SEC | S20W5:"Planting & Care

in agro-s20w5 •  9 days ago 

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Today I am here to join and explore a wonderful contest about the plantation and their care by @mainuna. If you want to join it then:

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I live in Pakistan and specifically in a village. So I will be answering all the questions according to my country Pakistan.


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Which season does your region/country falls; and what are the best planting times and why are these times the best?

Pakistan has four different seasons. Each season is unique with its own characteristics. And these characteristics influences the agricultural practices. These four seasons are given below:

  1. Winter: This season starts in December and ends in February in Pakistan. It is characterized by cold weather. This season has intense effect of cold particularly in northern regions such as Gilgit Baltistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Southern areas as well as Sindh and Balochistan face mild temperatures. This season sees less rainfall and is generally dry.

  2. Spring: This season starts from March and ends in May. In this season the temperature changes from cold to warm. And it becomes a moderate weather. Spring is one of the most beautiful and pleasant season in Pakistan. In this season new plants starts blooming. Everything becomes green and lovely. The sunshine starts increasing day by day. And throughout the season temperature remains very comfortable. And it provides the best conditions for the plantation.

  3. Summer: This season officially starts from June and ends in August. It is extremely hot season in most parts of the country. Especially Punjab, Sindh and Balochistan are affected with its huge temperatures. In the recent season the highest recorded temperature is 52°C which becomes 125°F. This season also brings the monsoon rains. These monsoon rains often comes from July to September. And these proves to be very crucial for the agricultural activities. But these can also cause flooding in some areas.

  4. Autumn: This season starts in September and ends in November. This is a cooling period. And it causes the transition from summer to winter. In this season temperatures drop, rainfall decreases and the air becomes dry. And it is important season for the plantation of the certain crops. Moreover those sown earlier in this season can be harvested earlier.

As I have mentioned all the season of Pakistan and with all the characteristics. By seeing all the record and data I am here to say that Pakistan falls in the Summer season. Because in this season the temperature is very high which is not suitable for the plantation. In this season Pakistan has already faced a lot of falls and destructions in the plantation of the crops. Not going more far I want to present a most recent example of the fall of this season. This season Pakistan faced a lot of loss in the rice crops.

Actually in this season the temperature was very high and many people sow rice crops of different kinds. Most of the crops fell down and they did not produce grain in the plants of the rice. The rice plants remained empty or they did not even start growing because of the intense temperature.

And it happened with those farmer who sowed their crops earlier in this season and at that time the temperature was very high. And those farmers who sowed the crops later they were not affected as much as the others.

So summer season is drastic for the crops and plantation in Pakistan and Pakistan falls in this season in crops.


Image by 👀 Mabel Amber, who will one day from Pixabay

Best Planting Times and Why

Each season is special for the specific crops. As different crops needs different temperature and climate to grow effectively and to give good returns. Here I have concluded the best times of each season for the sowing of the specific crops.


February to April is the most suitable period for the crops in the spring season. This is one of the most important planting periods in Pakistan. It is best particularly for Kharif crops. Kharif crops include different crops such as:

  • Wheat, sugarcane and maize. These crops need gradually warming conditions. And we know the temperature gradually increases during this period.

  • Various vegetables like tomatoes, onions, spinach and cucumbers are also planted during this period. This is also suitable for these crops.

Why it is ideal: The moderate temperatures and increasing daylight hours encourage seed germination. And it leads to healthy crop growth. Additionally the absence of extreme heat or frost during this time minimizes plant stress. And it causes to result in optimal and better yields.

Monsoon or Summer

During this season June to August is the most suitable time period for the growth of the specific crops. There are some crops which need rains. So with the arrival of the monsoon rains this season is ideal for crops such as:

  • Rice which requires substantial water.

  • Cotton and maize, these crops also get benefit from the combination of heat and rainfall.

Why it is ideal: The heavy monsoon rainfall replenishes water supplies. It is essential for crops like rice that need flooded fields. However successful planting during this period requires careful management is highly required. Because high humidity cause water logging and pest infestations.


In this season September to November is the best time for the specific crops. This period indicates the beginning of the Rabi season. It is an ideal season for the plantation of the winter crops such as:

  • Wheat, barley, pulses and mustard.

  • It is suitable for Vegetables such as cauliflower, carrots and peas. So these are also commonly planted.

Why it is ideal: Cooler temperatures and low humidity create a favorable environment for winter crops. These conditions help minimize disease and pest issues. In this period crops grow steadily throughout the winter season. And the harvesting of these crops occur in early spring.

Factors Making These Times Optimal

  • Temperature: Crops have specific temperature ranges. Because temperature plays an important role for the growth of the crops. Spring and autumn provide moderate conditions of temperature. In these seasons temperature is neither too hot nor too cold. It allows for efficient plant development.

  • Rainfall: The monsoon season is very famous fro the cats and dogs rains in Pakistan. So it delivers the water needed for water intensive crops. And spring and autumn planting rely on irrigation systems that supply water in controlled quantities.

  • Daylight Hours: Longer daylight in spring and summer ensures that plants receive the sunlight necessary for photosynthesis. And cooler seasons like autumn still offer adequate sunlight without the intense heat stress of summer which is suitable for those crops which needs low temperature.

On the whole the best planting times in Pakistan align with seasonal changes. These changes include temperature, rainfall and daylight. Spring is ideal for Kharif crops as the monsoon season provides water for crops like rice. Autumn plantation ensures a successful Rabi season. It is special particularly for wheat and other winter crops. Proper timing allows higher productivity and healthier yields.

What is the importance of planting trees in the right place and in which places can trees be planted?


Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Importance of Planting Trees in the Right Place

Planting trees in the right location is necessary for their healthy growth. If we plant them at the right place then they will give environmental benefits and overall sustainability. The correct placement makes it sure that trees can grow and provide long term benefits. Plantation of the trees at the right place have several benefits and long term growth such as:

Optimal Growth Conditions

  • Different trees have different needs of sunlight, soil type, water and space. We should plant a tree in a location that meets its specific requirements. And it ensures that it can grow to its full potential. And in this way it will provide shade, fruits and wood.

Soil Stability and Erosion Control

  • Trees are very important for the stability of the soil. They help to control erosion. Trees synchronize soil with their root systems. It reduces soil erosion. And it is especially very useful on hillsides and near water bodies. We should plant trees in those areas which are prone to erosion. It includes riverbanks or slopes. It will help to stabilise the land.

Energy Conservation

  • Trees are a way to conserve energy. If we think carefully and strategically then we can come to know about this energy conservation. If we plant and build trees around home or inside home they can reduce energy consumption. Because trees provide shade in the summer. They reduce the cooling costs. They also act as windbreaks in the winter. And ultimately they reduce the heating needs in winter.

Environmental and Ecological Benefits

  • Trees play an important role in the maintenance of the environment. Trees release oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide from the air. So they improve the quality of the air. The plantation of the trees in urban areas reduces air pollution. And trees also provide a habitat for wildlife and they supports biodiversity.

Flood Control

  • Trees help absorb and retain water. In this way they reduce the risk of floods in heavy rainfall areas. Proper plantation of trees in flood prone zones or near water bodies can minimize water runoff. Trees promote groundwater recharge.

Aesthetic and Social Benefits

  • Trees enhance the beauty of an area. It improve property values and provide spaces for recreation. Suitable plantation of trees can create parks, green corridors and outdoor spaces. It promotes mental well being and community interaction.

Suitable Places to Plant Trees

Urban Areas

Urban areas include cities and towns. So there is a great need for plantation of trees in urban areas in several places such as:

  • Parks and Gardens: Public parks and private gardens are ideal for planting a variety of trees. It enhances the environment and offer shade and aesthetic value.

  • Roadsides and Avenues: Trees can be planted along streets and highways. They will helo to reduce pollution. And they will offer shade and improve the landscape for the travellers. They also act as buffers for noise pollution which is common in roadsides.

  • Residential and Commercial Properties: plantation of trees around residential and commercial areas is very suitable. Planting trees around homes, schools, offices and shopping areas provides beauty, shade and a cooling effect.

  • Green Roofs and Vertical Gardens: In dense and populated cities where the space is there should be green roofs and vertical gardens. They offer innovative ways to incorporate trees and plants into urban environments. They will provide health benefits with clear air as well as beauty.

Rural Areas

  • Farmlands: Plantation of trees in agricultural land and around the agriculture land can improve soil quality. It protects crops from wind and sun. Moreover it provides additional income through fruit, timber or fuelwood production.
  • Community Forests: The designated areas are also suitable places for the trees plantation. In these areas communities plant trees for environmental benefits and sustainable wood production.
  • Watershed Areas: The plantation of the trees in watersheds is very suitable. It helps to protect the water quality as well as prevent erosion.

Coastal Areas

  • Mangroves and Coastal Protection: In coastal regions specific trees like mangroves are planted. They help to protect shorelines from erosion. And they provide a habitat for marine life. They also act as buffers against storms and tidal waves.

Mountainous and Hilly Areas

  • Slope Areas: The plantation of the trees on the steep slopes is very suitable. They prevent landslides from steep paths. And it protects slope erosion as well. And in this way trees protect communities and maintain natural landscapes.

Industrial Areas

  • Green Buffers: As factory areas are full of pollutants and they are harmful for the environment. Trees plantation around factories and industrial zones is really helpful and suitable. They act as green buffers. They reduce air and noise pollution. Moreover they improve the aesthetic attraction of the area.

Riverbanks and Wetlands

  • Riparian Zones: Erosion is a great problem on the wetlands and around the banks of the river. Trees plantation along riverbanks and wetlands helps to prevent erosion. They improve water quality. Moreover they provide critical habitats for wildlife.

Plantation of trees in the right place is important to ensure they provide maximum environmental, social and economic benefits. Selection of appropriate locations in urban as well as rural areas has significant impact on climate. It also affects the biodiversity and the quality of life for people and wildlife.

What kind of fertilizers or organic fertilizers should be used to prepare the soil before planting?


Image by darrenquigley32 from Pixabay

It is very necessary to prepare the soil before the plantation. It enhances the fertility. Organic fertilizers increase the nutrients in the soil. They improve the health of the soil. They increase the microbial activity in the land.

Here are the different types of the fertilizers and organic materials which are used for the preparation of the soil:

Types of Organic Fertilizers


It is the decomposed organic matter. It is made from kitchen scraps, yard waste and biodegradable materials.

  • Benefits: It has several benefits. Compost provides nutrients to the soil. Compost increases the retention and moisture of the soil. They develop beneficial micro organisms.
  • Application: We can use compost by spreading a layer of 1 to 3 inches on the soil. And we should try to mix it in the top 6 to 8 inches surface of the soil.


Manure is also a good source for the organic fertilizers. It may be of cow, chicken or sheep.

  • Benefits: Manure has nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. These all are the essentials for plant growth. It also improves soil texture and water holding capacity.
  • Application: Manure should be well aged. We can compost it before using it to avoid burning plants. Because the excessive quantity of nitrogen is harmful. It can burn the plants. We need to mix it into the soil. And the mixing rate should be 20 to 30 pounds per 100 square feet.

Bone Meal

It is finely ground powder of animal bones. It serves for the good growth of the plants.

  • Benefits: Bone meal is a great source of phosphorus. It supports root development and flowering. It also contains some calcium for strong cell walls.
  • Application: We can apply it 1 tablespoon of bone meal per square foot. After that we need to mix it into the soil.

Blood Meal

It is the dry blood of slaughtered animals usually cattle. I used it in my home for the better growth of the pomegranate plant.

  • Benefits: It has a high quantity of nitrogen. It increases the lush and green growth of the plants. It is ideal for leafy vegetables. It is also useful for those plants that require nitrogen rich soil.
  • Application: We can use it sparingly. Because it is a source of nitrogen. We need to Mix 2 3 tablespoons into the soil per square foot.

Fish Emulsion

This is a liquid fertilizer. And it is made from fish waste.

  • Benefits: Fish emulsion has nitrogen and phosphorus in it. It also has some potassium. It also adds trace elements as well as beneficial microbes.
  • Application: In order to use it we should dilute fish emulsion with water. The dilution should be done typically 1 tablespoon per gallon. And then we should apply it as a spray. We can also apply it directly to the soil.

Green Manure

Cover crops are used to make green manure. It is used for the growth of clover and alfalfa like plants.

  • Benefits: Green Manure adds organic matter to the soil. It fixes nitrogen and improves soil aeration. Green manure also helps to eradicate weeds. It prevent soil erosion.
  • Application: We can plant cover crops in the offseason. Then we can put them into the soil a few weeks before the plantation.

Worm Castings

This is the organic waste processed by earthworms.

  • Benefits: Worm castings are rich sources of essential nutrients. They improve soil texture and moisture retention. They promote healthy root growth. They have useful microorganisms. They enhance the soil fertility.
  • Application: We should mix worm castings into the soil. The rate of mixing it in the soil should be 10 to 15 pounds per 100 square feet.

Wood Ash

The wood ash left after burning the wood.

  • Benefits: It is a good source of potassium and lime. It raises pH of soil. It provides essential nutrients for fruit plants.
  • Application: It should be used sparingly. Increased quantity of wood ash make the soil alkaline. We should apply only 2 pounds of wood ash per 100 square fee. And it should be mixed well in the soil.

Rock Phosphate

It is a mined natural mineral. It contains phosphorus.

  • Benefits: It provides phosphorus that is essential for the root development and overall plant health. It also enhances soil structure.
  • Application: We should use it for about 5 pounds of rock phosphate per 100 square feet of garden space. And it should be mixed well into the top surface of the soil.

Kelp Meal

It is a dried and ground seaweed.

  • Benefits: It is a rich source of micronutrients. It contains hormones. It promotes goosy plant growth. It makes the plants resistant to disease. And it enhance root development.
  • Application: We can apply 1 to 2 pounds per 100 square feet. And we should mix it well in the soil.

Chicken Manure Pellets

It is composted chicken manure. It is formed into easy to use pellets.

  • Benefits: It is a rich source of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. It is ideal for promoting general plant health and robust growth.
  • Application: We can spread it evenly into the soil. We can use 5 pounds per 100 square feet of soil.

Considerations for Soil Preparation

  • Soil Testing: It is good to test the soil before using any fertilizer. We can determine the nutrients in the soil. And after knowing about the pH level we can choose the right fertilizer.
  • Soil pH: As mentioned earlier the pH level is a critical level of the soil. It helps us to determine the type of the soil. We can check the nature of the soil. If the soil is acidic we can use fertilizers accordingly. On the other hand if the soil is basic then we can use the fertilizers accordingly.
  • Nutrient Balance: Different plants have different nutrient needs. For example leafy vegetables need more nitrogen. The flowering plants need more phosphorus. We should use balanced organic fertilizers. It will ensure soil is ready for the specific crops we are going to plant.
  • Organic Matter: Organic matter should also be used carefully. Organic matters such as compost improves soil texture. It allows the roots to penetrate easily in the ground. It helps the roots to access nutrients.

Preparation of the soil with the right type of organic fertilizers is very important. These fertilizers not only provide me essay nutrients but they improve the soil health with time. Because they support beneficial microbes. They enhance the ability of water retention. They reduce soil erosion.

What is the correct method of using pesticides and fungicides for gardening and which pesticides/fungicides can be used?

We use pesticides and fungicides for gardening on a daily basis. Because if we do not use suitable and required pesticides and fungicides the plants will be destroyed. And while using these pesticides and fungicides in gardening we need to understand different related things.

How to Use Pesticides and Fungicides

There is a proper way to use pesticides and fungicides for gardening. Here is a guide to using pesticides and fungicides:

Identify the Problem

First of all we need to understand the problem for which we want to use pesticides. If we are unable to detect the main problem then we cannot use pesticides properly which leads to the destruction of the plants rather than construction. So we should make sure that we know the pest or disease which is affecting our plants.

Choose the Right Product

After the detection of the problem now it is the time to choose the right product of pesticides according to the pest or disease of the plants. Choosing wrong product will not work and it can harm the plants. We can use organic products. These are safe for the environment.

Read the Instructions

After the detection of the problem and selection of the right product now it is the time to use it carefully. Because the excess of everything is bad. We should use the pesticides carefully according to the rules. Let suppose we need to put 5 ml liquid pesticide to the plant but without having the knowledge we put 10 ml. It will harm the plants except of the benefits. So before using the pesticides we should follow the instructions for the correct dosage and application method.

Prepare the Solution

We can dissolve the pesticides in the water to make them more soluble in soil. Because if they are not easily soluble then the soil will not absorb it correctly. Moreover a thick or dry pesticide can stand at one place without moving to the next. And this can cause burning. So we can prepare a solution for the product.

Apply Evenly

It is linked with the previous part. We should use the pesticides on all the affected soil and plants. In order to achieve it we can spray the solution on the affected areas. And the ideal time for the spray is morning or evening. Because at that time the temperature is cool and there is less wind.

Reapply if Needed

Some pests and diseases do not go out of the plants with one dose of the pesticides or fungicides. So we should check the affected plants and soil after the first dose. If they pests and diseases persist then we should apply the pesticides again.

And sometimes due to the rain and wind the pesticides flow away and we need to use pesticides again.

Use Protective Gear

Pesticides and fungicides are the harmful materials for the human health. We need to be very careful while using pesticides and fungicides.

We should wear gloves 🧤 and face masks. We should also cover our eyes while spraying. Further we should wash our hands after using the pesticides and fungicides.

Safe Pesticides and Fungicides

There are different pesticides and fungicides for the gardening. Here are some safe organic pesticides and organic fungicides.

Organic Pesticides

Neem Oil

Neem oil is a very useful organic pesticide. It is used to control a side range of insect pests. It is good for the pests such as aphids and mites. It also controls mealybugs.

We can use it by mixing it with water. And then we can spray the solution on the plants. It is non toxic to the humans as well as beneficial insects.

Insecticidal Soap

It is useful for the soft body insects such as aphids. It gives protection from spider mites and whiteflies.

We can use it by mixing it with water. We can spray the solution on the affected plants directly.

Diatomaceous Earth

It is a natural powder which is made by the fossilized algae. It is used to kill insects such as ants, slugs and beetles. It damages their exoskeletons.

We can sprinkle it around the base of the plants. We can also use it on the insects directly.

Organic Fungicides

Here are the organic fungicides which are safe for gardening:

Baking Soda

Baking soda is used to treat fungal diseases. These diseases include powdery mildew, black spot and rust.

We can use baking soda by mixing 1 tablespoon with gallon of water. Moreover we can add a few drops of liquid soap. After the preparation of the solution we can spray it on the infected plants. It is non toxic and safe to use around humans and pets.

Copper Fungicide

It is effective for the bacterial and fungal diseases such as blight and leaf spot. It also covers mildew.

We can spray it on the plant surfaces. And it should be sprayed where we see the disease symptoms.

It is safe for the organic gardening. But we should be careful while using it. We should avoid it's overuse. Because overuse can lead to copper accumulation in the soil.


It is useful for controlling powdery mildew and rust from the plants. It is also useful to control fungal infections.

We can apply the dust of the sulfur on the plants. But we should be careful while spray. Always read the instructions given on the label.

We should not apply it during the hit weather. Because it can cause plant burning.

Garlic Spray

Garlic spray is used for the eradication of insects as well as fungus. We can blend garlic with water. And after straining the water we can use it to spray on the plants. This is non toxic and environment friendly.

So we should always choose safe organic options. We should do it in possible situations. And we should avoid using it when the pollinators are active such as bees.

What home remedies can be used to protect plants for the roof or back garden?


Image by THỌ VƯƠNG HỒNG from Pixabay

In the above section I have discussed several things which can also be used as homework remedies for the plants for the roof or back garden such as neem oil, baking soda, garlic spray and soap.

But in this section I will mention those things again. So here are some simple home remedies which can be used for the protection and good health of the plants at home:

Neem Oil Spray

As mentioned earlier it acts as an insect killer. It is also used for the antifungal treatment.

How to Use

We can mix 1 to 2 tablespoons of neem oil with water. We can also mix a few drops of dish soap in the mixture. Now we can spray it on the plants to protect from pests. It gives protection from aphids, mites and whiteflies.

Garlic Spray

Garlic is available in each home. It is used on a daily basis. So we can use it as a home remedy for the protection of the plants. It helps to protect the plants from the insects such as aphids, ants and other caterpillars.

How to Use

We can blend some garlic cloves with the water. Then we can extract the water from the clove. Then we can spray this extracted water on the plants.

Soap and Water

As soap and water are the parts of each home. We can also use these products as a home remedy for the protection of the plants. It is useful to protect the plants from the small insects.

How to Use

We can mix some drops of dish soap in water. It will become a solution. We can spray this solution directly on the pests. It will kill them by breaking the outer skin of the insects.

Baking Soda Solution

Another thing which is available at home is baking soda. It can be used as homework remedy for the protection of the plants. It is used to prevent the plants from fungal diseases such as mildew.

How to Use

We can prepare the solution of the baking soda by mixing 1 tablespoon of baking soda with 1 gallon of water. We can add a few drops of dish soap in the solution. Now we can spray this solution on the affected leaves of the plants.


Eggshells can be found in every house. We use eggs and the waste of the eggshells can he used as a home remedy for the protection of the plants. These are used to deter slugs and snails.

How to Use

We can use this remedy by crushing the eggshells. Then we can spread the eggshells around the base of the plants. They work as a barrier for the pests.

Vinegar Spray

Vinegar spray is used in the kitchen. And it can also be used as a home remedy for the protection of the plants. It helps Tom control the weed.

How to Use

We can use the spray of the white vinegar directly on the weeds. But we should use it carefully that it should not touch to the plants. Because vinegar can be harmful for the plants.

Chili Pepper Spray

Pepper are also the part of every kitchen and home. So it can also be used as a home remedy for the plants. The chili pepper spray is used to keep the insects away from the plants.

How to Use

In order to prepare the first of the chilli pepper we need to mix a few teaspoons of chili powder. We can mix the crushed chili with water and then we can spray them on the plants.

Coffee Grounds

Coffee is made in almost all the homes. So the coffee grounds are the part of the home remedies for the plants. It repels ants and slugs.

How to Use

We can use coffee grounds by sprinkling it around the plants.

All the above mentioned remedies are easy to make. They are eco friendly. And they are the great home remedies for the protection of the roof and back gardens.

I invite @suboohi, @fombae and @kouba01 to join this amazing contest and share their valuable thoughts here.

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Welcome to the agro learning challenge season 20 Week-5.

Observations and suggestions:
The important part in your post was that you talked about ph quality control, it's very important and it's good to check it before planting. Nitrogen is the life of plants Without nitrogen a plant will not look green and it will not be able to take food in the presence of sunlight and will die so nitrogen is very important for plants. I understand that you have a good idea about organic fungicides, individual baking soda is less used in our area but I know Pakistanis use more. Spraying copper is not right for the unwary because no other pesticide can be sprayed near the crop for six hours after spraying copper. The points you have mentioned are very important for making homemade insecticides and fungicides. Your post can be an ideal solution for those who like to plant plants, you write very well, good luck for you.

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