and I can compassionately get rid of these also. A great book on reincarnation is "Destiny of Souls," which includes many regressions in between lives. I was touched reading it and it resonated as truthful.


I think we surely are going to hell, if not in the hell of one religion than of the other. There are, of course, some questions. Say, for instance, I am atheist and should go to, at least, Christian and Muslim Hells. Which Hell is going to get my soul? Do these Hells have sort of an auction where they place bids and if so what is the currency - Hellcoin? Or maybe they can multiply a soul and give a copy to each of the corresponding Hells? Then again, maybe it is the same Hell, only its gates have a private slogan for every sinner, sort of like a polymorphic function. Oh, well, we’ll find out soon enough.

I think I like the "copy to each of the corresponding Hells" idea. Like parallel universe slash bitcoin soul pieces. Or, maybe you'll go to heaven even if you didn't believe in it. Just cuz you hypothetically don't believe in something doesn't mean it doesn't believe in you. What if all the heavens want to place bids on you too? Ever think of that? You'll be like the hottest bit-mgaft1 item in the known and unknown universe!

ahahahah ... "No hell for you, buddy! You are going to the Good place whether you want this or not."

I like your style. You sound like the guy with the right kind of imagination.


Why not just consult the people who have done it before.....died I mean? I think there are a lot of them out there. Some of them are probably nut jobs, or just looking for a quick buck or attention, or have an agenda to push. But I was really wrapped up with the idea for awhile at one point, and I'd sit and watch the medium shows on youtube--you know, like Long Island Medium. I dunno. I say why not? Seems like a total possibility we just keep going on living as we are, only better, and with more intensity and clarity. Like another sphere. Heaven, if you will.

You meet a purple squirrel.
The squirrel asks you for an answer to a riddle.
If you don't know the answer you turn into a nut and are eaten forever.
Sadly the afterlife is full of nuts.

My guess is that the riddle has no perfect answer, thereby guaranteeing the squirrel an endless supply of nuts. (The source of all lays on lotus flower dreaming of an endless parade of purple squirrels) ;)

Yep. Sounds like an evil Archon in disguise. :o

Is there a way I can prepare myself? How do I know the question isn't rigged so that it's DESIGNED for me to fail?

I'd like to elevate this question to the judge. ;)

I read a book by Sylvia Browne about after death, I am not sure if I believe what she says will happen or if I just hope that she is right and an afterlife is a way she explained it. (And no I am not a Physic nutjob, I just happen to read all kinds of different literature)

This is an impossible question to answer it seems

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

What did Sylvia have to say on the matter?


It's weird how we humans have so little understanding.

Humans... Don't really know anything.


Yes, that is why I talk to spirit guides, my own higher self/soul, and angels to get better understanding. Or meditate to access my inner knowing. My mind and way of thinking is not always as clear and helpful as that direct divine transmission.

Do all people have the ability to speak to their higher selves?

Thanks for your input, I find it to be worthwhile and fascinating.



Yes they do! They simply have to wake up from this illusionary state of mind. It's not necessarily an illusion but there is a consciousness behind the state of thinking. When you shut up and find the silence behind the thought, you may find your true being, the being itself, your higher self.

I am a psychic, not a nutjob. I think we all have natural psychic and intuitive abilities, and they really enhance life! The more we develop them, the less we depend on external authorities, and the more we honor our own true nature. So there are reasons psychics are made to seem like nutjobs. Heck, some of them are. But psychic gifts are not inherently nutty, weird, or crazy. They are natural, normal, and helpful.

Awesome to be in touch with a psychic. If I ever run into a spiritual jam (in this life or the next), I shall give you a buzz.


Stay cool...


When we die I think we go to the same place we where before we was born, that is, nowhere.

What if the place we were before we were born actually is somewhere?

A fascinating observation. There's a good chance that you're correct. ;)

If you're wrong, then I'll see you on the other side.

Until then live life with purpose.



I've never done it myself, but some people I know have told me they've had "out-of-body" experiences. They've described floating around outside their bodies.

One woman (actually my mother-in-law at the time) described sitting in her kitchen doing something she always does - peeling carrots - and she suddenly realized she was floating near the ceiling, looking down at her body continuing to peel away.

Another good friend had a girlfriend who committed suicide because they broke up. He was tremendously distraught. He described how this woman came back through another girlfriend (who he said was very susceptible to this sort of thing and was willing to let this happen) to tell him she shouldn't have killed herself and that everything was alright. She did it to ease his pain. This man also said he was able to float outside his body.

I knew both of these people for many years and they weren't nutjobs, so I put some value in what they told me.

It seems to me that if these experiences were real, then it makes sense that when our body ceases to function, we are able to leave our body for good.

Shirley MacLaine wrote that she learned how to leave her body and that there was a silver cord that connected her to her body. She said that when you die, that silver cord snaps. True? I have no idea. But it surely is interesting. I know: stop calling me Shirley! ;)

I generally expect to simply be a corpse, which would mean that I would be 'experiencing' the same things I did before I was ever born.

I only ever 'considered' some kind of afterlife if I'm depressed and considering mortality to be terrifying. Just like most people, I have at some point thought of death as darkness for infinity while everyone else keeps living on their happy lives. But even then, I don't ever think of a heaven, I might only convince myself for a second that maaayyybe in an infinite amount of time at some point I will have been born again.

This is less philosophical and more scientific, but it was the best answer I could give in five minutes at the time.