Any "senior" Steemers out there...?

in age •  9 years ago  (edited)

Hi there. I am turning 53 on Sunday and I would like to invite Steemers to disclose their age here, because I am quite curious to find out if people over 50 constitute a sizeable fraction of the Steem community. "Seniors" like me have done lots of things in life and could in principle contribute many interesting stories to this community,'s not easy for people my age to find out about the very existence of Steem.

I found out because I am a sort of innovation professional...a former researcher in theoretical physics, an international consultant and a serial entrepreneur :-)

Let's try to gather some age-related community data!

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Hello, great seeing all ages here, Im in 30`s myself, and hope to contribute :)

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

Why is it not easy for people your age to find out about Steem?

(By the way, I'm 34)

I found out about Steem on a crypto magazine. Later I found a reference on LinkedIn, and that's about it. In my experience, cryptocurrencies are a mystery to most people my age and above. Age is not the only limiting factor, obviously. I currently live in my home country (Italy), after spending most of my professional life abroad. Italy is a land of paradoxes: a reasonably wealthy and advanced country which is nonetheless very risk and innovation-averse. It's hard to find blockchain-aware people around here, regardless of age. ..

I think cryptocurrenies are a mystery to most people regardless of age. But doesn't seem to be harder to use than Facebook. So if it's successful I don't see why senior people wouldn't find out about it.

It's easy, indeed, and a great concept. I'll do my best to promote it.
Would you like to tell us your age. .?

I aged about 8 hours since I wrote that I was 34 ;-)

I'm 47 - so not far behind. Got a degree in physics as well but never worked in the field as I studied it more for philosophical reasons ;-)

Have you ever checked into Nassim Harameins work? If yes - what is your take on it?

Hi.I don't know him, but to be honest at first sight (skimming on his website) it looks like pseudoscience....

Spend a few minutes on this page in particular and let me know if your first impression still holds: