The Old Dog Says: Man Do Your Elbows Ever Make You Look Old!

in aging •  6 years ago  (edited)

So there I was looking at the photo that I posted the other day and I thought to myself: "hey you look pretty good for an Old Dog"! 

That is until my eyes focused on my elbow! It was then that my thoughts changed to: "man do your elbows ever make you look old"!

I thought that I looked pretty good until I looked at the area in the red circle!

Old Elbows? Is This a Worldwide Problem?

Hey man I'm going to turn 60 next year and I was wondering if having old looking elbows was a universal problem or just my own personal defect?

A Quick Search Revealed The Universality of This Phenomenon!

Wow, I'm not alone at all! 

In an article in Huffington Post entitled "The 6 Body Parts That Reveal Your Age First" by writer Shelley Emling she listed elbows as the 5th trouble area on the human body.

Here's what she stated about my unsightly elbows:

"Unfortunately, there’s not a lot that can be done about the loose skin developing on your elbows. You can try using a moisturizer or cream — or wearing long-sleeved shirts. Take comfort in the fact that you are not alone — most people suffer from dry skin on their elbows as they age. To blame are the sun, stress, smoking, not enough liquids and the loss of sweat and oil glands."

Here's some More Proof That I'm Not Alone!

Check out these articles form all over the world!:

That's a lot of worry, attention and concern about elbows!

In these articles you can read about a plethora of creams, massages and other techniques that can help your elbows to look younger! Am I going to be doing some work on my elbows! No way but it's good to know that I'm not the only one with old looking elbows!

I hope that you enjoyed this article about old elbows!

Until next time,  

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

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I think it's called "white privilege" or something like that (maybe "Swiss privilege"?) when what you have to worry about in life is old looking elbows :-)

Where are you nowadays? Miss your posts.


@ kus-knee Excellent report, I was surprised to see how much information about it and people worried about it. A wrinkled elbow does not make people old, but the spirit of it, how many people with years of age have more life than a 20 year old. The clothes are old.
To live the life dear friend
Greetings from Corrientes Argentina, this photo is the day of my 50th birthday I am with my mother and my sister, they are making me a joke for long hair.
I wish you a great day

Awesome! Great photo of a Steemit legend!

I didn't think you got old elbows! Anyway, if you feel you got one, it's better try one of that technique! Hope it might give a young look for your elbows!


I won't let it bother me!

Ooo kus-knee, don’t be too hard on yourself, it looks like the rest off your body is in shape, otherwise you wouldn’t be able to climb up there 👆 😉😁

Yes, it was meant to be humorous. I thought that it was funny that so many others are concerned about that body part.

LOL i began to look at my own, i was like OMG mine is old as well.


"Hai alzato troppo il gomito?!?"
Do you know this saying ;-)

Mai sentito! What would the meaning be in Englsih?

It means... lifting the elbow... when you drink too much Chacha :-)

Haha ... your elbows are fine and you do look good in the photo. 60 is not old ... old dog ... please ... a little more sprightly than that I think. Is that a mountain you are sitting on ... a mountain perhaps you climbed?

You know on Star Trek ... all the other humanoid species admired the wrinkles and ridges ... yep admire those little proofs of survival ... she says just before she goes and moisturizers her elbows.

Hahaha funny! Yes I fit right in with a Star Trek alien!

My elbows are scar tissue on top of scar tissue at this point, but I don't worry too much about. Your body is meant to be used, and blemishes just add character.

Great view by the way! Did you hike to that point?

Oops... apparently I missed your previous post. Now I really want to get outside.

I guess you've had a few tumbles off of your bike!

Not as many lately as when I was young, but over the course of 40 or so years, I've had my share of road rash.

Stay safe! "Road rash"...a very apt description!

My elbows are dry and wrinkled too. Cream could help. I should write a song on this subject. LOL I do know that we will one day have new perfect ageless bodies. So I am only renting this body until then. Blessings @kus-knee.

I'd love to hear such a song!

Your elbows make you look experienced!!!

Those elbows have traveled the world and back.

Hey yes I never thought of that. Experienced elbows!

Hey brother, you make me look at my elbows!LOL.. I think we have extra skin at the major joints and this skin gets more loose with the age. You are very handsome looking and your elbow doesn't look old!

Thanks a lot. Just having some fun!

i am always enjoy your article. because its alltime perfect and not should be worry about elbows.because you looking very handsome and person looking freshness giving a strong healthy,don,t worry.this elbows obviously power for you and old anytime gold.thanks to sharing for your great post.i pray to god that you stayed always live long happily and your all wishes very soon comes best wishes anytime with dear good friend.. @kus-knee very well done.take care your yourself and best of luck of your orgional work.keep it up. see you again. may god bless you..i respect your great thought and support your every work.

Thanks for the lovely comment!

Really i enjoy your beautiful article but I think you shouldn't worry about the elbows. Your elbows don't make you old. You are still handsome and can enjoy your time. I pray to God for your healthy long life. Best of luck sir.

Yes I'm not worried! Just having fun!

Seriously tho'. Taking care of our skin is vital, and not only for reasons of vainness. (Although I do believe sensible|wealthy|filthy rich|prosperous|moneyed|well-to-do} will build one feel good.) therefore I asked Dr. Kathleen Welsh, my specialist extraordinaire, for her recommendation on the way to higher lookout of those we tend toird body elements we tend to ignore. as a result of although it’s dumb to freak out concerning my elbows, I additionally don’t truly need saggy elephant elbows.

I'm not worried in the least, it was strictly tongue in cheek.

Old is gold.don't get worry.these old elbows have power for you, they work for you,they are with you in any time of need.infact many remedies can help you to make them beautiful.

Old is Gold! Nice!

I think this is whole world problem. But i am happy to say that you are looking young and healthy at this stage. And my i pray that may you live long, healthy and happy life. May you remain the driving force. May your all wishes comes true ahead.
You are looking young gentleman.


Dont worry. You are still young. These are not old elbows dear. Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.

Yes my health is quite good!

You made me looked at my own elbow before reading further and mine is not quite bad for a guy in his late 20's. I have in the past seen how wrinkle some elbow can be especially with old people but the thought of it associating with aging didn't come to mind. The article is great, you gave me something to think about.

Nice fresh, young elbows!

This is a post I can relate to. The measures we go to hide the old elbows can be extreme. 🐓🐓


I don't think so for a 60-year-old guy, You elbows are still in good condition.
YOu are looking handsome man ;) don't get worried.

Thanks a lot!

Elbows are a sign of wisdom I suppose. My 32 year old elbows are only moderately wise, but certainly an improvement from 18.

Hmm wise elbows....I like it!

yes you are not alone! Everything, gets older, It's a part of life, Worry not, Enjoy it.

For sure!

It's all in the head, my friend.


Yep. Old looking elbows are a problem kus-knee. And knees. And hands. And tops of the arms. And face.

Well pretty much anywhere that has skin really! 😂

haha you're right!

This is one thing where I cannot agree with you! How in the world do you fret about those elbows LOL. Dude those elbows are better than Brad Pitt's elbows any day of the week! LOL

Gee thanks!!!!

try to look young
don't worry
old is gold

Dude, when you stare longer at your elbow you'll see that it shows an invinity sign! You're immortal! Don't even worry about looking old! @kus-knee

Why not wear a full sleaved shirt to hide those old elbows haha

The old dog never gets old till have a blossoming heart within...👍👌
Anyway never observed it...the hair and the face wrinkles says everything

Muy interesante publicación @kus-knee sobre los Viejos Codos y como podemos hacer para rejuvenecerlos con tantas técnicas naturales sin necesidad de recurrir al Botox

Your elbow is so good are not old man....your looking so handsome....and don't worry...about your elbow..more power to your elbow is more approptriate however we have elbow grease...more power to your elbow is the correct expressions....

excellent post! It is the exciting moment of life.

hi @kus-knee
i do apologise for spam which came out from my account last week. my account has been hacked and thatnks to witnesses i have it now back. i hope none of your friends clicked the link my account produced when it was in hand of hackers. i advise all users to be carefull and understand well what the passwords are for and what is the most safe way to use steemit, just so you won't feel victim of hackers, as it happened to me. it may as well happen to any one, hackers doen't care if your account is worthy a lot as they can get to their goal using your account as a tool. don't be naive as i was. stay safe.

good article advising of this type of scam

good article how to recover your account once your account has been hacked, as i did :

guide to passwords on steemit

wallet which allowes you to store your passwords securely - hasn't tried this yet but this has been recommended to me by @blocktrades

if you see any phishing comment,s just comment 'phishing' and tag @ steamcleaners for your own and others safety. they will do the rest.

if your account has been hacked, go to discord 'account recovery channel' for help, or message @guiltyparties or @blocktrades directly. these guys have helped me to recover my account nad were very helpful. i think that they did great job and therefore i will be voting on them as they are one of witnesses. i know that they would do the same for others.

thanks to all involved again (also people i missed here), i will thank you all again in my post i will do soon. x

At this age, if this is your problem, then you have no problem.
Be alive, healthy and happy!

If someone wants to like you he/she will not look at yoyr elbow. He/She will like you with your good behaviour and with your skills. Old elbows dont mean you are old be brave and leave these lame ideas behind. Move forward leaving past my old friend

Just as you may have noticed, many people will think differently about elbows. I don't think it's something to worry about or anything, are there really people with highly attractive elbows?

The important thing is that you are in good health and can continue to do this type of walking, without any problems.

@kus-knee We should not worry about the Elbows . these all changes comes with Age. One day we all will get these changes.
By the way very nice article was written.

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funny Old Dog
in my case, that part of my body is my proof for my age
no one believes am 40
sometimes I have to show them my ID lol
thanks for elbows and neck lines when you have a baby face
and you don't look that old Old Dog

Does it exist an elbow lifting? :-)))

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