BHOM LAB successful

in airdrop •  7 years ago 

BHOM Official:
BHOM LAB Demonstrates Decentralized Property Rent Payment With BHM🇫🇷

BHOM LAB successfully demonstrated property rent payment through BHOM Token (Code: BHM), a self-developed cryptocurrency. The rent of an actual property in Buam-dong, Seoul, Korea, was paid at BHOM’s Paris Meetup on May 23rd, during which the entire transaction process of transferring BHM token equivalent to KRW 200 million (approx. USD 185K) on Ethereum testnet was demonstrated. With TGE Smart Contract currently applied to BHOM Tokens, rent payments using BHM will be enabled after the opening of the platform’s beta version in the latter half of the year.

BHOM’s Property Transaction DApp (Decentralized App) was initially developed based on Ethereum’s ERC20, but is currently transferring to EOS, which is being evaluated as the 3rd-generation Blockchain system. The Metamask wallet, which was used in the prototype, is expected to be changed with EOS wallet. Several EOS wallet development projects, including those of Chain Partners, are planned to take place after the launch of EOS mainnet, among which BHOM LAB will adopt a system with great stability and universality.

Through Meetup and demonstration, BHOM has identified the potential of preoccupying Blockchain commercialization service market, and the changing flow of property rental market, based on which BHOM will further enhance its services.

BHOM is the future of blockchain.


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