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in aicoin •  7 years ago  (edited)

There is this new crypto startup project that is based on the blockchain technology that I would like to weigh in on whether it's safe to invest in it. The project goes by the name AI COIN by First Global Credit.

First Global Credit is the first financial company in the world that offers opportunities in the major trading market and will be available to digital currency holders using artificial intelligence. The project aims at helping users through building wealth through the power of AI and the blockchain. First Global Credit is the neutral market broker serving the cryptocurrency community. For anybody wondering how the company will generate revenue to keep it up float I would like to point out that the project will not take profits out of the customers pockets but rather make profits from their commissions.

The architecture the models is built on is a genetic algorithm front end which feeds through to a deep learning algorithm that does the heavy lifting for system learning. After the deep learning it goes into the next phase which is the model selection suite which determines suitability when considering a “live candidate”. The genetic algorithms are given the task of generating the network architecture, the input parameters, the success criteria and the target outputs, when this is eastablished this goes to the extent of allowing the GA to create new mathematical indicators by combining existing indicators in new ways or adjusting the parameters of existing indicators. The Deep Learning models uses the Google TensorFlow model library. The Google TensorFlow is also most likely to have been picked because its a popular open sourced machine learning framework and has a high performance when used with high level APIs. And as opposed to developing their own library they have used Google TensorFlow to take advantage of the integration with NVIDIA GPU technology.

A simple rule of investment is we should always do our own research before making any investment to avoid losing money as more projects keep joining the blockchain stream.

AICoin Cryptocurrency Initial Coin Offering is nearing the successful close of the ICO, any new investors still have some time to be part of this great project.

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To learn more about AI COIN by First Global Credit visit links below

► Crowsale: https://account.aicoin.io/
► Website: https://www.aicoin.io/
► Whitepaper: https://www.dimcoin.io/DIMCOIN-whitepaper-V12.pdf
► Slack: https://slackpass.io/aicoin
► Twitter: https://twitter.com/aicoinico
► Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aicoinfb-1847270038857638/
► Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAA4F-3Tvi4aX0haNQg
► Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/organization/5312889/admin/updates
► Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC226_O-ZpKEVzXebLrEBteg

AUTHOR: C̲Y̲R̲P̲T̲O̲1̲0̲1̲0̲

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