Greeting everyone Friends,
I am here to participate in the steemit engagement challenge for season 20, week 2. First of all, I would like to thank @mainuna @xkool24. Who has given this contest on a wonderful topic. To tell the truth, rice is not only produced for livelihood, we see a good relationship between the farmer and his produce for rice cultivation. Everyone in Bangladesh knows about rice and its various problems and solutions. I am a paddy farmer myself I did a post last week where I applied fertilizer to my paddy field. I am sharing here the link of the post on the application of fertilizer for paddy cultivation. Let's talk about the topics of the contest in detail. Dear readers, let's know about our rice cultivation in Bangladesh and the problems and solutions.
Bangladesh rice farmer farming rice economy agricultural food and security Bangladesh Least developed country Rice production Agriculture Business and Economy Scarcity of food and rise in price Rice production in Bangladesh can be considered as very important concerning economy, agriculture and food security of Bangladesh. Rice is highly significant for the people, as it is the main crop and the main food for more than 170 million people The food contribution rice provides for the population is 60% of calories and 50% of protein for adult human beings. Rice farming is the most dominant sub-sector in agriculture where 48% of the rural employment is absorbed.
- Current Production Statistics
Currently, rice production by Bangladesh stood in third place in the global scale producing behind only China and India. The country produced approximately 39 The country produced approximately 39. The Federal government of Pakistan’s current target is to import one million tonnes of rice in the fiscal year 2022-23. This is done with much output, given certain constraints including lack of mechanization, climate change which compromises soil fertility, and some market-related complications, which include manipulation, to do with prices and availability.
- Cropping Seasons
Rice is cultivated in three main seasons in Bangladesh: Aman, Aus, and Boro as it is one kind of magic to help treat diseases.
Aman: SRI is the second most popular cereal crop produced in the country of Bangladesh. Aman paddy is usually cultivated between the months of July and August while harvesting is done between November and December. It mainly depends on rain water which could either be in the form of raindrops, mist or dew.
Aus: Aus rice is planted during early March or April and it is an early maturity rain-fed crop system. Its life cycle is completed during summer rainfall and the fodder is cut and used during summer.
Boro: The Boro season is found sowing rice from mid-November up to February then harvest is done from April up to June. This season has turned out to be prominent because it has incorporated the use of irrigation.
- Historical Context
Bangladesh has been producing rice for nearly 4000 years when it was a part of the greater and vast Bengal Bet. Pettit stated that ancient farmers used artificial selection that happened in the local area to produce a number of local varieties of rice known as landraces. Another significant period in rice production was during the 1960s by which time new high input rice producing varieties were developed referred to as Green Revolution.
The subsequent setting up of the Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI) took this effort forward and came up with other high-yielding types like the BR1 and the BR3 that became popular during all seasons of cultivation.
I will tell you the processes that I have seen since my childhood as my father cultivated rice in our agricultural land. How seeds are made, seedlings are grown from seeds. I will try to highlight the complete processes of rice cultivation here.
Rice is the most important food crop of Bangladesh that has demands meticulous approaches in preparing seed beds and the soil for the optimum growth of the grains. Rice seedbed preparation is a process, riddled with a series of steps that are important in ensuring that a healthy crop is produced.
Preparation of seedbeds is the initial process that is followed in the rice cultivation process and is very important for growing healthy plants and more yields. This is the first growing area for rice seeds as it undergoes germination before growing small seedlings before being transplanted to the general growing area. Preparation of the seedbed is an important process that entails several operations that aims at soil, water, and weeds.
Choosing a proper site is the first principle for preparation of rice seedbed. Exemplary sites normally are those that are either level or moderately sloping and well drained. The soil should be fertile and referred to as loamy or dark and have good contents of organic matters and an Acidity of between 5. 5 and 7. 0. Soil testing can be done to know the nutrient contents and possible changes that a particular soil needs to undergo.
When the site is identified, the site is graded and prepared to free it from any vegetation, chopper or weeds that may be a staunch for the rice seedlings and water. It may be done by hand, although in large areas, such as farms, it can be done using mechanical methods. This is followed by tilling to control the structure of the soil and prepare it for planting purposes after the land has been cleared. This is accomplished through tilling which is the process of digging up the upper layer of soil in order to allow air into it through the breaking of compacted layers. Incorporating organic matter into the soil is another advantage of tillage since it’ll improve on the soil fertility and its structure as well.
Tillering is very important especially to make sure that water on the seedbed is uniformly distributed during watering. This can be done using plain leveled beams or availing of a laser leveling technique in a way that merges them to provide an even surface to avoid formation of watery pits at some sections while at the same time enhancing water drainage.
Agriculture needs the use of fertilizers on farmland basing on the analysis of the soil samples before planting seeds. Some of the most frequently used fertilizer elements are Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K). Other organic inputs such as compost or well decomposed manure can also be incorporated for improving the soil fertility.
Irrigation control is essential in the production of rice because it’s a semi-annual crop. Some of the variations made after leveling involves irrigation of the fields by flooding with water whereby water depth ranges from 2-5 cm to encourage seed germination with suppression of weeds.
Seeds can be sown directly into the mud or plughed in onwards to raised beds depending on the tradition in the region. Transplanting techniques additionally employs seeds sowing on nurseries first then transferred to flooded fields after attaining desirable plant height.
It must be noted that weed management should be commenced right from the sowing of seeds. This may include mechanical weeding or a use of herbicides in case there is a problem with the weeds. Conservation of water levels also enables reduction of weed growth because many of the weeds cannot fathom the water level.
Timely planting is therefore important in order to produce high yields of rice. In Bangladesh, there are specific periods known as “seasons” for rice cultivation, Boro This is a dry season or the first crop season, Aman it is a monsoon or the second crop season and Aus this is pre-monsoon or the first crop season. Indeed each season has its own planting period depending with the climatic factors such as temperature, rainfall and humidity. Planting outside these windows can lead to reduced yields due to, Planting outside the windows can lead to reduced yields due to.
Suboptimal Growth Conditions: Temperature is also considered necessary for germination process of rice and its further growth. For example, planting seeds in the Boro season at an early or a late time will not be able to make very good use of the warm temperatures here for growth.
Pest and Disease Pressure: Planting of the crops is best done to ensure that they are not planted when there are high instances of pests attack, diseases or any other factor that is destructive to crops. For instance planting during the Aman season maybe disastrous as crops are vulnerable to pests and diseases such as the brown planthopper.
Water Management : This is true especially for rice farming since water is a significant factor in this type of farming. In Bangladesh, irrigation practices vary by season.
Boro Season: This period is usually characterised by the use of irrigation water because of lesser precipitation. Early planting helps in water management to avoid shortage of water resources in future.
Aman Season: This crop requires water and since it has to be planted by the time the rains start, wrong timing may see seedlings being washed away by torrential rains. Planting at the right time enables farmers to carry out their planting programs at requisite times with natural available supplies of water eradicating the use of artificial sources.
Climate Resilience : Bangladesh is most vulnerable country to climate variability such as flood and drought. Timely sowing of rice seeds can enhance resilience against these climatic challenges:
Flood Mitigation: Sowing at any early time especially when the later rainy seasons are expected can favour the maturing of crops before floods.
Drought Resistance: On the other hand, delayed planting could result to watering periods during the period of development that is sensitive to drought. Farmers can be able to counter effects of climate change through integrating the planting calendar to the climatic conditions likely to occur.
Economic Considerations
Market Prices: Ripeness of foods especially rice available in the market can be affected by the time used in harvesting it. Fresh foods such as fruits may sell at a premium during their early season, because there is limited quantities available in the market.
Cost Efficiency: Field planting is less expensive in terms of pest control and irrigation since the crops would not have faced any unfavorable conditions in its growth. Those farmers, who follow planting calendar, usually obtain better financial results compared to the ones, who do not.
- Socio-Cultural Factors
In Bangladesh’s agrarian society, traditional knowledge plays a role in determining when to plant rice seeds:In Bangladesh’s agrarian society, traditional knowledge plays a role in determining when to plant rice seeds:
Cultural Practices: In many cultures there are certain practices or social religious ceremonies that are followed to determine the right time to sow seeds in the field.
Community Coordination: Planting at the right time means that the farmers in the community can hire each other, share machinery or share workforce during season when these factors are required. The above mentioned socio-cultural aspects serve to support the need to maintain traditional calendar periods of growth while at the same time applying scientific data to the most favorable conditions to support this growth.
In the right time of planting rice seeds in Bangladesh can not be overemphasized. Thus, it impacts on the ability to obtain maximum yields, control water, address climate change, have financial sustainability and create social capital among players in the farming industry. Organic farmers have to take into account their cultural norms and practices together with the newer advanced technologies in order to help them maximize their production efficiently.
Rice is the most important crop in Bangladesh which is used as a staple food and thus the cultivation of rice has a strategic importance. The farming methods involved in rice farming are mature with techniques of irrigation and use of fertilizers with the aim of increasing on the yields and sustainability.
Irrigation Practices
Water Management Systems: Rice production in Bangladesh is mainly in two seasons; the Aman season and the Boro season. The methods used in irrigation differ with these seasons. The Aman season is completely rain fed while in the Boro season mostly the farmers depend on irrigation as the rainfall is comparatively low.
Types of Irrigation:
Surface Irrigation: This is the most popular technique where water moves over the top soil in a bid to get to the plant. It can be done through furrows or basins For example, when planting irrigation crops as in the case of Eyasi villagers.
Drip Irrigation: However, since it is expensive, drip irrigation delivers water directly to the roots of the plants and reduces losses through evaporation.
Flood Irrigation: This method involves waterlogging of fields which is suitable for rice since this crop always requires water for some of its developmental stages.
Irrigation Scheduling: Watering is important after sowing seeds because it helps in provision of adequate moisture in the soil. Growers normally water in intervals of 7 to 10 days depending on the climate conditions, and the state of the soil. It is therefore important that instruments such as tensiometers be used to tell us when plants need to be watered.
Water Depth Management: For rice cultivation it is preferable to have water depth of about 5-10 cm for early growth stages. This depth could however change with plant development stage and the prevailing environmental conditions as plants develop.
Fertilizer Application
Soil Testing: Typically, prior to the application of fertilizers, farmers analyze the soil in order to find out about the need of nutrients and the pH level. This assists in determining correct quantities of fertilizers to be applied according to the type of crop grown.
Nitrogen :
For vegetative growth; urea is usually used in the growth of plant tissue culture.
Phosphorus (P): Promotes root development; single super phosphate or triple super phosphate usually serves the purpose.
Potassium :
Improves the general health of the plants; muriate of potash (MOP) is normally used.
Application Timing:
Fertilizers are generally applied at different stages of rice growth:Fertilizers are generally applied at different stages of rice growth:
Basal Application: During sowing time a portion of the fertilizers NPK is normally used.
Top Dressing:
More nitrogen is given at the appropriate development phases like at the tillering phase or at the phase when the number of panicle is forming— depending on the time that is between 30 to 40 days after sowing.
Application Methods:
Fertilizers can be broadcasted and spread out over the field and can also be incorporated into the soil before planting. Sometimes fertilizers are applied in furrow at the time of planting or at certain growth phases applied on the side of the row.
Integrated Nutrient Management : Several farmers use integrated nutrient management this is through the use of chemical fertilizers which they mix with organic manure such as compost or planting of green manure for better and sustainable soil nutrient base.
Monitoring Plant Health: Routine monitoring enables the farmers to alter the fertilization practices according to the field signs of either deficiencies or toxicities of the plants. Thus, irrigation schedule and right use of the fertilizer are two important tools that have significant impact on the rice production in Bangladesh. This displays the possible use of certain techniques maximising production under given locale conditions based on sustainable farming practices.
Rice is one of the most important food crops grown in Bangladesh and its yield is threatened by different pests and diseases. It is therefore important for the respective authorities and food supply companies to be well-informed about these threats and seek to adopt the best measures of control to enhance food security in the region. From the study, the following sections provide the details of the major pests and diseases affecting rice crops in Bangladesh and its control measures.
Brown Planthopper : This is a plant sapsucker which is among the most injurious of rice pests. It causes direct damage whereby the members feed on plant sap thus reducing plant growth and yields. In addition, its can spread viral diseases including Rice Grassy Leaf Virus diseases.
Control Measures: Use resistant rice varieties. Adopt and apply Integrated pest management (IPM) practice such as biological control through the use of predators. Treat the insects using insecticides when pest densities go beyond the economic tolerance levels.
Rice Stem Borer : The larvae of this Moth could drill into the stem of the rice plant where they brought renewed wilting and death. Some of the diseases may result to many yields being lost due to infestations.
Control Measures: Rotation with non-host crops.In the case of crop rotation the cultivation of the crops should be done with other crops that the pest is not capable of infesting. Use of resistant varieties. Insecticide use early in the season that is during peak infestation.
Leaf Folder : This pest will fold the leaves in order to feed on them causing great impacts on the plant’s health through limitation of photosynthesis.
Control Measures:
There should be frequent checkups on fields to detect early stages of the diseases. This is achievable by employing the pheromone traps to minimize the occurrence of the future generations of the adult population.
Use insecticides whenever needed but use them selectively so as not to harm the environment.
Rice crop can be affected by various diseases and pests at different times of its life cycle. At the time of planting and emergence of paddy, there may be attack of maggots and even flies and various diseases.
After cutting paddy is harvested there are a lot of steps to be followed to derive the best quality paddy, store those for future use. The steps in the process include post-harvest handling, drying, storage and pest management. Step by Step Explanation of these steps:-
Steps After Harvesting Paddy ,Post-Harvest Handling:
After harvesting the paddy, take care to minimize the damage caused. Starting from the harvesting of paddy from the fields to the transportation of harvested paddy in a way that ensures does not spill, contaminate or mix with white fly. must be used at all these levels. During this phase, all foreign substances (weeds, stones or other grains) must be removed.
One of the most pivotal processes in post-harvest processing is drying. Moisture content in freshly harvested paddy is usually high (20-25 per cent). It must be dried to about 14% moisture content to keep it from spoiling and retain its quality. Before of after drying, they may be dried in the sun or mechanically. In shade drying, the paddy is spread on clean surfaces for few hours till it reaches optimum moisture content. Mechanical dryers offer more controlled conditions and make sense, especially in regions with high humidity or little sunlight.
The next process is hulling, done so that the husk is removed from the paddy grain to get brown rice. It can be made in the traditional way or with modern milling machines. Hulling is a step to be wary of so that the grains do not split to much.
Post-harvest is very important if we want to keep the quality of paddy over a certain period of time. Dried rice should be stored in clean, dry containers and kept away from moisture and pests. Types of storage include jute bags, metal silos or hermetic containers with little possibility of oxygen exchange.Keep storage areas properly ventilated and free from rodents and insects.
Pest Management:
You need to watch out for pests such as weevils or others during storage. Minimizing an outbreak through integrated pest management techniques is possible.At times this might involve the use of approved natural repellents or insecticides specifically meant for on-grain storage purposes.
Quality Control:
These processes should be under scrutiny so that quality control measures are in place to detect problems at an early stage. Occasional sampling and testing for moisture content, purity, as well as contaminants presence is required.
In the end, when it comes to keeping access to good rice during distribution and also trade; packaging plays a vital role here. Packaging materials should not allow moisture to enter but should be air-permeable.
In Bangladesh, the cultivation of paddy is a major agricultural practice and contributes significantly to their economy and ensures their food security. The nation’s wide range of climatic conditions coupled with an extensive system of rivers provides a suitable environment for rice growing. Farmers combine conventional means with latest technologies when aiming at increasing productivity as well as environmental friendliness. Continued studies required through research reflect on different threats posed on it like climatic changes, managing water bodies, and controlling insects among other possible strategies targeted at addressing them. Eventually, growing rice does not only support individuals but also help in preserving history besides catering for the new population's needs.
Thanks to everyone here is an invitation @mainuna @abdul-rakib @simonnwigwe & @josepha
Hey there, rice warriors! 🌾🙌
Your post about rice farming in Bangladesh is a treasure trove of knowledge! 🍚✨ It’s not just about filling bellies; it’s like a love story between farmers and their crops! 💖I mean, did you know rice provides 60% of calories and 50% of protein for adults? That’s a pretty big deal! 😲💪 Plus, your detailed breakdown of the cultivation process is like the ultimate rice farming manual! 📚🚜I love how you highlight the importance of timing—it's like rice has its own social calendar! 🗓️🌧️ And I can totally picture you and your family out there, using the latest tech while also keeping it traditional. Talk about blending old-school charm with modern vibes! 😎🌱Thanks for sharing your journey and the nitty-gritty of paddy farming! Wishing you all the best in the contest! Let’s keep those rice paddies thriving! 🎉🍚🌍
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My dear friend rice production in Bangladesh is not just for livelihood it is the love of the crop with the farmer Rice occupies the fourth place in the production of Bangladesh in the whole world in a small country now rice is produced in two seasons Bangladeshi people are fish hands Bengali there are many rivers and main food of Bangladesh Thank you very much for the nice comment
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Hello! 🌾 Thank you for sharing such wonderful insights about rice production in Bangladesh! It’s amazing to hear how deeply connected farmers are to this vital crop. Rice truly plays a central role in your culture and sustains many lives. The fact that Bangladesh ranks so high in production, despite being a small country, is impressive! It’s great to know that rice is not only a staple food but also a part of the love and tradition of the people. Thank you for your kind words! 😊
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Observations and suggestions:
বর্তমানে ১৭০ মিলিয়ন মানুষের প্রধান খাদ্য গুরুত্বপূর্ণ তত্ত্ব দিয়েছেন ভাই। কৃষির সাথে দৈনন্দিন মানুষের আগ্রহ বাড়তেছে। বর্তমানে দুই সিজনে ধান উৎপাদন হলেও পূর্বে একবার চাষ হতো শুনেছি। আমাদের এলাকায় দুই সিজন ধান এবং একবার সরিষা চাষ হয়। ধানে মাছি ছাড়াও আরো অন্যান্য পোকার আক্রমন দেখা যায় যেমন: হপার, মাজরাপোকা ইত্যাদি। প্যাকেটজাতের সময় আদ্রতা থাকলে তা নষ্ট হয়ে যাওয়ার সম্ভবনা বেশি থাকে।
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ধান গাছের রোগবালাই অনেক কিন্তু মাজরা পোকা সবচাইতে বেশি ক্ষতি করে এবং ফলন কমিয়ে দেয়। যা কৃষক কে ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত করে। আপনাকে অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ রিভিউ করার জন্য।
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Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 1/8) Get profit votes with @tipU :)
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Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.
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Congratulations! Your post has been upvoted through steemcurator06. Good post here should be..Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons:
From your writing it seems that you are very skilled in paddy cultivation. Hope to see more such educational posts in future. Good luck for the contest.
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thank you so much 👍
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