Ahuwahzeus: Psychotronic Terrorism and Zionic Mind Control

in ahuwahzeus •  6 years ago 

All of the information came from the below blog, which was closed recently.
This article mirrors what was on the original blog.


Psychotronic Terrorism
The military and intelligence communities all over the world are working together to control society. They are using technologies to oppress, surveille, and mind control populations. The US and the United Kingdom along with its common wealth states of Australia, Canada, and New Zealand have a joint intelligence operation called Five Eyes which runs its ECHELON program used for gathering intelligence. ECHELON is working with the NSA’s MAINWAY and MARINA to hack, steal, and store private information intercepted from telephone and internet communications and data. The NSA which is headed up by Michael S. Rogers, George C. Barnes, Mark W. Westergren, Harry Coker Jr., and Earnest Green is spying on everyone through hidden cameras and microphones in smart devices, televisions, and computers. The exposure of this criminal spying which completely violates the 4th Amendment and human rights is also a distraction from their electronic harassment and nervous system hacking weapons. The information is stored in the Utah Data Center where they develop psychological programs on civilians used for targeting. All of this is entirely criminal. ECHELON is being covertly hacked by the Swiss ONYX interception system headed up by Guy Parmelin the Federal Councillor of the Swiss Federal Department of Defence. I believe the Swiss intelligence agencies are working with Italy’s AISE, France’s Directorate-General for External Security headed up by Bernard Bajolet and Germany’s Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution or BfV headed up by Hans-Georg Maasen.

Germany’s Federal Intelligence Service or BND and their Project 6 surveillance program has joint operations with the CIA headed up by Mike Pompeo and Gina Haspel. The BND is a continuation of the Gehlen Organization. Reinhard Gehlen was a Knight of Malta and Nazi who worked for the CIA after the US military took control of Germany during WWII. The BND is located in Pullach, Bavaria and I believe is under the authority of the Bavarian House of Wittelsbach. Pullach was a Fuhrer Headquarters for Nazis and the same land is used by the BND today. Dan Coats is the current Director of National Intelligence under Trump. Coats became Ambassador to Germany on September 10, 2001 under George W. Bush and established a new embassy in Berlin and made close ties with Angela Merkel. Dan Coats is a double agent working with German princes which run Germany’s proxy government which are also the same families that engineered the Nazis. Bantz J. Craddock is a former US Army General who served in the 8th Infantry Division in Germany where he received the Badge of Honour of the Bundeswehr. Craddock later became President of Military Professional Resources Inc. a private military company that was accused of participating in a genocide in Yugoslavia. Tadeusz Kosciuszko was a Lithuanian nobleman, American military general, and agent of the House of Wettin now called the House of Saxe-Coburg which ruled the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Tadeusz Kosciuszko was the architect of West Point. Former NSA Director Keith B. Alexander went to West Point and was running the NSA from 2005 to 2014 as they implemented and increased their unlawful spy programs, criminal intelligence gathering on Americans, and electronic terrorism.
The European Union uses Schengen Information System which unifies European intelligence gathering. The EU Commission is headquartered in Belgium and Luxembourg with Jaak Raes the head of Belgian VSSE intelligence and Patrick Heck the head of Luxembourg’s SREL intelligence. The EU is based on the Treaty of Rome and was signed in Rome at Capitoline Hill. Jean-Claude Juncker the President of the European Commission is a Knight of Malta. Northbridge Services Group is an international private military company headed up by Robert Kovacic with Belgian associates. Russian Federal Security Service runs the SORM surveillance system on Russian civilians. Israeli Mossad and the IDF’s Haman run Unit 8200 and they run Luxembourg based Intelsat satellite interceptors along with British Inmarsat satellite interceptors. These surveillance systems are spying on everyone however the release of this information from their agent Edward Snowden distracts from the fact they are all running neurological hacking software where wireless frequencies and electronic emissions are designed to hack into a persons body and mind. They spray what are called chemtrails for various purposes like weather modification but also to enhance their wireless and radio transmitted frequencies. The Department of Defense works with private militaries organizations like Kratos Defense & Security Solutions which is involved with satellite communications, cyber warfare, and microwave electronics. They also outsource some of their criminal operations to private military companies like Northrup Grumman, L3 Technologies, and Lockheed Martin.
They are using GENESIS (software), Neuron (software), Brian (software), and NEST (software) through electronics which function through all operating systems like Windows and Linux. GENISIS claims it is for a “simulation of neural systems ranging from subcellular components and biochemical reactions to complex models of single neurons, simulations of large networks, and systems-level models” however its simulator is a cover for hacking the human body. The Satellite interceptor systems are also running similar programs which can target victims with radio and electromagnetic frequencies. MERLIN is a radio telescope system named after a wizard and managed by Brian Bowsher which is running biochemical hacking programs developed by the Freemasonic members of the Royal Institute and Royal Society which are covertly working with the Science and Technology Facilities Council. The USAF’s HAARP system is partly involved with radio targeting on members of society. Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array located in New Mexico and Atacama Large Millimeter Array based in Chile are radio satellite systems also used for targeting. The Atacama system is an international project including Europe and the United States. Warkworth 30m Radio Telescope is a radio telescope system in New Zealand which is heavily involved in this targeting. The Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy runs its LOFAR and Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope systems used for targeting society with mind control frequencies. Dutch intelligence is called AIVD and headed up by Rob Bertholee.
Haman is headed up by Gadi Eizenkot and Mossad is headed up by Yossi Cohen and they are involved along with CIA-Jesuits or Roman intelligence and SIS-Masonic Crown agents in overseeing and infiltrating Silicon Valley which further enables electronics and operating systems to run neural hacking programs. There is a Silicon Valley or called Silicon Wadi in Israel around Tel-Aviv with the same companies that operate in Silicon Valley in California like IBM, Cisco Systems, Motorola, Microsoft, and Seimens. Silicon Wadi and Silicon Valley are working together. The European Union owns the Human Brain Project operating out of Geneva, Switzerland which has helped to develop neuro-brain computer interface and neurological hacking technologies and software like GENESIS which was developed by Jesuit educated James Mason Bower. They can literally plug their minds into these systems and target and terrorize people with a form of synthetic telepathy. The Church of Scientology which is working with Silicon Valley has these technologies. Criminals in Silicon Valley working with criminals in the NSA include John Hennessy, Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, and Bill Gates. Along with these programs military and private military have developed various microwave, electronic, and pulse weapons used for covertly targeting members of society. All this is invisible to the eye and enables these tyrants to target people extremely covertly. These are crimes against humanity. These systems need to be shut down and these criminals need to be executed.
GENESIS (short for GEneral NEural SImulation System) is a general purpose simulation platform that was developed to support the simulation of neural systems ranging from subcellular components and biochemical reactions to complex models of single neurons, simulations of large networks, and systems-level models. As such, GENESIS, and its version for parallel and networked computers (PGENESIS) was the first broad scale modeling system in computational biology to encourage modelers to develop and share model features and components. Most current GENESIS applications involve realistic simulations of biological neural systems. Although the software can also model more abstract networks, other simulators are more suitable for backpropagation and similar connectionist modeling.

Zionic Mind Control
The royal and noble bloodlines have engineered an artificial matrix in the lower atmosphere used for mind control and mental harassment. They call this artificial matrix Zion. The Zionist Sanhedrin are the mathematical or geometrical programmers of society and this group includes priests, rabbis, imams and occultists. It is done on both a mass level through HAARP and radio telescopes and also individually through electronic smart devices and their wireless frequencies. The royal and noble families uses priests, rabbis, and imams to develop the algorithms and programs used for mind control. Freemasons are involved. They outsource individual targeting to occultists and hackers like Anonymous which operate through the dark web. These geometric programs are radiated through wireless frequencies, modern electronics, and the overall electronic grid in society like smart devices and even transformers on telephone poles. The large electronic stations are radiating geometric sigils into society. In witchcraft they use hexagrams and pentagrams for oppressing and binding. The hexagon is the most efficient geometric shape for processing thermal energy. This is why snakes often have hexagonal scales for absorbing thermal energy. Snowflakes are often hexagonal from heat extraction. Pent in pentagram refers to enclosing or binding something to create a build up. HAARP is also used for mass mind control and is radiating geometrically designed programs into the atmosphere which resonate all around. Vibrations effect more than what is seen like cause and effect. Radiating these frequencies into the atmosphere is like throwing a stone into a pool of water which creates ripples and effects. They use chemtrails for various purposes including enhancing these frequencies with nano conductive particles which they call “smart dust.” The US military uses spray on antennas and chemtrails function in a similar way. They are creating an artificial mind control matrix in the lower atmosphere. The CIA and Navy have a large operation in Cuba where they torture people and extract adrenochrome. Then blood intoxicated psychopaths hook their brains into neuro-computer interface technologies which is then connected to the USAF’s HAARP system in Puerto Rico and target society or members of society. Cuba like a cube or Black Cube. Captain David Culpepper is the head of these criminal Cuban operations.
The primary mainframes to this Zion matrix is the NSA Database in Utah and the British Government Communications Headquarters and their Tempora system. Rabbi Yosef Yitzhak and Rabbi David Lau are top Zionic programmers working with Israeli intelligence. High level members in the Jesuits and Freemasons are also members. Some of their mind control programs are based on their false laws of Canon, Talmud, and Shariah. Imam Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais of Saudi Arabia, Saud Al-Shuraim of Saudi Arabia, and Imam Yahya Sergio Yahe Pallavicini of Italy are other high level members in this Zionist Sanhedrin. Khalid bin Faisal Al Saud is the Governor of Makkah Province in Saudi Arabia, an Italian knight, friend of Prince Charles, and the top Islamic programmer. Members of the Roman Rota are also involved including Maurice Monier, Hans-Peter Fischer, and Pierangelo Pietracatella. The Windsor family have a harp on their coat of arms and the Pallavicini family have a statue holding a harp at their Austrian palace. These families have authority over the HAARP system through their agents that have infiltrated the USAF. Other families which use the harp for a symbol include the Hanover, FitzJames, and Guinness families. During ancient times they used harps or lyres along with poems or odes for bewitchment. Mind control or mental manipulation is what sorcery is. The modern harp symbol originated in Ireland. There is a mind control operation in Ireland called I-LOFAR with the Guinness and Parsons families involved. HAARP is also used for weather manipulation to a limited degree. The Wind-sors are Wind Sorcerers and they also enhance weather fronts and tornadoes to oppress society. The Rothschild and Goldsmith families finance brainwashers which develop and radiate spells. They finance program developers and hackers which use the programs. Zachary Hubbard and Benjamin Liashenko also known as RussianVids develop mind control spells which they target people with covertly. Frank Zac Goldsmith finances Zachary Hubbard and Benjamin de Rothschild finances Benjamin Liashenko. Both Hubbard and Liashenko work with satanic wiccan cults and assist them with gang stalking, mind control, and brainwashing.
Rabbi Yosef Yitzhak specializes in spells of blasphemy and zealously like pretending to be God and condemning innocent people. Rabbi Yosef Yitzhak engineers spells of condemnation, judgement, and dehumanization. They radiate people with spells of condemnation with the intent of making the victims think it is God condemning them. The Black Monks or Order of Saint Benedict are an ancient Catholic priesthood involved in blasphemy and condemnation programs. Gregory Polan is the head of the Black Monks today with Notker Wolf of Bavaria as the former recent head. The Bavarian House of Witteslbach oversee the Black Monks. Jesuits develop spells of deception. They track what people read online and if they don’t want a person to believe something that exposes them they radiate vibrations of confusion or deception. They use electronic weapons to harass or irritate people when they are doing something they don’t like. A person often has no idea they are being targeted but subconsciously picks up on it. They become irritated every time they speak out so their subconscious stops them from speaking out. The Zionist Rabbis have a global intelligence network which works with Jesuits and Freemasons. They obtain information through intelligence gathering systems and create psychological profiles on their targets. Many of the people who are targeted by this believe it is God or even aliens. Many victims are known as “targeted individuals” and most who have studied this refer to these attacks as synthetic telepathy. Avigdor Lieberman is the head of the Israeli Defense Force including their Israeli Intelligence Corps division or Unit 8200. Gadi Eizenkot is another head of the IDF and extremely evil. They work with Mossad headed up by Yossi Cohen operating out of Tel Aviv. Unit 8200 runs the Urim SIGINT Base which uses satellite mind control technologies capable of targeting people around the world. They run mind control programs on internet sites like Godlike Productions and Gematrix created by Cnaan Aviv a Unit 8200 agent. The Talmudic-Zionist council develops and oversee the programs run from Urim SIGINT.
The royal and noble bloodlines and some branches of the military have neuro-brain computer interface technologies. Some of this was developed by the Human Brain Project which was financed by the European Union. They can basically plug their minds into computers and then run programs like GENESIS and NEURON which are biological and neurological simulators that are really intended to hack the human brain and physiology. The Jesuit educated James Bower created GENISIS. Modern electronics have been designed to emit these frequencies. Their thoughts get transferred into electronics or even HAARP and then these systems transfer them through electronic emissions and target people. The Hanover and Savoy families have access to these technologies in Germany and Switzerland. Prince Donatus of Hesse is also involved. The Church of Scientology have hacking programs and neuro-brain computer interface technologies with many members of Hollywood involved. The Kabbalah Centre is also involved. The Italian Mafia have a large operation in Boca Raton and there is also a Kabbalah Centre located there. I believe they have neuro-brain computer interface tech. They want people to think it is artificial intelligence or aliens to deflect away from them. The Indermaur family have financed the Church of Scientology and Robert Indermaur and Christopher Indermaur are involved with this electronic harassment. They can target people through electronics like a synthetic telepathy. They run mind control programs through radio telescope systems with Dutch LOFAR and ASTRON leading these programs using large antenna arrays. There is a large operation in New Zealand using radio telescopes and antenna arrays. The Black Nobility, Italian Mafia, and SMOM have weaponized computer technologies. Kabbalah Centers have electronic weaponry. The Windsor, Stanley, Drummond, and Russell families of the UK are involved and run MERLIN satellites. The Belgian royal and noble families have access to these evil technologies. The Bush-Walker family are involved with their agent Steven Walker as Director of DARPA. The NSA Database, HAARP, and the Church of Scientology need to be shut down.

Multi-Element Radio Linked Interferometer Network
telescope array, southern England, United Kingdom
If you threaten my life or have attempted to kill me or are involved in torturing me or others and your excuse is you are mind controlled it is not a legitimate excuse. People have a right to defend themselves. You are mind controlled because you are choosing to be.

I see the people involved with the mind control, gang stalking, and other satanic groups attempting to use “mind controlled” as their defense. No these systems are used to target the non initiated members and every day people in society. The victimizers constantly claim to be the victims while completely disregarding their victims whose lives they have ruined. Completely selfish and sociopathic.

The 5G Zion manipulation platform and how it works
[…] The Kabbalah Centre is also involved. The Italian Mafia have a large operation in Boca Raton and there is also a Kabbalah Centre located there. I believe they have neuro-brain computer interface tech. They want people to think it is artificial intelligence or aliens to deflect away from them. The Indermaur family have financed the Church of Scientology and Robert Indermaur and Christopher Indermaur are involved with this electronic harassment. They can target people through electronics like a synthetic telepathy. They run mind control programs through radio telescope systems with Dutch LOFAR and ASTRON leading these programs using large antenna arrays. There is a large operation in New Zealand using radio telescopes and antenna arrays. The Black Nobility and SMOM have this technology. The Windsor, Stanley, Drummond, and Russell families of the UK are involved and run MERLIN satellites. The Belgian royal and noble families have access to these evil technologies. The Bush-Walker family are involved with their agent Steven Walker as Director of DARPA. The NSA Database, HAARP, and the Church of Scientology need to be shut down. Source […]

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