We will NOT COMPLY. Words, words, words! What should the people know about the recent use of the word, "Sustainability?" The people should know that it means not only "less" of everything you are used to now, it means completely eliminating your use of certain things, such a fresh water, which is in abundance, fossil fuels, which are also in abundance, and do not cause any harm to the environment whatsoever, especially with modern technology in all forms of transportation. This is about Luciferian globalist sociopaths telling a person they have no right to live in a home, plant a garden, capture rain water, turn on their furnace or air-conditioner, driver their automobile, ride their motorcycle, own a boat, own a snowmobile or farm equipment, or to simply roam freely, without being spied on by the corrupt and illegal hijacked Communist government of the USA. It's very apparent that governments are trying to screw the people because they are either evil themselves, cowards, or order followers, who are taking orders from Luciferian sociopaths and many other criminals from other evil factions, such as Khazarian mafia "imposter" Jews, Ashkenazi Jews, Talmudic Jews, The Jesuit Order, Illuminati, Nazis, Communists, and Eugenicists, many of which are also 33rd degree Freemasons, the root to all of the world's problems, because they are the foot soldiers of the Jesuit Order. No, we are not going to comply. No orchestrated war is going to stop us. No orchestrated famine can stop us. We are prepared for every method of attack, each of which can be traced back to the Climate Change hoax. We will remain free and sovereign citizens and since governments have failed the people, they're all fired! We WILL figure out a way to remove all governments from power, as we're prosecuting all of the criminal sociopaths they take orders from. American will not fall due to widespread election fraud. Anyone who assisted these enemies of humanity is not going like the next wave of reverse aggression on behalf of the people. We know all of their hiding places and secret codes. Here are some things that will not exist in the new world of free and sovereign people: The Satanic United Nations, The Satanic CDC, The Satanic CFR, The Satanic FBI, The Satanic DOJ, The Satanic Tavistock Institute, The Satanic Club of Rome, Satanic Knights of Malta, The Satanic Illuminati, and the list goes on. Plus, we are going to take back all of the money these criminal organizations have stolen from us, especially the Luciferian Central Banking System. #DONOTTAKETHEJEWISHPOISON #BOYCOTTUNILEVER #BOYCOTTWALMART #BOYCOTTAIRLINES #BOYCOTTFASTFOOD They think we are stupid and won't notice that all of the events that are occurring right now strongly resemble the same events that occurred right before the Bolshevik Revolution and genocide orchestrated by criminal "imposter" Jews.
RE: A Review of the United Nations 2030 Agenda and Policy Integration
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A Review of the United Nations 2030 Agenda and Policy Integration