Crypto: Land Of Plenty (UPDATED)

in airdrop •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hi, Steemit friends!

First we had the Byteball airdrop and now we have the AVINOC airdrop.
Being an early adaptor certainly have its benefits.

AVINOC (The Blockchain Solution disrupting the global Aviation Business)
is doing an airdrop. I participated in some of the many missions and got an estimated $195 so far.

Screen Shot 2018-07-30 at 20.59.28.png

If you follow my link, you will jump right to the page. Go to After Sale --> Airdrop. It is very easy to just start doing missions. You need to register an Eth wallet address so that you can receive your AVINOC tokens. I recommend


The last week I have invested a decent amount of money in DigiFinex which is a Singaporean crypto exchange with an 80% revenue share paid​ in USDT, BTC and ETH. I do like their interface, and they are currently anglifying it to reach a broader audience. I do like investing in decentralized​ exchanges with tokens with revenue share, and Digifinex is certainly best in class.

DFT is pretty bullish today:

Screen Shot 2018-07-30 at 20.47.14.png

I am reading Ray Dalio (which dislikes Bitcoin btw) outstanding book Principles ATM, and if you look at his Holy Grail of investing, yielding crypto assets is a terrific asset class to have in your portfolio! It is uncorrelated to any other asset class. I think Ray is going to learn this lesson the hard way.


But we are smarter.
If you follow my link, you can start earning DFT Rewards today!

Disclaimer: This is not trading advice. Do your own research. I do not answer technical questions about any particular coin/ token.

Photo taken by @janusface on July 30 2018 with a Huawei Honor 5X (no editing)

Thank you for your time and attention. Steem on!

Follow me: @janusface

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Now I am trying it! Thank you Prof!



  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hello @janusface

Can you tell me what is probable date of listing of AVINOC in exchanges and Can you tell me more about DFT, that is also an airdrop or you are just saying to invest.

Thank you

Hi. I do not have any specific details about Xchange-listing, but I bet they would try to apply for listings right after the ICO/ airdrop is completed. DigiFinex is not an airdrop. You just follow my link and transfer e.g ETH and buy DigiFinex tokens. DFT has increased a lot lately, and I bet it will continue its bullish pattern.

What kind of wallet needed to receive AVINOC tokens? How will I claim it @janusface?
Your kind assistance highly appreciated.

You need an ERC-20 compatible wallet. I use You just type in your wallet address. Easy.

interesting airdrops are happening thanks for letting us know will take part :D

What if I don't have etherium wallet ?
I don't know how I can claim it then. Please help

Having an ETH/ERC-20 wallet is a must. I would recommend

Do I need a wallet to be part of the Avinoc airdrop?

You need an ERC-20 compatible wallet. I use You just type in your wallet address. Easy.

By the time I figure out what an airdrop is the advantage is long gone.

You have about 1 day to sign up before the airdrop. It is very easy. You go to AVINOC via my link or otherwise, and go to airdrop. The tasks are easy. You need to have an ERC-20 wallet, for example

Its funny how the guys with a overwhelming vested interest in Bitcoin's (Blockchain tech in general) failure have a hard time seeing how it has the potential to change everything.


Few moments ago i claimed the AVINOC tokens lets see what happens !
Thanks for the news by the way !

I have completed the missions there and let us see if it really happens.


Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

Kunne du forklart bare helt kort akkurat hva det er som skjer ved for eksempel denne Byteball-airdropen? Har lyst til å delta på sånt, men har ikke satt meg inn i basics, pluss at jeg så et eller annet om en trojan horse, og da lot jeg det bare ligge.

Hei. @valth skrev denne posten som beskriver fremgangsmåten: Har ikke funnet noen røde flagg. Det virker veldig proft.