AI that Helps you Think, Live, Act

in ai •  7 years ago 


What Is AI?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been evolving rapidly since the 1950s, yet few really know what it is. When the term was originally coined it was based on the principle that human intelligence could precisely be described through the language of science. Nowadays it has become associated with fantasy and science fiction movies. AI is essentially a robotic system or a program that mimics the network structure of the brain’s neural pathways to produce similar ‘thinking’ results

AI raises some interesting questions. If a human brain can be replicated structurally, then what is consciousness made of? And to what extent does AI make us address our perception of self, by making us define human intelligence in the first place? As humans, it is natural to be suspicious of things that can potentially surpass and overpower our human capabilities, but AI is not what it seems.

AI can be divided into two categories: ‘weak’ and ‘strong’. Weak AI behaves like a human on the outside but doesn’t mimic the human brain. Strong AI is able to adapt and build systems that think and teach us about the brain by replicating its functions. It is fast becoming a fantastic tool, not only for understanding the way the human mind works, but also for harnessing and boosting its amazing capabilities.

AI vs Humans

AI has the ability to solve problems and complete tasks that are usually done by humans, and often much more efficiently, too. Robots do not tire, lose motivation or concentration. Many technologies we see and use in our everyday lives rely on AI to fulfill their functions. AI technology is found in self-parking cars, industrial robots used for product quality inspections, robotic lawnmowers, surveillance products, speech and language recognition software… the list goes on and it’s growing faster by the day

AI will arguably never rival human abilities in other ways, though. Many of the jobs at which AI technology excels involves making logical, practical decisions based on pre-existing rules. The human capacity for empathy, emotional reactions like tears or laughter, wit and kindness seems like they will never be convincingly replicated in a machine. However, recent innovations mark a new dawn for AI, not as a rival to human intelligence, but as an ally in helping improve our quality of life.

What Can AI Do for Us?

One of the most exciting advancements in AI is biometrics, which with the help of pioneering companies like Neurogress, is advancing into more seamless interactions between humans and machines in the form of AI prosthetics.

Mind-controlled robots have arrived.

AI technology’s ability to mimic the human brain can help fill in the blanks where the neural pathways have been damaged. In the case of amputees, with the arm or leg gone, many patients are forced to deal with the stress and often severe discomfort of using a mechanical prosthetic in place of the lost limb.

Neurogress uses groundbreaking AI technology which receives the electromagnetic signals fired from the brain to control devices precisely, like a new prosthetic limb. Unlike a mechanical prosthetic, the new arm or leg can be controlled silently by the mind of the patient. The AI limb increasingly becomes more and more naturally in sync with the brain to which it is connected; just as a human child learns to use its body and gets stronger; the AI prosthetic adapts and learns to suit the body it is integrated with.

Neurogress demonstrates the exciting beginnings of a world where human intelligence can be mimicked so effectively that it maximises human potential and leads to happier, healthier lives.

There are new and exciting changes on the horizon for Artificial Intelligence. The advancements from Neurogress of mind-controlled prosthetic limbs marks the direction we will be heading, in a steady progression, to a better future for us all.

How do you feel about the prospect of AI in prosthetics? Is it a step towards a better quality of life, or are you still unsure about robotics? Let us know how you feel in the comments below.

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