#SEX HEALTH TALK: Do You Think Sex Is Evil?

in air-clinic •  7 years ago 

Hello Air-Clinicians & Friends,

Sometimes the society presents us with situations that make us ask "why?" Seriously what are the origins of some of these myths making the rounds. They are so popular that everyone believes them to be true.


One of these grey areas is human sexuality. This moral grey area has been painted as both sacred by some people and evil by others. What if it wasn't any of those? What if it's just an activity like any other activities between 2 persons?

It's this same issue of morality that prevents parents from teaching their kids about sexuality. They fail to give them the full story because they treat it as "sacred".

Issues arise because of these errors of omission. Stds, teenage pregnancies, abortions, rape, sexual abuse, and so many other evils are perpetrated on a daily because of sheer ignorance.

What do you think about this topic? Is sex evil?




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I see it two ways. It's great in a loving, monogamous relationship where the underlying foundation is love. It's not great when it used to manipulate people for one's selfish reasons and that's where rape, polygamy, sexual abuse, cults...etc come in. I was watching this documentary on Netflix called the Children of God and how this sick man lead his following of 10,000+ that it's ok to share your bodies with everyone because this is love and Jesus is love and wants you to do it. It got so bad where the women followers were told to use sex to get people (men) to join the group, turning many communities into brothels and women into whores...etc. It's very sad and disturbing. Also sex is everywhere in the media and this generation is extremely desensitized to it. So I don't know what to say...


SEX in recent times has become an issue addressed with levity and negligence, whereas it's a global issue which needs utmost attention. Proper orientation is needed to be put in place for both young ones and adults about the **pros and cons **of sex. Lack of such information has led to different menace and unheard of occurrences in the past era.
Below are highlighted benefits of sex to the body:

  1. It helps ward off cold and flu.
  2. It reduces depression and stress.
  3. It boosts brainpower.
  4. It improves overall physical fitness.
  5. It relieves pain.
  6. It improves sleep.
  7. It makes us look younger.

Yes, my mom, until now has never been open to me about sex, but she is very open with my cousins. When she hints on he topic, she will speak indirectly or use symbolic terms.
She would rather have my aunts do that.

Even the word sexy is obscene.. Lol
How i wish she was more open to me about it though, could have saved me alot. I had to learn things from my peers in boarding school abd learnt the wrong way.
Our parents are not bad at it, they juat hacw different perspective. Which i totally understand, but i will do different with my children.

Well to me sex is something God made to happen and be enjoyed betwern a man and his wife. It itself cannot be evil but what we do with sex can become evil practice. A woman Selling her body for money, someone having sex with animals or an adult forcing his manhood on a child or even a toddler. These are evil practices associated with sex. Sex on its own was a gift to man.

In fact the topic on sex should be included in our educational system...A person should understand this before even getting maturity...

Lol. It's funny how we never consider some people as sexual beings, due to the way it is portrayed. Sex is something like a taboo in Nigeria, which is funny because we have one of the highest birth rates in the World.

Well to me sex is something God made to happen and be enjoyed betwern a man and his wife. It itself cannot be evil but what we do with sex can become evil practice. A woman Selling her body for money, someone having sex with animals or an adult forcing his manhood on a child or even a toddler. These are evil practices associated with sex. Sex on its own was a gift to man.

To me, #SEX is a sacred thing. Let go back to the founder of it which was God. In many places in the Bible he has earn his children on things or sin involving sex. Sex is an intimacy God establish to help solidified and strengthen marriage but the human race has left the author out of this and doing it in their own way.

Sex education in homes and families is important, I believe if parents can educate their children about what they need to know about it, it will help reduce it. Not the usual stuff parents do tell their children. Never let a man touch you, rub your body or see your pants, it looks interesting but that is half knowledge. Let them know for real what having sex is all about, the danger when do wrongly or else young guys will brainwash them and teach them the other way round outside.