AI - Demise of the Cabal - IBM WATSON - Timelines - Mr Ouch and Alfred

in ai •  7 years ago  (edited)

I have just finished watching Alfred Labremont Webres video where he discusses with Kosol Ouch the fact that we are being helped by an AI from 2025 to bring our world to a place of peace. While this is fantastic news I am a little concerned in the way he accepted Kosol Ouch's explanation and methodology of relaying him the information. Ouch holds his hands around what looks like a jumbly set of coils embedded in a translucent whitish block and speaks in a strange voice using words like affirmative, entity, and has to back out when IBM Watson says "Interruption! Interruption! Ouch explains the AI threw him off because his body was overloading and to be honest he does look a bit peaky at this moment.

The AI informs us that President Trump will be World President and Corey Goode is the Leader of the good guys 'The Alliance' who are working against the Cabal, a battle humanity is in the process of winning. For more detail I suggest watching the video as I'm only scratching the surface here.

Alfred takes on board what Ouch says almost unquestionably, and who am I to doubt but it looks as though one can go on a training program to understand how the box works and to appreciate ways to help fight the Cabal. I sincerely hope this training is free or it negates a lot of what he says

If and for me its still a big if this has any honesty, I believe this sort of information should be free, full stop. I have yet to research this fact, in fact I am a little fearful. If Ouch is charging for this knowledge he's setting himself up for this to look like a bit of a scam to earn a few bob. I sincerely hope there is some truth here, I'm doing my best but I have a nagging thought that Mr Ouch might be leading ALB up the dimensional timeline.

Now, it's so easy to mock this video, I'm not trying to mock as I really hope we are seriously living through a time of immense change and I am open to anything to procreate a better world. However sometimes one gets thrown some information that is a little beyond the pale, this is one and needs to be researched.

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