As the potential of the metaverse has been driving huge demand for a Certified Metaverse Professional in enterprises seeking opportunities to capitalize on the metaverse. The AIIA course is developed by Predict Vision, a leading educational platform in the area of artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain technology. It is designed to help software engineers, IT professionals and anyone with a basic understanding of blockchain technology to master the fundamentals of AI.
In a world where regular advancements are being made in all areas of science, technology and AI, it becomes mandatory for individuals to consider learning about AI and its applications. The Blockchain technology is going to change the way transactions take place across industries and AI will play a crucial role in supporting this change.
This is why, AIIA has been developed as a one-of-a-kind course that will equip individuals with enough knowledge and skills they require to begin their career in these two fields. This course will give you the background needed to start developing and implementing your own AI projects using various blockchain platforms.
The course is based on the author's years of experience in both the AI and blockchain industries, as well as the needs of students who are seeking an understanding of these technologies. It teaches students how to build an AI application from scratch and understand how to leverage blockchain technology within an application.
AIIA is the world's first artificial intelligence and blockchain education platform, which offers users the opportunity to learn AI algorithms and smart contracts using a combination of self-learning and AI teaching.
The concept behind AIIA is simple: while some people are intimidated by the technical intricacies of both artificial intelligence and blockchain technology, others aren't ready or able to invest in their own courses, materials, or tutors. By providing easy-to-use tools and automatically grading content, this platform are helping to create a platform that can appeal to both audiences by giving them what they want in terms of flexibility, convenience, and reward.
The AIIA Platform will be home to a variety of courses that cover everything from basic introduction to AI algorithms—such as natural language processing for chatbots—to blockchain development for smart contracts.
Students who complete courses successfully will receive AIIA tokens as recognition for their efforts from both the community as well as from our sponsors. These rewards will then be used to develop new content and tools on the platform.
If You Join This Platform, You Can Get Benefit:
AIIA is a platform built to give you huge benefits from the educational journey you will take throughout your life. AIIA will also make sure that your interests are aligned with every transaction, so that you keep learning more and earning for your time. In essence, AIIA platform is a decentralized education ecosystem where everyone can learn and earn.
The most exciting part of the AIIA project is that it will be built by its users. The AIIA community will get an opportunity to share their ideas on how the platform should be structured, what specific subjects should be taught, what technologies should be used, and so on. Everything will be decided by the people who are using it, as well as by AIIA team.
All in all, AIIA can be described as a next-generation educational system based on blockchain technology with strong elements of gamification and crowdsourcing. It is a self-sustainable ecosystem that provides users with comprehensive resources for lifelong learning, while ensuring them significant financial rewards for their contribution to the project.
How Start AIIA Platform:
To start learning, you will be required to register on the AIIA website. You will then need to purchase AIIA tokens on the website, launchpad or an exchange. Once you have your wallet with AIIA tokens in it, you can connect it to our platform and begin learning. We will check your wallet for AIIA tokens and if it meets the requirements, you will be allowed access to all of the contents and tools available to help you understand and earn more.
The process of learning with AIIA is simple:
You will have free access to all available educational materials on AIIA platform.
After finishing the course, you will get an official certificate which can be verified at the blockchain level. Each certificate could be used as a resume booster and it will also provide access to high-paying job interviews.
While studying on AIIA platform, students will get rewarded with tokens that can be withdrawn at any time or used as payment for other services provided by us.
AIIA Token Usage
AIIA is an BSC compliant token with a fixed supply of 66,9 Millions tokens. AIIA is the fuel for the AIIA platform. AIIA will be used to access and interact with content created by Content Producers and the community.
AIIA will be used to reward users for interacting with educational materials, as well as those who advance through the educational platform and successfully pass specific tests. As well, users will be able to earn AIIA tokens by creating and distributing their own educational content.
The AIIA marketplace will provide users with access to supplementary material to aid them in their education, as well as assistive technology and devices that can help augment human learning capabilities. The marketplace will also serve as a space where Content Producers can sell their content directly to consumers.
AIIA tokens will be used to pay for transactions within the marketplace and with partners who have joined the platform. For example, users may purchase needed materials from an outside source at a reduced rate if paid for with AIIA tokens.
In Summary, AIIA is The Future of Education Using Blockchain
AIIA is a decentralized education marketplace where partners create course content and interact with the community. This way, users plan to reward AIIA holders through their tokens appreciation when more and more people use this platform.
The platform will be 100% free to use, however, AIIA tokens will be required to access the platform. The idea is to incentivize people not only to become token holders but also to actually use the platform.
Any activity inside this course will require AIIA tokens (to cover platform fees). This includes enrolling in courses and buying and selling services such as tutoring sessions. Our team will design an automated token exchange for the users who want to cash out the tokens or use them for any other purpose than using AIIA’s services.
Join AIIA to create a new ecosystem, one that is created by the participants, where everyone can learn how to be an active participant in the knowledge economy. Access the platform and earn $AIIA tokens as a reward for learning and advancing in the education program.
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Forum Username: Zeiteo Violetta
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