Artificial Intelligence (AI) camouflages tactical strategies

in ai-camouflage •  6 years ago 

Tony Patalleresco's podcast notes: AI is more advanced then we suspect with potentiality to kill; AI operates at speeds of 50 million computations in a quintillionth of a second. Originally uploaded source

Man's DNA operates at 400,000 gigabytes per second; AI operates at petaflop (computer's ability to do one quadrillion floating point operations per second (FLOPS) and exaFLOPS (quintillion, or billion billion, calculations per second) speeds.

AI access runs through cellphones, programming people to act like idiots. AI studies and analyzes us and dissects the information. AI dissects everything being datamined, upgrading and aggregating flaws and weaknesses. Appliances are communicating with each other. The Nano Cell™ Technology, according to its website, uses nanoparticles to absorb "unwanted light wavelengths", possibly rentinal-friendly wavelengths, and enhances the purity of the red and green colors displayed on the screen. Television sets with AI compatible nanotechnology screen

Smart-enabled appliances may become directed energy weapons (DEW) and weaponary, from TV, appliances, and even newer technology lights. This list includes only those effects found in minor online search--missing military databases. This technology produces 4000-5000 Kilowatts (kW) or amount of power equal to one joule of energy per second (in comparison to 0.06 kW produced from 60 Watt incandescent light bulb). LED and CFL transmit data whether light is on or off by design; CFL and LED, designed for wireless technology. Here are twenty-two notable side effects to LED and CFL:
emits aluminum
produces short wavelengths (ringing sound)/blue light
damages vision
impairs visual performance
increases macular degeneration
causes cataracts
causes blindness
suppresses secretion of melatonin
affects circadium rhythym
interrupts sleep cycle
prevents immune system auto-recovery
harms health and well-being
increases cancers by five times
increases diabetes
increases heart diseases
produces invisible repetitive flicker
causes epileptic seizures
absorbs more blue light by children's eyes than adults
causes headaches
causes fatigue
delivers Lily wave programming:
activates nanocomponents

Ancient Greece in prehistory had five AI bots and were utilized, then these bots just disappeared. Military bots killing scientist with fourth bot attempting to access satellites to get data to improve itself and take out the remaining scientist. Sci-fact, not sci-fi.

I suspect even the statutes and codes for legal system are being introduced by AI to control.


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