ælf (ELF) - a decentralized cloud computing Multi-Chain Parallel Computing Blockchain Framework

in airdrop •  7 years ago 

Did you miss the ELF Airdrop?

decentralized cloud computing Multi-Chain Parallel Computing Blockchain Framework

sounds.... technical, but the ælf project could become a hit! The ælf project distributed 250 million ELF tokens to raise 55,000 ETH (before the ETH price surges above USD 450), the total supply is 1 billion ELF.

Who missed the first Airdrop in December 2017, now gets one last chance! You get free ælf for connecting your twitter, github and telegram account - and you can earn more ælf for tweeting, retweeting, replying and liking ælf's official Twitter account. There is a daily limit (10 likes, 10 replies, etc.), but you can make an easy dollar every day.

If you don't want to make a spam machine out of your Twitter account, I recommend a separate Twitter account just for Airdrops and annoying promotion.

Visit ELF

This is not one of the meanwhile common ICOs who just want to take your personal information. Well-known investors are 1kx capital, Alphabit, BlockTower, FBG Capital, Galaxy Partners, Hashed, Hyperchain, LinkVC, Signum Capital, etc.!

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woooohh! i missed this one. hoping that you will offer that kind of project again with your partner bcnex exchange!