An M.B.A. in One Post??

in air-clinic •  6 years ago  (edited)

I'm sure all Noobs to the Business Arena might appreciate this post (after you read it of course) and it can serve as a Great Reminder for Veterans too.

( Your Feedback is what I want. So please bless ME with your Presence in the Comments Section Below. Thank You very much. Have a great day ahead)

So let's begin with this Post.

Is delivering A Top-Notch Business Education i.e. An M.B.A. in just One Post Possible??

Let's find out.

And as usual we're about to Strengthen the Roots so that we can Eat the Fruits later on.

Because if you don't Build a Stable Foundation then there's No Possibility of building towers on top of that structure. It will easily break at the first Sight of Storm. Isn't it so??

So without further Adieu let's Begin??


The 3 Principles of Business:

1). First comes the Wellbeing of Humanity i.e. their Needs, Interests, Desires, Problems and Goals then Money.

No Customer=No Cash-Flow. No Cash-Flow=No Business. Customer, Cash-Flow and Content are are Kings and 3 vital Limbs for your Business and without them your Business won't Survive in the Long-Run.

So Leveraging Chaos in a Calculated and Calibrated Manner to Consciously Create Wellbeing for the Entire Human Population is your Top Most Priority.

2). Profit is just a consequence of solving problems and taking the Required Responsibility whilst holding yourself Responsible and Accountable for Everything
that happens in Process of "Struggling and Striving" to arrive at the Desired Destination/Required Results AFAP is your Secondary Priority.

Remember, in the words of Billionaire Naveen Jain the Bigger the Problems you solve the bigger the Profit you Earn. So if you want to become "A Billionaire" then all you need to do is Solve A 10 Billion Dollar Problem.

3). Expansion should be an Embrace of Humanity instead of Exploitation. Otherwise, Distortion-Distraction-Destruction-Deception and Death.


Ooh No. What's Next???

Branding:(This is what I stand for in the Market Place I.e. your Offer/Product/Service.


First Loyalty then Royalty.

Otherwise, Short-Term Victory and Long-Term Failure. The Brand's Story is what People will Connect to via their Emotions.

Remember Relationships and Reputation are the New Revenue when it comes it to branding so if the Image takes A Hit then it's time to Step back, Gather the Facts and BounceBack.

Brand's must be Flexible instead of Fixed so that you can make The Necessary Adjustments and Compromises as per The Requirement of The Situation. Fixed Brands don't allow for diversification and that leaves you with very little Scope for Expansion. Therefore, your Branding must be Flexible.

Slogans and Taglines are A Part of Brand/Company/Corporate Name/Image).

An Example:

"Every Shop has a Story to Convey.What's yours??"

You’ll be defining your brand through the now famous C-O-R-E approach:

C.O.R.E.: Competence, Opportunities, Reasons to Hop on Board, Education.

or this one below??

C / Character - Build a brand that represents you & your personality.
O / Offer - Get crystal clear on what you offer, and how valuable it is.
R / Reasons to believe - Attract more of the right clients happy to pay what you’re worth.
E / Environment - Create gotta-have-it-right-now demand for your brand.

As long as it delivers the Right Type of Required Results it's Worth it.

Marketing(Creating awareness about your offer via Mediums of Manifestations i.e. Physical or Digital Sources/Instruments of Marketing)-Sales(Value for Price instead of A Price War of Discounts to Hell)-Close(Done Deal.)

More on Marketing: Campaigns, Strategies and Mix's to Create Awareness about Your Brand, Products and Services.

Sales: Struggle and Strive to build Strategies I.e. Value for Price by leveraging your Support System i.e. Competence, Contacts, Money, Manpower, Etc.

But Value for Price is what the you're Concerned with Right??

You want to Earn Big Margins on the Deal and the Customer wants the Best Value i.e. The Best Bang for their Blood, Sweat and Coin/Cash.

So better give the Customer the better end of the deal if you want to retain him.

Remember that People buy with their Emotions and justify it with their Logic and not Vice-Versa.

Close: Done Deal. You need to Move from Information to Finalization to Ink the Deal. Or do you??

If you Fail then you Step-Back Analyse the Situation, Gather the Facts, Get your Priorities Right and BounceBack Even Faster?? It ain't over till it's over Right??


A Couple of Tools:

Negotiation, Persuasion and Influence, Strategies.

Money, Manpower, Machines and Math. SQUEEZE the TOOLS Include, Inspire and Involve the People for Optimal Performance.

If it ain't Effectively Engineered it Ain't EFFICIENT ENGINEERING.

Relationships: Create, Maintain and Improve. Know with whom and when to Strengthen the Ties and when and with whom to Cut the Bonds in order to prevent Losses.

First Exploration and then Experimentation. This is Followed up with Empowerment, Efficiency and Excellence in an Entertaining Fashion via Expression of Humanity instead of Morality.

Expansion is always via Embrace instead of Exploitation if Wellbeing has to happen to Humanity.

Failures and Rejections: Analysis-Adjust-Adapt-Making the Necessary Tweaks to the Process-Arriving at the Required Results/Desired Destination in A Fast And An Accurate Process-Oriented Manner.

The Quality of your Decisions Determine The Quality of Your LIFE. So if you Decide to Quit it's your Fault because the Experience of Your LIFE'S Story is 100% your KARMA i.e. it's 100% your making. You're Responsible and Accountable for Everything that Happens within the Experience of Your LIFE'S STORY.


STEP-BY-STEP Start-Up Methodology??

Offering of Observation

-Opportunity(Create and Capitalize, React and Reap Rewards of the other Person Efforts by Being both Proactive and Reactive)

-Idea(FulFills Needs,Interests and Desires, Solves Problems and Helps People Arrive at their Goals in a Faster-Smarter-Cheaper-Efficient Way)

-Market Research and Brainstorming{Helps you spot Opportunity and cater to your Target Audience, and Create Business Models Around them (i.e. your Ideas) along with Strategies to Leverage them by Either Collaborating or Competing against others in the Marketplace (I Prefer Collaboration and Enhancing Your Competence)}

-Target Audience(Customer Profile, Acquisition and Retention strategy along with Customer Buying Behavior and Product Life Cycle are most probably included in this]-

S.W.O.T. (Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats. Both Internal i.e. Within Yourself and the Organisation/Company and Outside the Company and Organization) What If Analysis(Scenario Simulations, Role Plays and Case-Studies that help you to Hope for the Best and Plan and Prepare for The Worst whilst having the Necessary Preventions and Precautions in Place for Mishap Minimization).

-Business Model(Less Overheads, Solves Big Problems and Earns Big Profits and is Sustainable and Scalable in Nature.) and Business Plan(Mission and Vision. U.S.P. goes here. Remember, this document is typically designed to attract investors and also to provide a blueprint for the business. It should illustrate the goals, objectives, strategies and
means of operations for the new business. It should, therefore, be presented in a
professional manner. Neatness and attention to detail indicate that you are serious about this business endeavor.)

-Ask and Align your Offer as per your Target Audience

-A/B testing-Creating/Crafting An Irresistible Offer

-Getting Targeted Traffic

-Conversions via The Best Possible Customer Service and Experience Treatment-Support and Results this is phase of Copywriting-

Sales-Best Possible After Sale Service using the L.A.S.T. Method (Listen, Ask, Accept and Appreciate that there's A Problem to be Solved, Solve the Problem, Thank the Customer for their Patience and Co-Operation)

-Follow through

-Repeat Business

-Customer Retention and Acquisition via Word of Mouth Marketing, Digital Advertising via Social Media,Email Marketing and Re-targeting

-Multiple Chains & Headquarters after your First Ventures becomes Successful in either Fulfilling A Need, Interest, Desire, Solving Problems or Help People Arriving at their Required Results/Desired Destination/Goals/Dreams in a Faster-Smarter-Cheaper-Efficient Way.

Alright, So in the beginning load the Front-End with Customers and Cash-Flow so that you can expand via Profits for Solving even Bigger Problems and arriving at Profound Experiences of LIFE within yourself as well in the Process of Solving Problems and Consequentially earning A Profit.

You can adjust your Product and Marketing Mix as per the requirement of the situation so that you can develop an appropriate Sales Strategy to "Book A Ton of Appoints" and Create A Ton of Value for Everyone Concerned and Involved. That's why you're supposed to keep your Branding Flexible instead of Fixed. Isn't it so??

Now after you're able to arrive at a Significant, Stable and Sustainable RECURRING REVENUE for your Business-then you should be able to make upgrades to Your Back-End i.e. all that Fancy Equipment in the form of technology and all back-office equipment like expensive desktops and chairs for your team which you might not have been able to leverage before because you had just started the business. I don't know still. I'm still learning. So I could be Wrong.

But in the start you Bootstrap(Arrive At Significant, Stable and Sustainable RECURRING REVENUE for your Business Venture without any Bank, Angel or V.C. assistance) then when you're able to Create A Significant and Scalable Impact that creates wellbeing for the entire human population in a Profitable, Passionate, Practical and Playful Manner for yourself and everyone onboard your Ship/Company then you think/Consider taking A Loan/Look for Funding either V.C.(Venture Capital) or Something Else.

This is what seems Practical to me:

Credit: Keep Capital in the Form of Cash instead of Cheques and Collateral Ready

-Clarity of Perception, Competence, Commitment to Creating Wellbeing for Humanity via Plans and Prototypes so that you can Leverage The Money Productively to Solve Problems and Earn A Profit in the Process of Solving Problems and Creating Wellbeing for Humanity.

Installments/E.M.I.'s (Which you set aside everyday as your Contingency Fund) are your Friends over here.


Checklists i.e. Do's and Don'ts of the Process.

Confusion leads to Clarity or does it??

Complications lead to Simplifications or do they??

But is it Appropriate and Accurate or is it Way off the Mark??

I Don't Know. Let Me Know in the Comments Section Below.

Always Remember that your First Product isn't your Final Product so stop trying to Begin Perfectly.

Patient Practice of the Process which is based on Principles leads to Progress and Perfection is just A Milestone that helps you Refine your Process forever because everything can be ABSOLUTE and BEAUTIFUL but never Perfect.

So never let the Process slow down the Progress. Start with 70% Research and Brainstorming and make all the Necessary Tweaks along the Process. In Short, be M.A.D.(My Absolute Devotion to whateevvvverrrr the hell I']m looking to create for the Wellbeing of Humanity with ABSOLUTE INVOLVEMENT AND INTENSITY in a Relaxed and a Committed Manner) for The Process because it's an End by itself.

F.Y.I. THIS MEANS Emphasizing Important Information and NOT SHOUTING. Okay guys.

Smart Goals based on Priorities(Set and Forget)-Activities(Gather, Check, Organize i.e. Put together in One Place then Check and Prioritize and Check)-Process(Step-by-Step Methodology to Arrive At The Desired Destination/Required Results AFAP i.e. In A Fast And Accurate Process-Oriented Manner)-Progress (Analysis and Analytics)-Smart Goal(Tadah you've arrived at your Desired Destination/Required Results AFAP.)


Customer Psychology i.e. Segmentation of Preferences and Priorities, Demographics, Ethnographics, Aan Ban Shaan (Stuff she/he is Proud of and Swears by) helps you to Formulate your Customer Acquisition Strategy.

Then Invest in Retention and Re-targeting to Strengthen Relationships so that you can build Reputation and Recognition a.k.a. build your Pipeline and Increase Revenue.

Customer Analysis via the Study of their Analytics i.e. Data leads to Acquisition and then you need to Invest in Retention and Re-targeting for Strengthen Relationships with your Existing Customers and Earning more Revenue via Word of Mouth Marketing or is it Wrong??

Retention Increases Acquisition via Word of Mouth. Or does it??

This seems to be Pretty Heavy Right??

And we've still not even got involved with Business Jargon/Terminology. But just stick with me. I will make it worthwhile for you all.


The 13 C's to Success:

1). Clarity of PERCEPTION.

2). Courage to Plan, Prepare, Prioritize and Execute in a Practical, Passionate and Playful Manner whilst having the Necessary Preventions and Precautions in order to Prevent Mishaps. Prevention is better than Cure.

3). Competence and Commitment for Creating Wellbeing for The Entire Human Population.

4). Consistency, Creativity and Compassion.

5). Communication & Case-Studies.

6). Contacts, Conferences, Compromises and Certifications.

7). Contracts and on time Collection of Payments on time Via Collection Agencies.

8). Copywriting and Close (Done Deal to help you ink the Deal.)

9). Checklists and knowing how to Leverage Credit instead of being Burdened by it.

10). Collaboration instead of Competition.

11). Conversions via Copywriting and Closing.

12). Chaos Mastery & Contingency Funds for the Rainy Day.

13). Culture of Competence and Celebration within the Company along with Leveraging "The Power of Community" as and when Required and Possible.


Now I'm reiterating myself again because if you don't get this right then the Success of your Venture may be DOOMED as far as I have Perceived.

What's is that vital Piece of Information you ask??


So after you're able to Arrive At Significant, Stable and Sustainable RECURRING REVENUE for your Business-then you should be able to Make Upgrades to Your Back-End i.e. all that Fancy Equipment in the Form of Higher Level of Training and Software Purchases which although necessary may not be possible for you to Leverage Because of Financial Constraints.

So instead of saying boo-boo I Don't want to do Business anymore , you might be better off saying Is it Needed and Worth it by answering these Questions:


What are the Consequences of My Actions??

Short-Term and Long-Term Impact of my Actions??

Is the Goal Being Arrived At Creating Wellbeing for Humanity and leading to Everyone's Growth, Wellbeing and Blossoming into a Full-Fledged Human-Being or Is it leading to their Harm, Loss and Suffering??

If you Arrive At the Answer of Yes it will lead to The Wellbeing of the Entire Humanity Population then Ask yourself this Question: How Do I Afford it?? Or in other words what skills can I use to make other People pay for what I want to Possess??

Clarity, Competence and Commitment triumph Conclusion,Concretization and Confidence-because Conclusion and Concretization leads to Death of Future Possibilities as you're fixing your Possibility of future Growth instead of being Flexible, Receptive, Ready and Responsible to take Calculated Risks(More on this Later on.) instead of gambling and overly relying on speculation instead of Strategies that You Develop through the Combination of Sadhana, Struggling and Striving.

But Why NO to Confidence??

As far as I have Perceived and Known Confidence via my Involvement with Confidence it seems to be Mis-Understood for Clarity and Competence.

See if you Don't Know what to do then you just act funny and do some cool stuff and other people around you consider this stupidity as Confidence because they are as clueless as you. So everyone decides to go with the flow. But you still don't know what to do and how to do it.

So that's why Clarity and Competence triumph Confidence.

But I Don't Know for sure. Let Me Know what you think in the Comments Section Below.


Section on Physical Business i.e. Our Traditional Brick and Mortar Stores:

Physical Business: Most IMPORTANT Thing is Land i.e. Positioning. Lease and Rent in the Start and Buy when you Scale.

Then comes the Cost of Purchase, Production then Promotion to Solve a lot of Problems via Clarity of Perception to Earn a Profit with ABSOLUTE INVOLVEMENT AND INTENSITY in a Relaxed and a Committed Manner.

This also includes Culture of Competence and Celebration where Everyone is ABSOLUTELY DEVOTED to the Process of Whateevvvverrrr The Hell they're looking to Create for The Wellbeing of the Entire Human Population.

In short, it's these P's:

Place, Purchase, Production, Promotion & Positioning, Problem of People, Product, Packaging, Profit, Profoundness(both within yourself and the way you impact the lives of other people i.e. helping them to live well and Blossom into a Full-Fledged Human-Being.)

Methods to be Lovingly Leverage for Liberation:

Research Methodology:
Research-Requirements-Reputation-Recognition-Relationships-Risk Minimization and Revenue Earning or Avoiding Unnecessary Expenses.

Records-Research-Facts. Without Integrity these can be easily manipulated to Create Suffering and I'm sure everyone wants to live Happily a.k.a. live well. Otherwise, if you can use Records-Research-Facts via your Humanity and do the Right Things then they can be a Tremendous Possibility to Create, Maintain and Improve the Wellbeing of Humanity.

Advise: Responsible, Ready and Receptive because nobody likes some random dude to just come up to them and say something on their face and disappear into oblivion.

Risk, Reward and Responsibility go together instead of Risk, Reward and Adrenaline Rush. The Former leads to A Calculated Risks
( This is how I think calculated risks work:
Research and Brainstorming, Risk and Reward Strategy, R.O.I., Timing), whilst the latter leads to Gamble and Speculation.

Cost of Purchase, Production then Promotion to Solve A Lot of Problems via Clarity of PERCEPTION to Earn A Profit with ABSOLUTE INVOLVEMENT AND INTENSITY in a Relaxed and A Committed Manner.

The best Customer Service and Experience via The Treatment-Support-Results Method in a Cost Effective Manner so that Balla Balla bhi Hogayi aur aapki aur Customer Happy and Delighted ho kar gaya.

Most Probably word of Mouth sa yeh aur bhi Customers layaga aur khud bhi vapas aayega.

What this means is that if you give your customers what they want then they'll give you what you want. Then they'll also become Regular Customers and can refer more people to your Business because they are your Happy and Delighted Customers due to the Customer Service and Experience you delivered via The Treatment-Support-Results Method.


The 7 Types of Investments:

1). Inner-Engineering so that You Can Harness the Powers of your Body and Mind to the Fullest.

2). High-Income Skills.

3). Sustainable and Scalable Business.

4). Real-Estate.

5). Gold and Silver.

6). Stocks and Bonds.

7). Books, Videos, Courses, Conferences, Etc that help you to keep on Learning, Implementing, Growing and Blossoming.

These build your Net-Worth in the Marketplace.

A few Fundamental rules of Investing:

1).Spend less than You Earn and Invest the Difference into some instrument, bond, security, stock, etc that pays you a Monthly Pay-Check a.k.a. Mostly Dividend on a "Compound Basis".

Why Compound Basis??

It multiples your wealth at a much faster rate than simple interest. But you still won't become an overnight millionaire.

2). Always do your Research and Never Chase your Losses unless you want to become Broke.

3).Never Make Decisions out of Emotions for these Reasons:

A). F.O.M.O: Fear of Missing Out.

B). F.U.D.: Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt.

C). Irrational Decision Making based on the above 2 syndromes.

So know you know that Logic is more Dependable in the Marketplace 3 cheers to yourself. Hip-Hip Hurray, """".

4). Company Records-Research-Facts are the basis of you taking Responsibility for your Calculated Risks depending on your Risk Profile/Appetite.

Depending on market speculation and gambling your Blood,Sweat, and Cash is NOT the way to make a Fortune. You need Strategies that you can leverage and Tweak as per the requirement of the situation.

Why Strategies instead of Speculation??

Because the Market-Place is so Volatile in nature and some many Fluctuations happen within the Marketplace on a daily basis that without a Strategy it becomes very difficult to survive and thrive.

So Company Records-Research-Facts helps you to formulate a Strategy based on Fundamental Analysis and then you can leverage Technical Analysis to strengthen your chances of profiting. Just be sure to be involved with Risk Minimization always because that's the only way to profit when it comes to stocks, forex, etc.

But this is only my Experience and concern for your capital. Rest everything else is Your Life-Your Freedom-Your Choice-Your Responsibility. You can do whatever the hell you want to but be prepared to face the consequences of your actions. That's all.

5). Calculated Risks: Research and Brainstorming, Risk and Reward Strategy, R.O.I., Timing (I'm still clueless here. All I know is that you need to perform the Right things at the Right time and place in front of the Right people for your product/service to work.)

6). There's a DISTINCT DIFFERENCE between taking calculated risks and gambling based on Speculation.

If you don't even get that and gamble with your money based on market speculation and emotions instead of Investing your Time, Attention and Energy into Researching the Company Records and taking a decision based on Facts instead of Emotions then welcome to the Donkey Club. You're going to need to a little bit of a spanking to get Thirsty for seeking/learning how the market works.

7). Know when and how to attack i.e. taking calculated risks and know when, why and how to play defense i.e. playing it safe/very little risk taking.


Tools of the Trade:

Theories from books are Transitioned and Transformed into Strategies in the Practical Environment, Case-Studies, Scenario Simulations, Stories for Inspiration, Biographies, Quotes and Phrases sections for Inspiration, Presentation Practice, Discussions and Debates, Frameworks, Body Work(for staying Physically Fit), Mindset(Either Rule your Mind or it will Rule you), Training Programs for Transformation and Transcendance, Software Usage for Samadhi.


Types of Funding:

Personal Savings, Family and Friends, Angel Investors, Venture Capital, Crowd-Funding, Bank Loans.

Language of the Business:

Knowledge of Usage of Technology and Terminology should help Prevent your Termination from the Business Arena because you come up with Innovative Techniques to First Survive then Thrive. As I say to Myself,"Safety First and Adventure Second."


The 5 Types of Power to be Leveraged for the Wellbeing of Humanity:

1). Possession Power( Money, Property, Etc.)

2). Position Power.

3). Peer Power.

4). Political Power.

5). Power of Perception.

If you Misuse them then you'll create Unnecessary Guilt within Yourself because your Intellect keeps on bothering you as to why did you commit such a blunder in the First-Place.

What's next is something Dangerous.

It's this chain of events as far as I have Perceived via my Involvement with problems and people. So the chain goes like this first happens a Desire then comes Distortion of Perception and now the game begins by Distortion-Distraction-Destruction-Deception and Death (either Physical via Rages and Revenge over Respect, Revenue or Women, Death of Possibilities i.e. Bye-bye Goals and Dreams.) And I'm sure no one would love this at all. Would you??

So what to do??

Practice enhancing your Perception. Dhyana(Ability to Pay Attention) leads to Darshana( Ability to Perceive Reality the Way it's) which leads to Dedication and Devotion which gives you the strength to navigate through Disasters and Catastrophes because if you Drown yourself in ABSOLUTE DEVOTION towards whateevvvverrrr the hell You're looking to Create then pain will become pleasure because No Pain=No Gain and you'll be able to Endure all the hardships then Arriving at your Desired Destination will become a Possibility.

Enhanced Perception-Enhanced Competence-Enhanced Capabilities-More Qualitative Results that will Snowball into Quantity if performed consistently with ABSOLUTE INVOLVEMENT AND INTENSITY in a relaxed and a Committed manner.


Is this Too Much or Did you Love it??

Please Let me know your Feedback (I would highly Appreciate it) Because I'm looking to Make A Series of Posts on Everything Related to Business which is a Part of YOGA.

As they say Ask and you Shall Receive??

So please Bless Me with your Feedback in the Comments Section below.

Take Care. To your Blissful Experience of the Successful Samadhi in the Silence of Solitude.

Love You Guys.


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very loooooooooong.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

First of all thank you for your Feedback. I highly appreciate it.

Secondly, I think it's supposed to be this long isn't it??

An M.B.A. lasts an entire Year in Foreign Nations and 2 Years in India. This is just one long post that's intended to give you the Summary of an M.B.A. as much as Possible and as Accurately as Possible.

So it's only worth it that it's this long isn't it so??

Thank you for your reply though. I highly appreciate it.

Sales Rejections and Resistance are to be transformed into Relationships and Revenue via Responsibility and Research based on Records and Facts by taking Calculated Risks instead of rushing into the process and regretting later.

Customer Profile, Acquisition and Retention.