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in age •  3 years ago  (edited)

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The pyramid in the circle, the circle being the universe and the pyramid represents horizontal and vertical realities as well as the hidden inside and revealed outside truth.


The base of it is square, symbolizing past as a sandbox of childhood in 2D dimension. The adults stand by to make sure the kids are safe and on schedule. The kids themselves are completely in here and now with their attention, wants and needs. Theirs is narrative of superheroes and villains, people and things, places and histories, fantasies and mysteries.


The pyramid is 3D dimension of here and now, the Temple culture of hierarchy where adults learn lessons and reap the rewards and punishments, go on hero's quest to attain higher rewards of wisdom and bliss, doing the Herculean labours, the Work on the Self. Theirs is narrative about the current events, news, adventures and discoveries, romance and conquests.


Upon reaching the summit of life, one has only their soul for a company, however in social settings the apex of power is represented by the circle of equals, the knights of the round table, the wise and enlightened who are mature and responsible to make plans for the future. Theirs is narrative of the poetic truth, concepts and ideas, research and invention, art and science.

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