Electric Aircraft / Cars, Propellers, Electrostatic Engines & Electromagnetic Energy(Nikola Tesla)

in aircraft •  last year 

Elon Musk OFFICIALLY REVEALED Tesla VTOL Electric Aircraft!

China’s New $156,000 Flying Car FINALLY Hitting The Market!

Why is this Propeller Getting So Much Attention?

1851 There Really Is Free Energy Everywhere - Electrostatic Motors

"Every meter you go up voltage difference" @ 0:40

"The key to unlimited free home energy is erecting the antenna above head height. Why? Physicists have determined that the earth has a negative charge which amounts to 400,000 columbs, yet six feet above the ground (above head height) the air is charged with more than 200 volts positive in respect to the ground"

"The fuel to power the world’s machinery and vehicles for thousands of years can be derived from electromagnetic wave conductors. We have known for 80+ years that electromagnetic coupling can be used to harness the freely available cosmic rays (electromagnetic radiation) and power the entire world. A simple antenna is an electromagnetic conductor which converts harnessed radio waves in free space to an electrical current. This electromagnetic conversion can power all our machinery, including our automobiles."

"Electromagnetic (EM) waves which Tesla declared is a free source of power that is “everywhere present in unlimited quantities”."

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