in agriculture •  7 years ago  (edited)

You possibly must have heard of Greenhouse and your mind created an image of a house that is green. Lmao, you are so wrong. Sit down,relax and get schooled on what a Greenhouse is.


Greenhouse is a structure made up of rigid framework and covered with transparent material to permit inflow of radiant energy for the production of plants. The greenhouse provides ,maintains an environment that results in optimum crop production for maximum profit. It is used for both research and commercial Agricuture.

The greenhouse consists of foundation,floor,wall and roof . The roof is the most important part of the green house,radiation passes through to the green house through it. Materials commonly used in the roof covering are; glass,acrylic,polycarbonate,fiberglass-reinforced polyester,polyethylene film,polyvinyl chloride corrugated .

Advantages Of Using Greenhouse For Agricultural Purposes

  • Through the use of green house,it is possible to cultivate crops in places that the ambient condition of the environment doesn't permit such crop growth. This is achieved through the regulation of various climatic parameters.

  • Irrigation is the main source of water in a green house so the farmer is independent of rainfall and not affected by its inconsistency and unpredictability.

  • Crops grown in greenhouse have consistent high quality due to the optimum growing conditions.

  • Greenhouse protects the crops from acid rain formed when rain water reacts with excess carbon IV oxide in the air .

  • It is environmentally friendly to both workers and the plants since pests and insects are kept out .

  • Economic insects like earthworm that help pulverize the soil to improve aeration is easily groomed, without fear of it causing a nuisance in other sites.

Disadvantages Of Greenhouse

The only disadvantage of using greenhouse is its cost and durability. The required equipments for the regulation of temperature,relative humidity and air composition in a green house are expensive,although the expenses can be covered if the plants planted are of high commercial value. Green houses are so delicate that they can be destroyed by storm or accident.

Other usage of greenhouse is for

  1. Research purpose and skills development
  2. Commercial use for profit making
  3. Relaxation and retirement of retired people.
  4. Rehabilitation centre
  5. Enjoyment in greenhouse parks and garden.


brought to you by the versatile student Engineer

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Greenhouse effect is dangerous for us,,if we are not increase awareness , we will fall on a great problem as like as trap..Greenhouse is the main cause for global warming,,So we should try to do to prevent it as soon as possible what we can do,,perhaps,I am also an Engineering student

Hey pal...why havent you been posting on your blog

Nice content,,now a days,,It is a real phenomenon of life,,Temperature increase rapidly,,people bored as unbearable hot,,Carbon Di-oxide is the main culprit for this greenhouse

Well said.
Thanks for contributing

Greenhouse protects the crops from acid rain formed when rain water reacts with excess carbon IV oxide in the air ,,the economical benefits

Nice sharing !!!!!!!!
This is a harmful effect for all !!!!

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