New booking sites come and go constantly and the established ones change their commission structure and listing rules very often. Ultimately, property owners need as much exposure as possible and I would list my units on several platforms. However, before doing this, I highly recommend investing in your education. Play with the platforms for a while. There is no substitute to learning how each platform works from the perspective of a tourist. Go on their website and search for properties, ask questions, check listing details, read the Ts&Cs and in general, get a feel for what it means to book a property. In theory, yes, everything is hunky-dory and the promise of easy rentals is very attractive but believe me, I managed more than 1,200 properties in Central London and it is not that easy.
So, my advice to you guys, put your tourist hat on for a week or two, test-drive the platforms you want to list your property on and then you can definitely take a more informed decision.
Education pays. Always. Rent safely and profitably by investing in yourself first.
Happy rentals people!
BV in London