Best Laid Plans Discussion : Agents of Shield

in agentsofshield •  7 years ago 

I really need more outlets for quality Reviews of Agents of Shield television shows. Critics who make videos about this show, that don't really Like the show are hard to listen to. They don't really understand or appreciate what is happening. Ran into D's Reviews, and after this review of Best Laid Plans I may be watching his channel more.

I 'was' watching the show put on by Buzz TV (after buzz) but could not take all the whining and impatience. there is a lot happening in this season of the show, after a LOT happening last season. Because they were sent into the future without any answers to their questions, and have arrived to get none, it's taken several weeks to 'figure' it all out.

These are spies afterall, and unfortunately it takes time to figure out things.

The misdirection on this show, is always on point too. Something D's reviews mentions in here a few times. How many of us saw them reviving Tess? Who really thought it was over for Mack, Yo-Yo and Flint when that first plan failed? The whole 'push of a button' line was executed the right way.

Agents of Shield continues to be the best written show in all of Marvel TV. It's also one of the best acted, as you really never know what's happening until it happens. Rarely have I been able to fully guess what's coming, and I doubt you can either. Did you really see them getting off the ground in that gravity storm, or Daisy getting her ass kicked?

Meanwhile I still do not trust Deke; nothing he's done redeems what he 'might' still do

Yet all the while, he's really being hit with so many questions about what he's been told. He really has no idea if Daisy really blew up the earth, but neither do the Agents. As they continue to investigate and 'spy' into what may have occurred, answers like Graviton begin to emerge. But, Deke is no where in the room when this happens. Like the majority of humans who are left, he's got no clue what Graviton even is.

(From Episode #3 of the First Season)

Our main scientists, Fitz and Simmons are still trying to figure out why they used it to power the Lighthouse.

Then we end up finding out at the 'end' of the Episode that Kasius has a 'seeer of his own'; which means he's continuing to anticipate the moves our Agents are making. Will they be able to figure this all out in time, to stop the earth from breaking into pieces? Are they stuck in a timeloop that they can never escape?? We 'might' find out a bit more next episode on Agents of Shield!

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