How A.I. Controls the World - The DeepState Octopus : LIONS PROMIS PRISM CrySyS Lab

in ai •  7 years ago 

What is Inslaw?
Inslaw is known for developing Promis, an early case management software system. It is also known for a lawsuit that it brought against the United States Department of Justice in 1986 over Promis. Inslaw won damages in bankruptcy court, but these were overturned on appeal. The suit resulted in several Justice Department internal reviews, two Congressional investigations, the appointment of a special counsel by Attorney General William P. Barr, and a lengthy review of the special counsel's report under Attorney General Janet Reno. Inslaw's claims were finally referred by Congress to the Court of Federal Claims in 1995, and the dispute ended with the Court's ruling against Inslaw in 1998.

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The Inslaw/PROMIS scandal began in the early 1980s, when the Department of Justice signed a $10 million contract with a company called Inslaw to develop specialized case-tracking software for the U.S. court system. Inslaw provided the software, called P.R.O.M.I.S., but the government refused to pay the contract, forcing the company into bankruptcy court. The judge in the case ruled against the government (and was subsequently transferred to Alaska), but through appeals it was never held accountable. Instead, profits from P.R.O.M.I.S. paid off the Ayatollah Khomeini in the infamous "October Surprise" manipulation of the 1980 presidential election. This set a pattern of trading with the enemy that continued through the Iran-Contra scandal; the build-up of Saddam Hussein and the al-Queda (as the mujahadeen); and continues to this day with the Bush / Bin Laden / Obama axis. They all involve the same players and the same parapolitical dynamic that "Danny Casolaro" warned the world about before he, too, fell victim to "The Octopus" in 1991. In the backdrop: murders and apparent suicides among the Cabazon tribe members in California; the infamous private security/surveillance bureaucracy Wackenhut; the government modified P.R.O.M.I.S., sold illegally to unsuspecting governments and intelligence agencies worldwide with a secretly installed "back door" to allow spying on those same agencies, and thus enabling the notorious ECHELON satellite surveillance system. It is a story that just will not go away. Even the courts concluded that through "trickery, deceit and fraud" the US "took, converted, stole" P.R.O.M.I.S. through a series of "willful, wanton and deceitful acts" -- a description that magnified to assassinations, wars and corruption on a global scale. P.R.O.M.I.S
Who is the Octopus?

What is PROMIS

It is said to be 570,000 lines of computer code, PROMIS can integrate innumerable databases without requiring any reprogramming. In essence, PROMIS can turn blind data into information. It can be a powerful tracking device capable of monitoring intelligence operations, agents and targets, instead of legal cases and more. The Prosecutor's Management Information System (PROMIS) is a computer-based information system for public prosecution agencies. PROMIS was initially developed with funds from the United States Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA) to cope with problems of a large, urban prosecution agency where mass production operations had superceded the traditional practice of a single attorney preparing and prosecuting a given case from inception to final disposition. The combination of massive volumes of cases and assembly-line fragmentation of responsibility and control had created a situation in which one case was indistinguishable from another and the effects of problems at various stages in the assembly line on ultimate case disposition went undetected and uncorrected.

More on PROMIS

One of the "magical" capabilities of PROMIS, one has to assume, is that it is equipped with artificial intelligence and was apparently from the outset "able to simultaneously read and integrate any number of different computer programs or databases, regardless of the language in which the original programs had been written or the operating systems and platforms on which that database was then currently installed

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What is LIONS?
Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys (EOUSA)—National Legal Information Office Network System (LIONS)
Contains information on the investigation and prosecution of suspects in criminal matters received and concluded, criminal cases filed and terminated, and criminal appeals filed and handled by U.S. attorneys. The central system files contain defendant-level records about the processing of matters and cases; the central charge files contain the records of the charges filed and disposed in criminal cases. Data are available on matters and cases filed, pending, and terminated.

Promis and Lions

How did Reagan Spy on Americans?

What is Star Wars and SDI ?
The Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) was a proposed missile defense system intended to protect the United States from attack by ballistic strategic nuclear weapons (intercontinental ballistic missiles and submarine-launched ballistic missiles). The concept was first announced publicly by President Ronald Reagan on 23 March 1983. Reagan was a vocal critic of the doctrine of mutual assured destruction (MAD), which he described as a "suicide pact", and he called upon the scientists and engineers of the United States to develop a system that would render nuclear weapons obsolete.

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Did AI predict Trumps Election?
Some say so.

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Of course they do User, are you kidding me?


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TV and Monitor's could have Electro Magnetic elements of Mind Control .

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Appears there maybe.

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What is PRISM?
PRISM is a code name for a program under which the United States National Security Agency (NSA) collects internet communications from various U.S. internet companies. The program is also known by the SIGAD US-984XN. PRISM collects stored internet communications based on demands made to internet companies such as Google Inc. under Section 702 of the FISA Amendments Act of 2008 to turn over any data that match court-approved search terms. The NSA can use these PRISM requests to target communications that were encrypted when they traveled across the internet backbone, to focus on stored data that telecommunication filtering systems discarded earlier, and to get data that is easier to handle, among other things.

How does PRISM Monitor People?

What is CrySyS Lab?
CrySyS Lab is best known for uncovering an Israeli spying tool called Duqu in 2011, which was believed to be developed by the same Israeli hackers who took the U.S. help to develop the infamous Stuxnet malware for sabotaging Iranian nuclear program.

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Can you tell me something about Adolf Hitlers Daughter?

Quite some serious things includes the 4th Reigh uprising since 2005 and The Pope connection to German Power.'

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  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Ahoy matey! @j1337 Great article ....
Have ye' dropped by #MINDS dot com yet?