⭐️⭐️⭐️ KANADECOIN - program to support small businesses in the provision of services, for example, developing applications for smartphones or a website operator, to optimize work and increase pay for work.
🗒 Instruction:
♻️ Follow link https://kanadecoin.com/airdrop2dd.php?ad2rf=XJA2zBce. Сhoose English
♻️ Enter ETH-address and Confirm. Copy Airdrop ID
♻️ Join Discord, send Airdrop ID in Discord group #airdrop2
♻️ Follow 2 twitter group. Retwitt post med commentary with Airdrop ID & hashtag (step 4). Copy retwitter link.
♻️ Join telegram group http://t.me/KanadeCoin_Official.
♻️ Post information for authentication to BitcoinTalk (optional)
♻️ Fill form & submit
♻️ Reward - from 35000 to 65000 KNDC
⚠️ Tokens from 1 round airdrop was distributered