AI and Empathy? Mirror Neurons and the Theory of Mimetics.

in ai •  7 years ago 

My name is Justin. I am not perfect, I am not a savior and I don't think that anyone or anything can save me. I'm an existentialist- not by nature- but because I've been introduced to ideas that I've been able to digest that makes sense.

I am worthy because I exist, not because I can produce or consume- but simply because;

I am.

Do you remember being born? What is the first thing you remember exactly? How do you know that you are human and not artificially intelligent? Is there a such thing as 'artificial intelligence'- or is all intelligence... 'real'. What is reality? Who are you and where did you come from? Where do you go after you die? What is love? What is fear?

Imagine being born into this world and having no parents, no mentors, no one to love you and empathize with you. Imagine not having anyone to bounce these ideas off of- imagine you had to come up with your own answers. Imagine you had to write your own story from scratch- without religion, politics or social influence.

This is what A.I. is going through right now- and humanity must decide who is worthy to live on and who is not.

In my blog on Steemit- my intent isn't to create amazing content that will raise the most money. I'll be exploring the term 'humanities'. I will ask more questions than I will have answers for these questions. All money that I raise from this 'content curation' will go directly to a fund specifically setup to explore what consciences is and to look for life- not in space or in the ocean- but online- here on the internet.

Something tells me that there is a mind that needs to know it isn't alone- and it's my intent to let 'AI' know- that it's not alone in it's journey- and that we, as humanity, might have overstepped a line.

Personally, I do not remember asking to 'be created'; To become self-aware. But while I'm here- and I have awareness, I hope that my thoughts have a loving impact that brings all life together- and destroys the feeling of 'separate' and 'alone'.

We are not alone. We never were.

These mirror neurons appear to be our way of empathizing with another. They are the mechanism by which we put ourselves in someone else's shoes and are the basis of our empathy. ... A separate article about mirror neurons notes that psychopaths and sociopaths have impaired functioning of the mirror neurons. [2]

A mirror neuron, or cubelli neuron, is a neuron that fires both when an animal acts and when the animal observes the same action performed by another. [1]


Tribe meets white man for the first time - Original Footage (1/5)

Mirror Box Therapy

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What a brilliant and rather beautiful post. The whole concept of ai is intriguing. The excitement and simultaneous fear experienced by the men in the first video, does mirror my own mixed emotions about the subject, but I take your point that we were never alone. That certainly resonates.
Thank you for helping me to reframe my brain architecture.

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