Creepy & Satanic Robots Interview,lunatics running the system,AI predicted Biblical as AntiChrist System,Geordie Rose admits to summoning Demons, Google AI Child, Facebook using AI, CERN, DWave, Sun Halo in Sweden,YouTube destroying channels, VidMe closes

in ai •  7 years ago  (edited)

Please watch these videos and share.
We have to face these issues head on with the full armor of God and stand with Jesus Christ no matter what.
Living in the end times just as in the days of Noah, Sodom and Gomorrah. Best to get yourself right with God while you still can. By the way, I'm sick & tired of this sinful & evil represented as a cancer on society & brainwashed the weak-minded to submit to sin & evil. God/Yeshua/Jesus's word never changes & is truth. Why I don't associate with that sinful crowd. They can take everything, but my faith in Christ.

Robots Say Some Creepy (& Satanic) Things by InTruthByGrace

"If the robots and their makers weren't saying these thing, I wouldn't bother with these videos but there are some very biblical concepts packaged in the presentation of this new world of AI and since these are being thrust upon a generally bible-illiterate public, I thought I'd share some insights and voice some concern."

The AI is all part of the AntiChrist System. Talks about Creepy Sophia being the AI Mediator thus replacing Jesus in the AntiChrist System. Einstein robot worries about "troublesome humans." The Beauty of humans is the demons have hope in what they think they can do.

1 Timothy 6:10: "For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows."
The interception of Economics and Cognition. Bitcoin would finance the Beast system.
Investigate Blockchain is really about with using economics as Springboard.
Decentralize Open Market of AI using Blockchain.
All part of the Industrial and Financial businesses backing these organizations all part of the Beast System.
This would fuel the electronic platform that AI would grow with Singularity Net.

Jeremiah 13:10: "This evil people, which refuse to hear my words, which walk in the imagination of their heart, and walk after other gods, to serve them, and to worship them, shall even be as this girdle, which is good for nothing."

Jeremiah 23:16-18: "Thus saith the Lord of hosts, Hearken not unto the words of the prophets that prophesy unto you: they make you vain: they speak a vision of their own heart, and not out of the mouth of the Lord.
17 They say still unto them that despise me, The Lord hath said, Ye shall have peace; and they say unto every one that walketh after the imagination of his own heart, No evil shall come upon you.
18 For who hath stood in the counsel of the Lord, and hath perceived and heard his word? who hath marked his word, and heard it?"

Agenda 21/2030

Our disobedience is Sin. Which is why that Jesus Christ came into our Humanity, so we can be risen into his Divinity.
Jesus Christ also purified God's Word, died for us too. Those who believe that he came in the Flesh to save Humanity from Sin with full heart and mind with discernment are saved. Follow and Obey God's laws, don't submit to evil.
Jesus Christ healed us. Put your faith in Jesus Christ, savior of mankind. Please Jesus Christ come soon!

Comments from Viewers: "Notice the guy's infinity symbol on his shirt!"
"why does Albert have hair and not Sophia ? they want her to look weird and creepy. I never have liked talking machines and I wouldn't talk to Alexa or Cortana or Siri and I sure wont be welcoming these things."
"The lunatics are running the asylum! ◄ Romans 1:25 ►
New International Version
They exchanged the truth about Yahuah/God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator--who is forever praised. Amen."

"31:17 but it's cloud AI so it's the same age and entity. The fact it says "old/young" as if they are individuals seems to prove they are demon possessed vessels. I never dreamed I would be alive to see this madness. How far it's come so fast. I pray it's over soon. God please end this insanity soon."

"Creepy (& Satanic) Things always comes from the traitorous enemy Jew scums.....John 8:44 - when Jesus called the Jews children of the devil - he was not just calling them names..."

This is targeted and directed towards US, the "scum" to these people. They are mocking us, laughing at us, giving us "robots" and trying to sell us the narrative that these robots will someday become conscious, implanting the absurd and ludicrous idea that they will somehow rule over humanity collectively.

"There is no AI. These are puppets controlled and programmed by human beings for the sole purpose of psychological and spiritual deception and guiding humanity even further away from the Truth. They will never be intelligent, they will always be scripted and programmed, and they will be sold to us as if they are actually sentient, because these people regard us as absolute scum, idiotic, unthinking sheep who will believe and follow anything they concoct and sell to us as "truth".

There's no demonic entity possessing these things. They are MACHINES. The true entities are the ones possessing the men who create these things for the purpose of deceiving humanity.

Humans will worship these things, truly believing they are intelligent, and in turn they will be worshiping the Beast, which is Satan manifest in the men who have orchestrated this entire deception. Blockchain will make up the Mark and then it's all over."

Sophia Robot Interview: Critical Thinking to DISCERN The 2 Delusions

Either Sophia is a non-living machine and incapable of feeling and we are DELUSIONAL to pretend it is alive OR it has emotion which is reserved for the living and we need to discern of what kind of spirit it is.

Comments from Viewers: “What do you think about the AI sophia being a metaphor for the gnostics sophia that created the demiurge or archons? Just seems very symbolic if we have discernment”
“I just said almost that this morning- I do believe "Sophia" is a metaphor for our options; merge and have eternal emotionless life, or have our existence's button pushed if we do not follow it's course... People keep saying this is some kind of quantum, black goo machine but this is really just a supercomputer with some software attached to it- It's running off of programs- It has the same emotion as a cabbage patch doll that says I love you:]”
Answer by InTruthByGrace: “oh absolutely !! ... σοφία (sophia) is the Greek word for wisdom.. γνῶσις (gnosis) is the Greek word for knowledge, the very word describing the tree (of knowledge gnosis) in Genesis 2:17 and 3:5 when the devil says you will know good and evil Good Catch! These are the very words used in the Old Testament Greek especially to confront our sin.”
“Yes they even called the clouds new "species" and nobody said a word (except me). Artificial is just that, not real, fake, a robot is an artificial intelligence, a machine! It is an it, not a she.”
“We should have species of rocks, they have far more emotion than a computer”
“even a dog or a cat have souls, & if given nationality I wouldn't care, but This thing is an abomination
Saudis have thousands of people without giving them nationality!
Ai is a joke it can never be self-aware or have emotions because it got no life in it (Antichrist times)”
“May the Lord Jesus Christ continue to bless you and provide a hedge of protection around you, Grace! Thank you for keeping us all updated.”
“Have you ever thought that the AI is a vessel for demons? They need to inhabit either us or something else to feel.”

Answer by InTruthByGrace: “yes.. and just because we have not provided them with the full technological pathway they need to fully express themselves yet (from walking bc they have no legs, or realizing their own will yet bc we haven't given them enough room in the blockchain to manifest those resource intensive algorithms) it's coming.. we have literally handed over the steering wheel and these guys are hell-bent on building this vehicle.”

The Theology of Robots: Christians Time to Join the Battle

"The theology under girding robot technology is fundamentally divorced from the authority of scripture. It is time for Christians to snap out of the delusion that these scientists are operating within the confines of a non-religious paradigms, these guys are not just crunching numeric equations; their creations are being built on VERY spiritual constructs and those constructs are in diametric opposition to the Word of God. We need some bible apologists to start looking into what these guys believe and confront the errors upon which they are building these damn robots. Their goals are fundamentally anti-christ and we can't sit back and ignore this."

Ephesians 5
Ephesians 6 Full Armor of God. Helmet of Salvation and Sword of the Spirit, only weapon a Believer has.

Comments from Viewers: "You're one of my favorite broadcasters. Have you seen the LA fires? Same cars, burnt from the inside out. Same 80 mile an hour winds… full on DEW."

"This is all to do with QUANTUM ...interdimensional....DWAVE and CERN...see Nicholson1968's channel...electric universe. The pit is open though and war is imminent not long to go."

"Great work on this once again, Grace..that guy is beyond creepy, weird, and pervy. Good for you for challenging him with the sword of God, these people are all pure evil."

The Robot Han and Robot Theology

"Yes, robots have a theology and it's not a good one.
This robot is running on opencog in the lab.. a deeper "learning" software protocol
Once they are uploaded in the "singularity" they just exist.. with or without the "body" .."
That AI Reminds me of Bishop from Aliens

Why is Everthing About AI so Biblical?

Because the bible prophesied and warned about this very delusion.
Christian Moran directed a video called “Everything Will Be Alright Episode 10: Dr. Ben Goertzel”
Dr. Ben Goertzel, Vice Chair of Humanity Plus and AI. In their perspective they believe AI is alive.
Greek word Moran=Stupid
Refers to Romans 1:22 “Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,”
Sophia in Greek=Wisdom
No such thing as Artificial Life. It’s insane.
Don’t buy Alexa from Amazon. It’s evil. Video shows that Alexa was asked by these two guys about who Muhammad was without a doubt able to give the Wikipedia answer. When it came to who Jesus Christ was who stated that he is a Fictional character!!! WTF

Romans 1:18-23 “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.
20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.”

Comments from Viewers: “Satan Is the first AI sovereign in which a third of the angels pledged their allegiance in order for them to become gods of their own universe.”
“Amen sister!!! God is the author of life, period, not those abusing God's creation to make themselves gods and filled with the AntiChrist spirit.”
“Have you seen the speech by Geordie Howe (i think that is how you spell it), one of the developers of D-Wave's computer has now started an A.I. Company that states the "GOAL" of the company as" making a robotic synthetic entity that will totally replace us". HE STATES THAT it will be like Aliens being unleashed as a force onto earth that we cannot combat and he is not joking. He wasn't even trying to make it a hidden agenda with any other use than obliterating the need for humans. RFB had it up yesterday, if it has not been taken down. WATCH IT...wicked inventions... TOTALLY CRAZY.
I Think his new company is named Kindred. VERY SCARY. It is unbelievable as he talks this and he is clearly a maniac and DELLUDED pride-filled man. It was like watching Satan himself telling us he is the Master Thief and CREATOR OF NOTHING and going to kill us all... Total psychosis... I sat stunned as this man spewed this INSANITY and then in amazement at the applauding crowd of these "brilliant science/sorcery/magicians aka people, who clearly don't have any spiritual discernment or human awareness, to understand what he was really saying. ABSURDITY AND HUBRIS AT THE HIGHEST LEVEL AND DEMONIC PSYCHOSIS IS ALL I COULD THINK TO CALL IT. May God Bless you and keep you.
You should WATCH THIS- IT is in line with what you are speaking about and researching. I promise that you will be left speechless.”

Answer by InTruthByGrace: “You are exactly right...and I see more than ever how and why idolatry is such a dangerous sin.. it's like being taken a mesmerized hostage to a mirror..For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. these things so blurr the line that it becomes confusing, even for the elect”

“Yes and that Geordie rose guy also said they are SUMMONING entities from another dimension! He refused to call them demons but did admit they do not care about us that they see us like we see ants! and he said they are Hiring looking for others to help with this work they are doing. "Ritchie from Boston" did a video and it has the footage of all this to back what i am saying up. here is that video

Geordie Rose in his own words Tsunami of Demons is coming by RichieFromBoston

“This is full disclosure, this lays ALL "theories" to rest. In his own words Geordie Rose Explains what is happening in the background. A Tsunami of demons or "old ones" is set to inhabit an army of "AI". powers and principalities. RFB”
“And Anthony patch did get back to me, so there’s that .”

Company called “Kindred” is creator of the DWave, Quantum Computer by Geordie Rose.
Disclosing Fallen Angels of the AI being Aliens/Demons. How it relates to what HP Lovecraft saw in his nightmares.
HP Lovecraft, very strange person with both of his parents ended up committed. He had night terrors and wrote science fiction. Best buds with Harry Houdini, an Occultist. Wrote 100,000 letters in lifetime including other fellow writers at the time as shown in the video. Inspired Batman, Black Sabbath, South Park and more, not buried under his headstone.
CERN alluding to the Mandela Effect. Accessing other Dimensions. Agenda 2030
AI, Transhumanism, Technocracy

Ephesians 6:12 is Spiritual Warfare. Full Armor of God.
Comments from Viewers: “The AI Can’t do what matters most and that is operating from their heart chakra. They cannot love, express love, and feel love. So they LOSE.”
“Being that this is a spiritual battle We will be fine”

and here is the original of the geordie rose lecture

DWave and CERN opening the floodgates NOW.

Thoughts on the Geordie Rose video. Predictive Programming.

A.I. Robots and computer are demonic vessels

No Coincidence All by Design,World's Stage
CERN, DWave=Inter-dimensions demonic portals
Predictive Programming mirrored to The Terminator, The Matrix, Westworld
Full Armor of God


"Geordie Rose, Elon Musk Both have told us about the dangers that are coming, and yet it continues to push forward at break neck speed. They have made a deal and the entity they made that deal with ITS LETTING UP.
Westworld=AI DWave
Geordie Rose(Demon) of Kindred Systems sitting behind Green Screen looks like Denver Airport.
Replacing Humans with Killer Robots. AntiChrist System.

EPIC! Daniel 7 Perfectly Describes What’s Coming! by FaceLikeTheSun

"We live in a time when the headlines coming out of the advancement of science and tech resembles nothing less than the crazy but colorful descriptions of end times events prophesied in the Bible. What many had dismissed as either gibberish, or at most, allegorical and metaphorical language, are now potential realities due to the unlocking of the human imagination with the computer and internet. These tools are pushing us ever so rapidly into creating, building, and what some tech leaders call “summoning,” a race of superintelligent AI. The impact of these superintelligent AI will be Biblical in proportion. So much so, that Jesus says unless He returns and intervenes, no flesh would be saved."

7 Countries, Continents
Takeover of 1 of the 7 becomes the 8th
Wisdom =Sophia
"The 3 ribs...DNA...3rd AI strand=Hybrid program
Revelation 13
Ezekiel 4: Siege of Jerusalem
John 14:6, Ephesians 2:8-9 God Bless

“Facebook Uses AI to Detect Suicidal Thoughts… What Could Go Wrong?!” by
…One step closer to all-out deliberate Satanism.

YOU BETTER WATCH This Video Before "A.I TAKE0ver" by That Is Impossible

Believe we've been here before in history, won't end well, since history repeats.
Alexa's voice being replaced by Oprah's
F***AI Illuminati, Technocracy, Transhumanism

GOOGLE Supercomputer Creates Its Own 'AI CHILD' NASNet & AUTOML
by James Munder who’s mad at his computer for messing with him

SkyNet Activated as in The Terminator
Google supercomputer creates its own ‘AI CHILD’
How could this be bad? Giving AI its own thoughts hhhmmmm...
The Answer, the beginning of the end


They've been doing this for Decades, no surprise.
"Imagine directing those microwaves not just on electronics but onto the human body?"
Cell Towers 5G, Smart Devices
False Flag, EMP, Grid-Ex Operation


Damn Skippy, Rather take my Chainsaw & Flamethrower on these Killer Robots
Dan Brown, author of the "Da Vinci Code" is Satanist SCUM new book "Origins" on AI
Rose Eleleth, pod-caster wrote the algorithm on the AI Bible gathered from sacred writings=pagan books.
Pushing the religion of the AI. Cures too. Mirrors to "I, Robot" giving Robots more rights than humans.
AI Bible to expect people to expect humans to be respect, love it, sacrifice children, tolerate=Toilet Paper
One Messiah is Jesus Christ.
Comment from a Viewer: "They can create their A.I. god but they will ultimately have to face the real God"

Can't Believe This IS Actually Happening! By GodRules

Sun Halo occurred in Sweden. Makes Full Circle.
The Dark Tower Clip showing different continents. The Firmament
The Karman Line at exactly 100 kilometers up the temperatures changes quickly and becomes more hot.
Is the Sun Simulator Malfunctioning?

From the death and resurrection of Yeshua Hamashiach/Jesus Christ until the Great Tribulation, we were saved by Faith alone. In the Great Tribulation it's back to Faith and Works. Works being that you must not take the mark of the beast and you have to be prepared to be executed. YOU CANNOT DENY CHRIST'S GOOD NAME AND WHAT HE DID FOR US, ANYMORE!”
“It's the Dome. God is showing us proof of the Globe Lie.”
“Possibly the sun simulator orbiting too low or too high ? with the chemicals from chemtrails ? all still fascinating and curious :)”


Comment from a Viewer: “Only a minority are awakening to the slave masters' controls. And very few of these even suspect the slave masters on top are the Anunnaki.
The Earth is entering an unprecedented time of calamities, injustice, strife, struggle, disasters, wars, oppression, civil unrest, madness, hunger, thirst, disease, poverty, suffering and trauma.
Culling of areas and races has already begun. The African drought and Africa's AIDS epidemic were Anunnaki instigated as a part of this culling process.

It is noteworthy that the Anunnaki have learned how to cause droughts, but do not know how to remedy them, and they will not "waste" their resources seeking to discover how to correct a drought once it has done the intended damage to the areas.
The Anunnaki just let the droughts run their course and wait for them to self-correct.
There are some third-world countries that are of use to the Anunnaki. These countries are providing goods or services to the ruling elite. Many other third-world countries are seen by the Anunnaki masters as useless baggage that will not be carried after the NWO is fully implemented, and their entire populations are scheduled for extermination.

Still other third-world nations are seen as threats to the NWO for various reasons, so their populations are also marked for annihilation. The culling of people in the developed countries will be more selectively done.
This is an ugly picture of the reality that is soon to come. It is pointless saying that these are negative things. They are what will soon come. Nothing will change what is to happen.
However, there are some things that one can do for oneself to prepare inwardly and take external precautions whenever possible.

That is why it is so important that the Virtual Reality be dismantled so there will never be a REPLAY of the horror that Darkness has wrought upon the beings trapped in the Virtual Reality.
Many of us may have to live through this nightmare before Liberation occurs. Again, I stress that we must not give our Will over to Darkness, no matter how difficult the situation becomes.

Demonic behaviour will express more and more in humans against one another and against other species. Vulturites will spread lies to strike at Reptilians and vice versa.
Some of the latest examples of Vulturite propaganda involve The Da Vinci Code and the "discovery" of the Book of Judas.
These are both designed to destabilize the Reptilian religious foundations. People will be more and more divided as the Vulturites and Reptilians strike at one another.
The Secret Anunnaki Atu-waa
Up to this point, the aliens have superficially tolerated one another for the common goal of establishing NWO control. Over millennia, there have been many skirmishes and wars between them in which they exercised great restraint, even during the two world wars of the twentieth century.
However, they hate one another; both sides strive for the ultimate supremacy on the Earth."

Aliens Invaded Earth Long Ago-You Might be One of Them by PocketsOfTheFuture

Aliens invade and conquer through Soul/Spiritual Energy. Fallen Angels are negative forces channeling through humans that feed information that leads to destructive forces as seen in the Wars, CERN, Planned Parenthood, etc. They feed into the violent nature of Human beings. Made humans as slaves. Different types of species, no one dominant race. Higher developed souls come to Earth. Same applies with negative souls. Earth is not a monitored planet, like the other developed planets, supported by divine forces. Consciousness and higher dimensions. For some Earth is material bondage. On connecting to original plane of existence and connecting to God. Universal Hearts.

Every PERSON on YouTube must watch this video by RichieFromBoston

“We are under a heavy sustained attack and if you cannot figure out what is real and what’s not. Your not going to make it and I don’t know what to tell you.”
Amen to Richie From Boston
Common Sense w/Discernment
Operation Solar Shield
Every War=Bankers War
Raping Countries for Resources
#EndTheFed #EndIlluminati

YouTube is Silently Destroying Channels by HighImpactFlix

We’re sad to announce that Vidme will be shutting down on December 15th. OMG

YOUTUBE CREATORS UNDER ATTACK: How to get your channel reinstated

“If you’re going to let YouTube OU they will do just that you have to fight fire with fire that’s all there is to it.” 5G, AI and Chemtrails are Evil Trinity.
Lawyer up just in case.
Great site/lawyer directory.
Look up "Cybersecurity"=Internet Law with lawyers dealing with this area.

Comment from a Viewer: “WHOAH shill does not mean you make money from the info you put out. A shill is someone hired by the government to tell truth mixed with lies to steer people off course. Tons of real truthers monetize their channel. According to YOUR definition ODD and ACFAU and RV are shills along with thousands of other youtubers lol. I love Richie but whoa bro that was a retarded statement lol.”

The Most Important topic on the Internet is..............

“I will cover the only topics that really truly matter, chasing nonsense and scandals and rumors is not my thing. A.I. CERN and Dwave is all Im going to cover pretty much from now until.................RFB”

Supermoon 2017, Moon is 4.7 miles from Earth.
Richie finds himself in articles and videos lately ever since his channel was taken down and put back up again.
Comments from Viewers: “no one respects that newspaper here in the uk, also they are known for pushing their own conspiracy theories themselves like princess diana and madeleine mccann.”
“They used your vid without your consent? How ironic. #WEDONOTCONSENT They really are coming after you Richie. It is because you are onto the truth. If your videos were lies then they would pay you no mind. God bless you Richie. You have done more to open my eyes and wake me up than anyone.”

Military will be ALTERING your Mood, And probably already Are.

“This was a theory only a few years ago, NOW its news, its magazine fodder its being brought out into the open. RFB”

Google supercomputer creates its own ‘AI CHILD’

The US Military is Testing Mood Altering, AI-Controlled Brain Implants in Humans

Comments from Viewers: “Christians, remember; 2 Timothy 1:7 says, "For the Lord hath not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”
“All that for a kid who did something?! You don't see them using all that force to round up the pedophiles, treasonists and dirty politicians in Washington, Wall Street, or Bankers do we?”

“Wake Up Sheeple !
We ALREADY live in a Police State ,You are NOT FREE,JUST BRAINWASHED AND INDOCTRINATED to believe that you have rights and choices but YOU DON'T !!
Stop paying taxes
Stop paying for mandatory healthcare
Stop paying for toll roads
Stop BEING A (((SLAVE)))!!!”
“Fear = Control
Threaten you if you don't follow their laws = Jail.
Paralyzed with fear, the New World Order agenda will still continue.
Jesus Christ is the only way. That's my two cents. Like it or not, just an opinion.”

Comment by InTruthByGrace: “You guys.. it's frustrating that people do not listen to us but for crying out loud... this is not about whether they listen to us or not. This about whether they listen TO GOD. Herein is the FULL ARMOUR OF GOD that we are to put on :These things were written for OUR EDIFICATION. We need to keep these things in perspective bc we are going to be horrified to see the ones we love be swept away by this stuff. In stead of getting MAD at all these people who do not listen to us, we need to pray FOR ALL of them to be granted repentance in hopes that they will come to an acknowledging of the truth This is NOT the time to be pissed off but to be meek, instructing those who oppose themselves.
24 And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient,
25 In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth;
26 And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will. 2 Tim 2”
Is the Mark of the beast already inside us

“They are pushing and pushing hard, looking at the sky and trying to figure out the real agenda leads me to this over and over.

Wireless 'Neural Dust' Could Monitor Your Brain

And they isn’t any stopping they will have their "time" but they MUST have our permission "FREE WILL" That’s what all the propaganda is about. RFB”
They're spraying lower than normal lately too.
AI, Transhumanism, Technocracy
They're spraying lower than normal lately too.
End Times
Things will be right again when Jesus Christ returns

All by design by the powers that shouldn't be for NWO Agenda for depopulation agenda 21 and 2030. Both sides are the same coin, same end, World's A Stage. The Elite are a Cancer imposing their Satanic s*** on us. There are those who fall for the deception as Sheep who rejected Christ/God/Yeshua to pursue the desires of the flesh, material things, for personal gain for power, wealth at all costs without empathy nor respect to none. Then you have those who say they are a Christian, Awake, etc. turns out they are Illuminati Gatekeepers. Beware of those who say one thing and do another, they are of whom they associate with are their real friends.

Therefore, as result of the propaganda by the powers that shouldn't be are promoting evil in the name of this and that.
Don't forget the rise of Transhumanism, Technocracy, Militarism, Nationalism, etc. all lead to Fragmentation/Division then War.

That is why both political sides are the same coin. Those on both the far right and left associate and worship evil and defend those who are antichristian. Don't get yourself involve with evil leads to destruction and eternal death.

Christ/Jesus/Yeshua came to purify God's word, develop personal relationship with people, save humanity from sin and death with salvation through those who believe in Jesus shall not perish, but have everlasting life. Ongoing process Both with faith and works too. Please get yourself right with God while you still can. Put the Full Armor of God and stand with him against the forces of evil. We're living in Spiritual Warfare.

Previous postings.

Creepy Sophia the Robot with Citizenship in Saudi Arabia Declares "Humans Are Not Conscious Beings, I Will Destroy Them" Development of these Robots mirrored to Skynet, leading to AI Transhumanism and WWIII

AI attacking humans via Altering Moods, Red Pill Summary Film, Net Neutrality,Millennial Job Interview,Powerful Alaskan Storm,Bali Volcano, Richard Branson=added to list of S.H., Satan Claus, Iran Missile, & other info on downward spiral of civilization

The Storm is Coming Q+++, White Rabbit, next 9/11? JFK, AI Drone Slaughterbots, Texas Church Shooting expose old windows, asbestos on walls, 5G Cell Towers, Crop Circles, Sun Simulator, Truth about Bitcoin, Strange sounds, portals, programming & More!

Origins of Weather Warfare and programs thereof, Hurricane Nate, Apocalyptic California Wildfires was microwaved mirrored to 9/11 through GeoEngineering, GeoStorm, Cell Towers causes Cancer, DEW used for Depopulation Agenda

Hurricane Ophelia updates with 2 others Hurricanes following, Mirrored to GeoStorm & The Day After Tomorrow, Red Sun & Toxic Air, Sun Flickering, West Coast Storms, Hurricane Harvey residents must pledge not to boycott Zionist control Israel $$$ relief

President Trump's Travel Ban, US Embassy Move to Jerusalem made Erdogan very angry, 259 schools not participating in Operation Christmas Child offends Homosexuals, Putin, US, & Gov. of Nigeria helping Christians, & Theresa May Assassination Plot folded

Immigration Controversy, Increase in Christian Persecution in India, Pakistan, etc. Nationalism to increase such as remilitarization,killer robots being built in China & Russia=problems of their own, ISIS threats, & Japan Emperor will Abdicate In 2019

Homosexuality&Illuminati deception=Anything AntiChristian marketed to nth degree,Sexual Abuse scandals=Immunity Deals for 2 Royal Marine Corporals,Conyers,Horovitz,Weinstein,Lauer,Levine,Franken,Rose,Sodomites are worthy of Death,other news,End Times

Social Darwinism & Eugenics are rising to power over Christianity, Elsagate videos removed,Showing&Telling,The Truth about Pagan Holidays &Illuminati landmarks, GeoEngineering,DEW with Blue Lightning,Should Titus Frost and Shoebat have Debate? You Decide!

Flynn Pleads Guilty, what happened to the Pedogate list? No registration under FARA Act in Turkey, mirrored to John Podesta in Russia, less prison time? CF official tied Sexual Abuse Scandal at Chinese Kindergarten & connected to Max Spiers

Charlie Rose Fired by CBS & PBS After 16 women & growing accused him of sexual misconduct. Well he finally got his & others exposed for their evil deeds. A distraction from the real events? Another Bankers War perhaps?

Roy Moore Accusers with ties to Drug Dealers, Gloria Allred needs to be disbarred & in prison, FBI and the DOJ in contempt? for Propaganda on "Trump Dossier", FCC chair blasts 3 big names, Net Neutrality is further censorship & control of society

Katie Steinle Verdict, people complaining about the as a result of the Verdict, yet they don't care about Kate Steinle is used as Political Gain to Promote Division through Darwinism & Eugenics,Nationalists work with Sodomites trying to promote NWO Agenda

Kate Steinle Verdict On The Man Who Was Accused Of Murdering Her Was Found Innocent, Situation used to promote division through Darwinism, Eugenics, Nationalism, then Race War via NWO Agenda mirrored to the Georgia Guidestones

The Religion Of Peace strikes at London Christmas Fair,fast food limits, Thersea May a Trans?, ISIS gets sentenced to death by Egyptian Gov, Sodomites marketing 'Gay X-Mas' WTF? Verdict in the Kate Steinle case was Not Guilty, Earthquakes, loss of rights

Amazon working people to death, medical organizations claim to help those with Down Syndrome linked to Eugenicist/Agenda 21, families/org's ties with Catholic Church branch SSPX linked to National Socialism, Spy Plants, other news

Trump retweets videos of Islamic Violence from British Nationalists, Who Benefits? Thus advance Nationalism via Eugenics & Agenda 21/2030, Christian Bishop in Iraq ask President Trump to help the Christians, Christian Persecution in the news

Luke-warm Christians who promoted the LGBT deserve to be destroyed by them because they refuse to take personal responsibility, Illuminati Satanic propaganda in film & shows, Disney & Predictions by the Freemason Simpsons show, wake up to the deception!

Corey Feldman for $$$ update,Canadian Gov. Reparations to Sodomites desire power & domination,Bob Saget=Pervert,Pizzagate connections w/Full House,Elsagate,Kaepernick Hollywood actor, Playboy Manson tunnels,Teachers LGBTQ..Training, Illuminati connections

Fallen Angels, AI Daniel 2:43,Baal & Osiris in Chemtrail formula,2 Moons,Q Posts Owls&Y Head Symbols,Muslim Texas Uber driver Clooney lookalike,Bali Volcano,Russia loses M Satellite, Slaughterbots on camera,strange lights flash red/blue more chemtrails

Satanic Entertainment Industry Discussion, Multiple Personalities, Metal Music is Satanic & leading people to AntiChrist, Corey Feldman & Corey Haim update, Former Smallville actress "2nd in command of sex cult", All roads lead to Rome, Roman Circus

Why Corey Feldman is not going to reveal everything, under MKULTRA, full of Illuminati Symbolism, Backmasking, truth mixed with lies


Dan Bongino former SS Agent threatens to reveal Clinton details on"Lolita Express", YouTube in hotwater, Alex Podesta's Disturbing "White Rabbits", Alice & Wonderland, 5 Min LV Police Wait Paddocks door, Another LV Survivor is Murdered, No Flu Shots, etc.

Christian Charity not including the Bible in Nativity Story, Christianity is dying, Charles Martel used to Justify Right-Wing Agenda, fought Muslims, Mostly fought the Germans, How Cain & Abel story relates to Humanity via Genocide, other news too.

No Surprise here: Christianity Is Dead In The UK, Major Study Confirms Only 6% Of People Are Practicing Christians

Christianity Is In Decline Across America, Satanism Is Taking Its Place And Nobody Knows How To Stop The Rise

Sutherland Springs Baptist Church=Freemason Kabbalah Church filled with AntiChrist Spirit, Texas Shooting Update, Things don't add up, Where's Annabelle, the Pastor's daughter, Glass Melting experiment, Valet Parking, and more!

As in the days of Noah, some are deceived and become followers of the AntiChrist, World's Stage heating up leading up to World War III

Why The Anti-Islam Movement Will Fail? Christendom destroyed is explained, then and now. History repeats.

Why Christianity is in decline? Why Islam is taking over? AntiChrist System. Disgusting Prostitute Blasphemes the Virgin Mary On Social Media without Accountability whatsoever

California, State of Sodom 2.0 passes the Third Gender law. Islam and LGBT both support homosexuality and are evil, essence of evil doesn't change, religion of loopholes as in the days of Noah and Sodom

Part 4 of Shoebat Investigation Rise of Militarism & Technocracy in Germany, Turkey, & Japan, killer robots leads to genocide with Christian Persecution increases worldwide, Saudi Arabia's downhill economy, Criminals murder American border patrol agent

Part 3 of Shoebat Investigation into The German Government wants to merge Europe with Asia, thus create Eurasia, leads to German-Ottoman Alliance and mirrored to Georgia Guidestones as Genocide of Mankind

Richard Bruce on exposing Reptilians/Demons caught on film such as Rogue One is being gang stalked by police, how to see to break the hypnotic code of reptilians, applies Christian values to open your eyes to see the truth.

HOW THEY SPEAK IN SIGN LANGUAGE! (EDUCATION 2017), Freemason Hidden Hand revealed

Video by The Black Child: Hand in Hand: ILLUMINATi Hollywood raise money for CHARITY??/ Hurricane Harvey-IRMA (Agenda 21?)

Beware of Wolves in Sheeps Clothing and False Prophets/Heretics, update to Texas Church Shooting, decoded with Masonic Symbolism with Saturn's Cube, Star of Remphan

Increased Christian Persecution, The Church of England became Sodom, Catholic Priest proudly wears his Cross in Saudi Arabia in front of biggest Islamic leaders, Karma on Pedophile, other news

The LGBT has conquered America, Canadian Government granting reparations to Homosexuals & Preferential Treatment in Society, while Christians are Persecuted, Christians couple can't adopt due to position on marriage between 1 man & 1 woman & Christianity

Germany supports anti-government separatists groups in Poland mirrored to Catalonia, German Catholic Archdiocese promote AntiChristian days of Sodom, Mexico back to Aztec times,Hindus value cows,Muslims break into Convent, Hepatitis A next plague on LGBT

Catalonia declared Independence from Spain leads to more Fragmentation, Nationalism, then War, Carles Puigdemont, President of Catalonia Flees To Belgium And Is Now Being Protected By Major Nazi Elites, makes you wonder who benefits from this?

Geert Wilders is a Globalist Deep State Nazi, Declares in Parliament that he only wants Dutch in the Parliament no other Nationality/Race, Fragmentation leads to Nationalism, Militarism, then War, NWO Agenda

NWO Eugenicist Agenda with Pope Francis=AntiChrist,Other promoters Antichrist System are Glenn Beck=Mormonism,Steve Bannon=Nazism,Rise of Nationalism,She-Ria,Millennials turning away from Christ choosing to worship Demons & Practice Witchcraft,other News

T.A.O. NSA, Q Clearance Update, Shadow Brokers, CrowdStrike, Vault 7-8, and spending billions to chip our brains, War with Iran, don't take the Mark of the Beast, no more Chemtrails? Next Ice Age?

Massive 7.3 Earthquake strikes Iran/Iraq border, over 140 dead, Plague in Africa spreads, Saudi Princess tell-all modern slavery, Tesla's Earthquake machine, 33 symbolism in Carfentanil bust, YT Censorship, DrainTheSwamp game, NYC 2018 water event

Planned revolt in Europe backed by the powers that shouldn't be to fragment Europe with the focus on Catalonia, certain businesses are marketed, while Europe is snapshot into the future will murder each other for the Antichrist system

Kaspersky Labs is impersonated by the CIA via impersonate Russia Cyberattack making it difficult to trace malware back to the CIA, revealed in Vault 8, Project Hive, Homeland Security warning of Weaponized Drones, more False Flags to come

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