Can AI Chatbots Replace Humans in Future?

in aichatbot •  5 years ago 

The short answer to the question as to whether AI chatbots can fully replace humans in future is a resounding No. Since the phrase artificial intelligence was coined way back in 1955 progress has not been quite as rapid as expected though the tempo has picked up in recent times. Chatbots imbued with artificial intelligence with focused AI solution development are becoming commonplace and have their place in the grand scheme of customer experience.

Chatbots are great

• Chatbots are replacing humans but at a rudimentary and lower levels where routine actions and responses are required. This frees up humans to use their brains for smarter tasks. Surveymonkey predictions are that chatbots will find increasing use for common tasks such as quick answers, complaint resolutions, reservations, purchases and decision making. 
• Chatbots are great: they are available 24x7, respond politely even to the most irate caller and never get tired of answering questions and taking desired actions. In fact, in some ways, chatbots could be designed by artificial intelligence development services to be smarter in recognizing callers, fetching data and in speedy execution of tasks. 
• Chatbots are good at gathering information and feeding it to the CRM. Humans may forget, AI chatbots almost never forget to do what they are programmed to do. 
• Chatbots do not ask for a salary or go on leave, fall ill or throw tantrums. 
• Chatbots may even become smarter over time as ML helps them derive more intelligence from analysis of more data, especially when such an AI chatbot is designed by an expert AI development company. 
• Chatbots give customers the satisfaction of immediate interaction and answers to queries. Smart artificial intelligent development services limit the bot’s capability to prevent it from going beyond what it is expected to deliver and, possibly, turn away customers. A case in point is Tay, the Microsoft trained AI for Twitter that went on a xeonphobic rant. 

Customers know when they are interacting with a bot and tend to tailor their approach accordingly. They may get simple matters resolved or ask to speak to a live agent in which case their request is noted and passed on. Surveymonkey studies show that bots are good at routine stuff and that a person to person chat is most often used but bots are growing in sophistication and usage. Still, bots are nowhere near entirely replacing humans in interactions.

Chatbots will never completely replace humans

A Business Insider report finds that Google’s artificial intelligence, while rated to be at the top of the heap with an IQ of 47.3 is still below that of an average six year old’s IQ, which is 55.5. Even the best AI development company knows that AI powered bots have a long way to go.

One barrier is language and its complexities as well as contextual nuances and the way it is used by individuals. A human can intuit. A chatbot may take things too literally and fail to understand the real meaning. The human mind is far more complex and sophisticated in its thinking compared to which the AI chatbot is primitive.

The thinking that AI chatbot will replace humans in future is a bit skewed. Perhaps the right approach would be how to leverage the growing smartness of AI chatbots to supplement human workforce and this is where getting the help of artificial development services can help you go down the right path.

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