Relationship: Love part one(1)

in air-clinic •  6 years ago 

What is love???

Love is an intense feeling of affection and care towards another person. It is a deep or abiding liking for something or someone....

Then when we all know the meaning of love why endulge in a relationship based on lust..

 True love is all that matters when going into a relationship. For instance, A guy meets a lady for the first time and he calls it "love or Love at first sight". Capital No it's called lust. Ask me why!!

First of all, ask yourself this question when you saw her what got you attracted?? You would think for about 5mins maximum and 2mins minimum then say Beauty, Sexy, smells nice...

Good so I ask you what about her character? You become puzzled because we don't think twice before going into a relationship because we think we can control every drama but no Love controls the drama...
Not applying to the love of God which is "Agape love"; am not going into that now, all am trying to say is love shouldn't be misused or misunderstood as a feeling towards the opposite sex body or money...

Most breakups we do hear about it's mostly due to lust. If you claim to love someone you have got to take care and devote your time to the person's life..
I am not saying sex is bad in relationships, don't misunderstand me all am saying is too much everything is bad.. As a lady you need to ask yourself questions like this relationship how far would it go? Is He attracted to me or my body?,while as a Guy you ask yourself does she feel the same way or She's after my money or she's playing games..
You discover that one of you are not really interested in the relationship for love only lust.
It can be lust of body or money..

Note: Understanding is what really matters when you claim to love.
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In the part two (2), am going to give us a list which explains love fully to our understanding.
Stay tuned thanks.

Shout out to all true lover's, Steemit Communities, and you reading this post...

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