⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ DIRECTHOME ICO is unlike many other ICOs because it is based on an already viable and profitable business model. Unlike many blockchain startups, DH already has an established business which goes beyond a vision and a roadmap. DH has succeeded because it reduces transaction and search costs for buyers and sellers and allows buyers of primary property to share some of the profits property developers earn.
🗒 Instruction:
🔸 Follow link https://directhome.co/users/sign_up?ref=irvk38dw
🔸 Register
🔸 Verify email
🔸 Sign in and join telegram group (+4 DIREC)
🔸 Follow twitter (+3 DIREC)
🔸 Fill airdrop form and Update
🔸 In dashbord go to Complete Your profile and update ETH-address, KYC not need to airdrop
🔸 Referral bonus - 3 DIREC