Still on Healthtalkseries ••• Itchy Skin,,, --NaturalRemedies

in air-clinic •  7 years ago 

Some days ago,, I talked to us on my encounter with our family doctor,, who happens to be my big cousin..
He is a professional medical doctor. .. He added me to the doctors forum he's into..

Remember my words in quote, on this link

So it is advisable to be conscious and cautious of your health status..


I came about this post from what I've gathered so far from various reliable sources including the doctors forum I joined recently ... It's a write-up on natural remedies to various health problems or issues.. And I will also be making it in series...
It's not all time you go to see the doctor.. We can be healed by natural means also.. It's just due to lack of information and knowledge of these things that makes us unnecessarily spend on Doctors..
I'm not saying seeing the doctor is bad,, buh at least learn how to treat yourself with these simple herbal concotions..

Let me share my story,,
Recently, I treated myself against a little hangover with the drugs prescribed to me by our family doctor, after taken the drugs,, it developed into something else that I began to have this itchy skin that torments me all night like an evil spirit and stops me from sleeping at night..
Oh,, it was frustrating!!

I went to the hospital but it couldn't be cured

Buh after seeing a herbal doctor,, he mixed some concotions for me and behold! Within two days, something of a month got cured!
So what am I saying in essence,, Herbal and concotional treatment do help at times...

So down to the business of the day,,
Still talking on healthtalkseries,,
Still talking on itchy skin,,

I will be telling us how to solve it in four different natural ways... Let's go through this one after the other...


•• Run cool tap water over the affected skin for as long as necessary
•• Rub an ice wrapped in a cloth over the affected area.
•• Take a cool shower or bath.
•• Apply a cold compress or cloth wet with cool water to the affected area.


•• Extract the juice from one to two fresh Lemons.
•• Apply the juice on the affected skin area using a cotton ball.
•• Let it dry on its own and then wash the area with lukewarm water.
•• Repeat twice daily until the condition improves.


•• Extract the gel from one aloe Vera leaf
•• Apply the gel on the affected area
•• Leave it on for 15 minutes and then rinse it off with lukewarm water.


•• Add several drops of peppermint oil to a bathtub filled with lukewarm water.
•• Soak in this water for half an hour
•• Pat dry and them apply a moisturizing lotion
•• Do this once daily....

So after all have been said and done,,
Still have this at the back of your mind that >>

I rest my case,,, I remain gabeman.

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