in air-clinic •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hello wonderful Steemians, hope we are all having a wonderful Steemit experience and the year is going as planned. Today I want to talk about what I call the THE THREE WORD BALM.


The world today is filled with so much strife, rancour and bitterness. People are hurting, even the smallest unit in the society is falling apart hence we see a rise in the number of failed marriages, divorces happening here and there and it is now a welcomed norm in our societies.

Little wonders there are lots of ethnic, religious, communal crisis and even wars; if we can't coexist in a unit as small as the family, how then can we live peacefully with our neighbours.

One thing I have come to realise is that:

  • Every failed marriage today, is as a result of a little misunderstanding that wasn't resolved properly.
  • Every street fight that has ever happened started as a little misunderstanding.
  • Every ethnic clash that has ever happened started as a little misunderstanding.
  • Every full blown war today started as a result of a little misunderstanding that wasn't managed properly.

The question then is, where did we get it wrong? So that we can retrace our steps and make our world a better place.

As the saying goes: it takes two to tango, so there can't be a dispute if two parties are not involved, and the both parties cannot be right. One major problem in resolving these little misunderstandings before they get blown out of proportion is getting either of the parties to admit that they are wrong.

Most people refuse to admit that they are wrong because when they do so, they will have to say these three words; I AM SORRY. They feel that saying those words would make them any less of a human than they already are. They feel that saying those words makes them weak, and inferior to their counterparts.


NO on the contrary it is a great show of strength and character for one to say those words.

One thing most people fail to realise is that in every misunderstanding, the both parties to some extent are wrong. You must have done something even though very little that made your partner to react the way he or she did and in the course of the reaction overstepped certain bounds.

When Jesus was on earth, in one of his teachings, he said, When someone slaps you on your right cheek, you should also turn the left cheek for the person to slap again.


So many of us misinterpret that teaching, all he was trying to say their is that we should not always employ the eye for an eye principle, rather even when we think we are right, we should always say WE ARE SORRY.

Yes that is the three worded balm that can heal it all, just those three words I AM SORRY, and so many things would have been better.


  • Would have saved so many relationships
  • Would have saved so many broken homes
  • Would have saved so many nations from going to ruins as a result of war
  • Would make our world a far better place.

Let's say it more often and heal more wounded hearts.



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Many of us have really benefitted from your post.Indeed saying sorry melts the heart of a partner in a relationship.Great post @royaltiesboss-eu

Ego is root of many confrontations we are having today.

Admitting you are wrong and saying you are wrong is a sign strong character and matured people.

Good post... Keep it up

Thanks for stopping by my blog

Good one. You just may be saving a relationship or marriage with this nice post.

Thanks for the encouragement


I am sorry

It really is a life saver. Nice post

Superb, Compelling and edifying

Thanks for your time

You have done a wonderful work with this, am sorry can stop one from committing suicide.

Thanks for stopping by

Human ego is what really brings about misunderstandings and quarrelling
Lets watch our egos

This is indeed educating. People really find it hard to apologize for their wrongs out of pride or mere stupidity.
Thanks for sharing. @royaltiesboss-eu